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Thursday, January 19, 2017

I Want to Remember 2017: Part One.

When I was pregnant, I did weekly posts about things I never want to forget. Little details that seemed mundane, but that I wanted to remember. Being pregnant was very difficult for me physically,  and it was very easy to get overwhelmed with how much that made everything suck. But having those weekly posts about the good things helped me focus on the good, and now when I look back, I have all of these good memories.

I want to treat 2017 like that. Life is a special occasion and the little, mundane moments are worth remembering.

I kicked off the new year with a trip to the library, where Jack protested the whole "quiet" rule. It's the first time I've left with a bunch of books I know next to nothing about, which has actually been kind of fun! 

I've started walking Jack over to the pool almost every day. Sometimes early in the morning, sometimes when it's time for him to nap, sometimes when the sun is setting. He loves to be outside and look at the water, and we both benefit from the fresh air. 

Speaking of the pool: This picture was taken on a Saturday. An 80 degree and sunny Saturday and it was completely empty. Hardly anyone uses our neighborhood pool, so when we go, we have the whole thing to ourselves 95 percent of the time, which is so nice.

We had a little burst of cool weather and took advantage of it by spending the day walking around and making our babies take pictures in front of all the cool walls, as any good mom would do.

Chris got home early one day (DOES NOT HAPPEN!) which meant we could make it to an actual happy hour, which meant we ate this giant pretzel for dinner. It was so delicious and I can't stop thinking about it. 

It got cold enough to need sweaters and hats! A rarity for Florida. 

Life is full of little things worth celebrating-tell me yours about 2017 so far! 

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