Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Goodbye February, Hello March.
Monday, February 27, 2017
What February Taught Me.
Friday, February 24, 2017
Books I Read in February (& Whether or Not You Should Read Them).
Don Tillman, professor of genetics, has never been on a second date. He is a man who can count all his friends on the fingers of one hand, whose lifelong difficulty with social rituals has convinced him that he is simply not wired for romance. So when an acquaintance informs him that he would make a “wonderful” husband, his first reaction is shock. Yet he must concede to the statistical probability that there is someone for everyone, and he embarks upon The Wife Project. In the orderly, evidence-based manner with which he approaches all things, Don sets out to find the perfect partner. She will be punctual and logical—most definitely not a barmaid, a smoker, a drinker, or a late-arriver.
Yet Rosie Jarman is all these things. She is also beguiling, fiery, intelligent—and on a quest of her own. She is looking for her biological father, a search that a certain DNA expert might be able to help her with. Don's Wife Project takes a back burner to the Father Project and an unlikely relationship blooms, forcing the scientifically minded geneticist to confront the spontaneous whirlwind that is Rosie—and the realization that love is not always what looks good on paper.
The Rosie Project is a moving and hilarious novel for anyone who has ever tenaciously gone after life or love in the face of overwhelming challenges. -Via Goodreads
Braced for the worst, Ellen is pleasantly surprised. It turns out that Patrick’s ex-girlfriend is stalking him. Ellen thinks, Actually, that’s kind of interesting. She’s dating someone worth stalking. She’s intrigued by the woman’s motives. In fact, she’d even love to meet her.
Ellen doesn’t know it, but she already has. -Via Goodreads
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
I Always Want to Remember 2017: Part Two.
Any month with a trip to the ocean is a good, good month. I always want to remember how lucky we are to live so close to something so amazing, and how it was truly the deepest desire of my heart to get to stay in Florida, and now here we are.
I don't know why I find this picture so freaking funny, but he just looks so proper and disappointed with his breakfast selection. I always want to remember how hilarious it has been to watch his tiny, giant personality develop.
I found a new love of my life this month and its name is Lacroix. (Those flamingo straws are a close second. Okay, fine. It's a tie.) I always want to remember pool days in February when everyone else was posting snow day pictures.
This is what Target runs look like lately. Not pictured: Him pointing and yelling at everyone we walked past, like they better get the heck out of his store. It's not his fault, the kid probably thinks Target is his second home. I always want to remember how proud he is of his ability to stand up in the cart.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: I'm okay calling pretty much anywhere home just as long as there are palm trees around. I always want to remember how lucky I am to have these right down the street...a little piece of my beach home right here in Gainesville.
That bedhead, though. I always want to remember how funny he is right when he wakes up.
Sometimes, when Jack gets really tired, he still falls asleep on me like a newborn. I love every single second of it, but I do have some weird tan lines. I always want to remember these sweet days where all he wants to do is hang out with me.
Jack walks now. Which means I find him in places like this. Also, it catches me off guard that he just walks around the house, and sometimes he'll walk into the room and it's terrifying because I'm used to him crawling on the floor. I always want to remember his first full month of walking, toddling around, swaying and stumbling and giggling like a little drunk person.

My favorite reading place. (The Rosie Project was adorable). I always want to remember how nice and refreshing it is to just take a break and read a good book.
My favorite pool day partner. I always want to remember how lucky I am to have a baby who loves pool days just as much as I do.
Alllll my love for this one right here. I don't think I'm in any danger of forgetting this, but I always want to remember what it feels like to love someone so much that it hurts.
What do you always want to remember about this month?
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Everything Your Newborn Baby Needs For Less Than $600.
Monday, February 20, 2017
Some of The Best Advice I've Ever Received.
Friday, February 17, 2017
If We Were Having Coffee.
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Affiliate links ahead. Disclosure here. |
Happy Friday! It's cool enough here to have the windows open while I curl up and drink coffee (but will be warm enough by this afternoon to go to the pool, which is the perfect day), and it seems like the perfect time to have a little coffee date.
So, if we were having coffee. . .
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Work Hard & Be Nice to People.
here's one that's somewhat similar.
(affiliate link, disclosure)
I got this sign at Francesca's a few years ago because it's a good reminder of what's important in life.
We've all heard this said before, but it's true: It costs you nothing to be kind.
I had a crappy day yesterday. My day started at 5:00 and by 6:00 it was obvious that I was going to be drowning in work all day. Jack had his first injury that involved blood (he's fine, but the first time that happens is terrifying). A freak, twenty-minute wind storm happened that picked up our hammock and used it to take out our string lights and pots. Just weird things all day.
But it was just a bad day! Totally fine. I was going to keep working my to-do list and being productive and just powering through all the weird crap that kept happening.
And then I got an email. And it wasn't an outright mean email, or someone purposefully trying to hurt me. It was just a little bit rude. And it was the one little thing that just pushed me right over the edge and made me want to give up and go back to bed and try again tomorrow.
Guys, I raged over this email. I huffed and puffed and put all of my feelings from the whole day onto this one email. I thought, it would have taken them no time at all to word this in a nice way. It would have taken nothing from them to choose to be kind, and then I wouldn't be having this kind of afternoon.
And then I thought, I wonder how many times it would have cost me nothing to be kind, and I just wasn't.
The truth is, I can't blame my bad day on this one email. But I can choose to learn from it. I can choose to add kindness in where it doesn't automatically grow.
In my rushed email responses, I can be kind. When someone goes above and beyond, instead of just saying thank you, I can tell them I think they did a great job. When someone writes a killer blog post, I can take 3 seconds to tell them so. When I know someone's had a hard day, I can ask them about it. See where I'm going here? Quick email responses and saying thank you and not mentioning a blog post and not asking about someone's day doesn't make me rude, not at all. But those things cost me nothing, and could really turn someone else's day around.
So PSA: Be nice to people. It's the right thing to do. All the decent humans are doing it. And if you wanna get really crazy, go all in and add a little extra kindness. It costs you nothing and you might even find you like doing it.
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
3 Things You Need to Know About.
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This post contains affiliate links: full disclosure here. |
2. This kettlebell workout. Two weeks ago I decided I wanted to up my game a little bit with my weight workouts. And by up my game, I mean graduate from the 3-pound weights that I've had since I was in high school. So I went to Marshall's and picked out a kettlebell. I probably should have taken it as a bad sign that I struggled to get it from the bottom of the cart to the checkout counter, but I have too much pride to turn back, so I bought it.
I came home and googled kettlebell workouts and got approximately ten thousand videos spending thirty-two minutes teaching me the proper way to lift a kettlebell (no thank you), forty-seven thousand videos that were actually just ten second clips enticing me to drive to the store and buy a workout video that probably isn't even made anymore (also no), and approximately six million videos of tiny Victoria Secret model look-alikes who were secretly the Hulk and gave advice like "Now just go for a breezy seven mile jog with your kettlebell and follow that up with 84 jumping jacks with two kettlebells" (biggest no of all).
But then I found this one, and it's perfect. Jillian low-key terrifies me in the best of ways, and anyone with abs like that surely knows what they are doing.
Pros: It's a full-body workout and cardio. Cons: I think my legs are probably going to fall off soon. You win some, you lose some.
3. Sweet potato chips
Now you tell me: What do I need to know about?
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
A Love Story: Part One.
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