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Thursday, January 12, 2017

Fifty-Two Weeks With Jack: Allll of The Pictures.

Somehow, we have arrived at the end of my #weekswithjack picture project. Fifty-two weeks later and my first little love is now a GROWN ADULT (No, YOU'RE being dramatic). 

Week forty-five: 
you love being outside in the sunshine // I don't know why I think this is so funny, but it makes me laugh whenever I see it // VERY unsure about the whole teeth brushing thing // the happiest babe there ever was. 

Week forty-six:
your first thanksgiving! // caught you trying to sneak a peek at your Christmas present // aaaand had to start child-proofing the next day // you loved decorating for Christmas

Week forty-seven:
I love our park dates // you're happy anywhere with a swing // your first time at Universal for Christmas was a success // your first time meeting the Grinch, however, was not such a hit haha

Week forty-eight:
we learned the hard way about wrapping presents unwrapped them and ate the paper // and when you moved on from that, you took all the baby wipes out and tried to eat those, too // we took you to look at Christmas lights and your face lit up with such awe that it made me cry // you're so happy to wake up every single morning

if we give you a warm blanket, you'll put yourself right to sleep // just a little Santa in the sink // love our little fam // you did NOT love Santa. 

Week Fifty:
we started a new tradition of going to the park before we kick off Christmas // and stopping at chick-fil-a on the way to visit family // you got to see what it was like to experience Christmas as the only grandchild // and then we had the most perfect Christmas, just the three of us, and you got your new favorite ride. 

Week fifty-one:
we don't get cold weather often, but you love it when we do // this is your new favorite blanket, and when you're tired you just take your bottle and crawl right over to it and go to sleep // practicing your four-wheeling skills // you have enough teeth (and are hungry enough) that we have to buy an extra order of chicken nuggets for're pretty happy about it

Week fifty-two:
baby date! // just a little stud lounging by the pool // you do SO great in the nursery...this is how I found you when I went to pick you up on Sunday // we take walks almost every day, and you're so content to just sit by the pool and drink your bottle. 

I don't know who has changed more in these fifty-two weeks...Jack or me. But I know they've been the best, they've been a privilege, and I will cherish them for the rest of my life. 

Bring on toddlerhood...I'm (nowhere near) ready for you! 

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