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Friday, December 16, 2016

Dear You.

Dear You, 

I hope that this Christmas season has been a wonderful one. I hope it's been full of magic and cheer and hustle and bustle and slowing down and savoring. I hope that if it hasn't, you start today. It's the merriest week of all, and it's not too late to start celebrating and savoring and enjoying to the fullest.

I hope that the next nine days are spent in the company of those who love you like no one else. If that's not an option this year, I hope the great gifts of memories and facetime help ease any sadness. I hope you still make Christmas magical in whatever home you're celebrating in. 

I hope you do whatever it is that you want to do this Christmas. That you don't feel pressured by the expectations of others. I hope you refuse to feel bummed that your presents and cookies and decorations didn't turn out quite Pinterest-perfect (do they ever?) and that you refuse to be guilted by the articles shaming you for giving your kids more that one present. I hope you find the perfect balance of what is just right for you, and that you celebrate in the way that makes you the very happiest. 

I hope that you take time to remember what it's all about. That you read the Christmas Story and call your family and tell them you love them. I hope you savor the good moments. 

I hope that you allow some of the wonder surrounding Christmas to creep in. I hope that you allow yourself to believe there is still magic left in this world.

I hope you say a simple no thank you to stress. No matter how many presents need to be bought or how many miles you need to travel or how many parties you have to attend. 

I hope that you remember that those who are closest to you love you, and they are not worried about what you're getting them for Christmas. They understand that this year's been hard, that your bank account is looking more dismal than you had hoped. That $5 gift you picked up at Target is going to make them happy because it's a gift from you. 

I hope that if Christmas is hard for you this year, you tell someone. That you let someone in. That you choose joy over pain and sweet memories over grief and celebrations over isolation.

I hope that every single day brings you unexpected joys, both big and small. I hope you learn to delight in the small things, like the warmth of Christmas coffee or the glow of the Christmas tree or the sight of excited little kids lining up to meet Santa. I hope you spend some time with Buddy the elf and the Grinch and the McCallister family. 

I hope your days are filled with all things merry and bright, with so much love and magic, with cheesy movies and Christmas music and eggnog and cheer. 

I hope this Christmas is nothing short of magical for you. I hope that when you remember it years from now, you'll think of it as one of the best holidays you've ever had. I hope that you feel the happiest you've felt in a very long time. 

Merry Christmas, beautiful friends.
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