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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

wedding pictures!

They're here, they're here, they're here!! I cannot even contain my excitement.  Getting to look at all of these little moments just makes me remember how fun and perfect that day really was.

Until I can put them all up, here are a few of my favorites.

{And when I say a few, I mean like thirty.  Don't judge me, people.}

this was on my wedding bucket list.  clearly the barista didn't understand this was for a picture, so we fixed {?} it with eyeliner. 

if you know me and my mom at all, then you understand the significance of this picture.  and if not, you can just think that I'm a super weird person for wanting this picture. 

the photographer said, "have you ever seen the movie Bridesmaids?"

which immediately turned into this. 

sneaking up on my dad.

funny story: the limo driver forgot to pick us up, and just drove on to the reception..without us.  So we were the last two people left at the church.  BUT, we got some really great pictures out of it!

this was right after Chris' best man told the whole reception about that one time I kissed Chris in his back seat, like three years ago. 

there are five hundred of these babies, so just prepare yourself.  

have a beautiful tuesday!


  1. You are stunning! As are these photos! Absolutely beautiful! And I never would have thought of the coffee picture! I am going to have to do that some day! It's so creative!
    Have a wonderful day!

    1. thanks so much! Me and my mom are both coffee junkies, so it was fitting :)

  2. Wow!!! These are excellent! You looked so beautiful and happy. And I love your dress and your colorful bouquet. So pretty!

  3. i love that all your bridesmaids have different colored dresses! and i really love how you did your hair!!! :)

    1. Thank you! Even though it was December, I wanted the day to be super colorful :)

  4. What beautiful pictures and it looks like you had such a great time! Newest follower right here! So excited to get to know you more!

    Sue // Chevron & Lace

  5. Looks like a great time! The pictures are beautiful!

    If you get a chance, please check out and follow my blog!


  6. Wow Girl! You are stunning :) Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and following! Can't wait to see more pictures!

  7. These photos are just lovely! You were a beautiful bride. :)

  8. Your wedding was absolutely beautiful...and you were a stunning bride! Wow congratulations!!

    Isn't if amazing to be a newlywed?? (We also just got married last August... one of the best days of my life)

    You have such a nice family too. Very nice photos.

    New follower here:)


  9. coming from Olive & Ivy! Your wedding photos are absolutely beautiful! That dress looks stunning on you.

  10. You looked so so beautiful! Yeah I'm totally creeping an old post, but whatev hahaha. I love love love all your pictures, your wedding looked like it was so amazing. And I just have to mention I LOVE what your mom wore. Like seriously love.


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