A couple of weeks ago, a friend of mine found a listing for what was very close to her dream job. She was under qualified, and she wasn't really looking for a job, but still. Her dream job.
We talked for days about whether she was going to apply or not. Could it hurt to just try? Wouldn't it be embarrassing when they saw she wasn't exactly the type of candidate they were looking for? But wouldn't she regret letting this opportunity pass without trying?
After a few days of talking about all the reasons it was a bad idea, she went for it. She cleaned up her resume, wrote a cover letter, and put herself out there.
Within an hour (I'm not kidding - a single hour), they'd emailed her back and let her know her qualifications weren't enough for the job.
She took a risk. She wasn't successful. But it was still worth it.
Because you know what? Her resume is updated. She realized she was excited about the possibility of a new job. She now knows rejection doesn't kill her. And the next time she comes across a risk worth taking, it'll be easier.
Taking a risk doesn't have to pan out to be worth it.
Go to a new workout class that you very well may embarrass yourself in. Or, that you very well may fall in love with.
Ask someone on a date. Really, do it. They might say no, or you might have the best night of your life.
Apply for that job. You may be underqualified, or you may land yourself a dream job.
If nothing else - even if you fail spectacularly and nothing good ever comes from it - it's a reminder that you can take risks. That you're alive and moving forward and not stagnant.