Every year around this time, I get so overwhelmed with thankfulness. The music and the lights and the cheer make me feel so happy and sentimental. The heat is on (sometimes...this is Florida, after all), the presents start stacking up under the tree, and I think about how fortunate I am. Not only do I have a home to sleep in, but I can buy presents for the people I love.
I think about what Christmas signifies for me - The birth of a savior. About how vastly different my life is because of that. I think about how many people I love, and how many people love me. And I'm overwhelmed with thankfulness and feel so, so lucky.
This year, though. This year there just aren't words.
I could sit here and write out a list of everything I'm thankful for and why, but there's too much. My baby and my love and my family and my old friends and my new friends and grace and good food and my house and my city and, and, and, and...
Instead, I'll just say I hope you feel thankful today too. I hope I can carry this feeling...this overwhelming feeling of thankfulness and humbleness and awe and coziness and cheerfulness...I hope I can carry it into all of 2017. This year has had its ups and its downs, but sitting near the end of it, I am thankful for each day, even the ones that hurt, because they all brought me to this place.
Merry Christmas, friends. May you have the most wonderful holiday weekend ever. And may you capture the wonderful feelings that surround you this weekend and hold them dearly in your heart the whole year long.
I'll leave you with my good friend Linus, because no one says it like he does.