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Monday, December 19, 2016

It's the Merriest Week of All, Live it Well.

GUYS. We made it to the week of Christmas!

Yesterday we went Christmas shopping for Jack for the first time ever. It was my first time in a toy store at Christmastime since the years when the gifts I wanted actually came from a toy store. No matter how old you are, there's just something about a toy store at Christmas. 

We came home and wrapped Jack's presents and watched The Santa Clause. It was one of those nights that only comes around once a year and made me feel like only Christmas can. 

We get another week of nights like that...enjoy them.

Watch too many movies and listen to too much Christmas music and eat too many sweets. 

Stay up too late and wake up too early and squeeze all the time out that you can. 

Go shopping with the last-minute shoppers and eat lunch somewhere delicious. 

Bake and wrap and relax and drink hot chocolate and talk about how great this year has been and talk about how sucky this year has been. 

Do all the things that make it feel like Christmas to you. Drink your festive drinks and eat your Christmas cookies and laugh a lot and stress a little bit and enjoy and enjoy and enjoy. 

You get one final week of Christmas cheer, live it well. 

How will you be spending this week?

PS: How about some presents for you? I teamed up with some friends to bring you a fun little new year / new you giveaway! Christmastime is full of shopping for everyone else, so treat yo' self and enter here:

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