Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Goodbye November, Hello December.
Monday, November 28, 2016
What a Year.
Friday, November 25, 2016
May Your Day be Merry & Bright & Full of Gilmores (Giveaway)
I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful and spent surrounded by people you love (I know ours was!) Today may be full of Thanksgiving leftovers, but it's time to move on and celebrate two very special things: Christmas & Gilmore Girls.
To celebrate those four magical new episodes after all these years of missing the Gilmores, I've joined in with the ladies from Simply Love, Fawn + Linen, Primarily Inspired, Hill Collection, Little Blue Sailboat, and A Short Blonde to bring you the cutest little giveaway.
So curl up with your leftovers (And coffee, duh), your best blanket, and binge-watch away. And while you're at it, enter to win all these sweet little treats that any honorary Gilmore is sure to love.
Giveaway winner will win:
+ Twine and Cotton Market 'Stars Hollow' Candle
+ Snowman and Star Ornament
+ $20 Shop Credit to LulaRoe | Janelle Monaco
+ Rose Gold Clutch
+ Mini Brush Trees
+ Milkglass Coffee Creamer + Sugar Set
+ Coffee Mug
+ Darling Magazine
+ Rose Gold Necklace
+ Darling Nightingale Knitted Donut
+ Poptarts (in the true spirit of Gilmore Girls)
+ Journal
Merry Christmas, beautiful friends! It's officially the most wonderful time of the year. xo
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Our Thanksgiving: Just Us (Plus One)
Monday, November 21, 2016
10 Things People Told Me About Having A Baby That Were Lies.
Friday, November 18, 2016
Forty-Four Weeks with Jack: All of the Pictures.
we went to visit the park in my hometown for the first time // we got you some shoes so you could use your little zebra outside // it's been chilly enough to wear your fuzzy pajamas out and about // we dressed you up like a pumpkin // and of course, took you the the pumpkin patch.
your first time flying! four flights in 24 hours, you are a champ // you didn't know the airport wasn't your own personal playground // you've nailed the "no pictures, please" look.
I'm loving our cool morning walks // your first time trick-or-treating! // Chris and Gatsby are your best friends...wherever they are, that's where you want to be // holding your bottle with your hands is overrated.
We took you tailgating with your little stuffed gator // doing our civic duty and voting! // you recognize yourself in the mirror now and it's adorable. // your fancy church outfit on the day you went to the nursery for the first time!
the morning after the election...I was so tired, you were not // I will never get tired of all these sweet smiles.
just two buds, trying to figure out how to escape to the backyard // your hair is getting so long and crazy and I love it so much // you're so happy after a nap // sometimes you just bounce yourself right to sleep
The nights where you still fall asleep on me are my favorite // so cute in your big guy pjs // just reading some Aesop's fables // you love love love to be outside.
Who knew forty-four weeks could feel so long and so short?
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
What November Has Taught Me.
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Coffee Dates & Haircuts.
Monday, November 14, 2016
Letters to Jack: 10 Months.
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Let's Force Some Thankfulness.
November usually feels like such a thankful month. We just had a month full of fall goodness, Thanksgiving is this month, and Christmastime is looming so close. But the last ten days haven't really felt full of gratefulness, probably because of the election. Election years seem to bring out the worst in everyone. Twitter and facebook are just plain mean lately, even though it's a month that's usually so full of family pictures and dinner parties and thankful hashtags.
Sometimes (like the holidays, for me) thankfulness comes easily. You don't even have to think about it. And sometimes, you have to dig in and force your perspective to change. The more you focus on the good in your life, the happier you will be. Plain and simple. So let's get down to it.
I'm thankful for Jack. I know, I know, so obvious. But just thinking about how thankful I am for him makes me realize how good life is. I wrote yesterday about all the things this election has reminded me I need to teach him, and it really just reminds me how much of a privilege it is to get to shape another human's life.
I'm thankful for the things that are in my control. I may not have control over when I get to see my husband (#residency), or how much sleep I get at night (#jack), but I do have control over things like how I spend my days, how good I feel (love you, yoga), and what's for dinner. Tacos for dinner three nights in a row? Heck yes I can.
I'm legitimately thankful for Instagram. Social media gets a bad rep with bloggers sometimes, because looking at other people's pictures can make you feel less-than, or like you're not doing enough or aren't successful enough. This is especially true with mamas. And sure, I sometimes feel that way. Like, I was feeling pretty good about myself for getting my kid dressed and fed and eating breakfast myself, until I saw that you somehow had time to get you and your babe dressed in magazine worthy clothes, contour your face, take your baby to a quaint little cafe for breakfast, and get the perfect Instagram picture, all before 9:00AM.
But it can also be encouraging and motivating and helpful. Sometimes I'll be at a loss for what foods to feed Jack, and then I'll see someone recommend mixing two things together. Hey, maybe Jack will eat that. I'll see someone having a picnic in their backyard and letting their baby just crawl around in the sunshine. I could totally do that. It would be so easy and so fun. I'll see the blogger who works full time but still manages to come home, chug some coffee, and pound out some posts after work. Ah, yes. It's so important to chase my dreams.
I could go on and on about this. The mom who's up in the middle of the night letting her toddler eat chicken nuggets and watch Netflix because he just won't sleep. Solidarity. I am not alone in this. I'm not a bad mom. The fellow resident's wife who hasn't worn makeup or cooked dinner or done dishes all week, because it's just really freaking hard to be in charge of everything. Solidarity. I am not alone in this. I'm not a wuss for thinking this is hard.
And on, and on, and on. Cheers to the people with the perfectly curated feeds, you inspire me. Cheers to the people with well thought out, funny feeds, you make me laugh. Cheers to the people with messy, real life feeds. You make me happy.
I'm thankful for the time change. What?! It's true. I usually HATE the time change. And, okay, I still hate the fact that it gets dark at what feels like 2:45. But I wake up so early now, and it's nice to see the sun instead of hours of darkness. It's harder to be productive when it looks like the middle of the night outside, you know?
Please oh please tell me something you're thankful for. Let's all force a little thankfulness today.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
I Will Teach You.
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Fall with my Little Munchkin. AKA, The Season Where my Heart Explodes Daily.
Fall has always been my favorite (okay, next to Christmas), and looking back, I have loved fall so much during each season of my life. When I lived at home, fall was always fun. I get my love of fall from my mom. She's the Martha Stewart Beyonce of seasonal decorating. We always had the best decorations and traditions.
Fall in college was so much fun. Going shopping for boots and plaid scarves, drinking entirely too many pumpkin spice lattes with my roommates (PS, did you know my very best friend is a girl who I got randomly roomed with in college? Thanks, life).
Early married life fall was so much fun. We started our own traditions, like fall dates and our own personal Thanksgiving. Chris may not share my over-the-top love of fall, but he loves me, so over-the-top fall celebrations it was. So I've loved my lifetime of falls so far. Every one has been so much fun. But this year...
This year I can hardly even think about fall so far without getting emotional. (I'm a wimp, okay? Motherhood has made me weak). Because this year has been beyond perfect.
This year, we have a house and a backyard and a cute little firepit, perfect for cozying up next to with a pumpkin coffee. This year, we live in this wonderful little town where Halloween is more about pumpkin patches and festivals than about going out and getting free shots.
This year, I have this overwhelming feeling that we all know, though not nearly well enough. The feeling of, "Yes, I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be."
Logistically, this is not a perfect season. Chris is still in intern year and still works the most insane hours. In October, the month of all the fun Saturday events, he worked every single weekend. And I feel like the last two months have had their (un)fair share of sadness. But still, when I step back and look at this fall, it's absolutely perfect.
Because this year, we have Jack.
Baby Jack, who is getting to experience fall for the first time. Jack, who loves pumpkins just as much as I do. Jack, who doesn't care that things aren't logically perfect. Jack, who's just the happiest little pumpkin there ever was. Who is an instant day-brightener and just full of love and curiousity.
I am so, so tired. Yeah, I'm stressed out most days (working on it!) Sometimes I cry over nothing (again, weak). But at the end of the day, I am happy more than anything else. And I would call this little life of mine perfect.

I've said it before and I'll probably say it a thousand more times: Not only is Jack everything I never knew I needed, he is everything I never knew I wanted.
On Halloween night, Chris got off early enough to take Jack trick-or-treating. Our neighbor gave him a pack of M&M's, and he was so happy to just hold them and shake them. I thought about taking them away, but he was having the best time, and they were sealed, so what's the harm?
We got a few streets over and I turned the stroller around to take a picture of him...only to find him covered in blue. His face, his tongue, his hands, the top of his costume...all sticky and blue. This little sneak had chewed right through the package.
I could have gotten irritated that he got his costume dirty blue before I could get a picture. I could have worried about how much sugar he might has ingested. But instead, I showed Chris, and we just laughed.
Because this life is messy. But it is so, so good.
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