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Friday, September 26, 2014

Happy Life Advice: Part Three

advice for a happy life

Part one here and part two here.

Wake up ten minutes earlier so you can enjoy a cup of coffee in bed.

Watch a sunrise or a sunset at least once a week. 

Every once in a while, buy yourself something totally impractical that you don't need whatsoever.

If you have stuff in your house you don't like or use, throw it away. 

Decorate your house for fall. If that's not really your thing, just drive yourself to hobby lobby, buy a scarecrow or pumpkin, and put it on your table. Instant happiness.

Have a premiere party for all the new fall shows. And by premiere party, I mean turn your phone off and sit down with a pumpkin coffee and a hoodie and binge watch the goodness that is fall television. 

Glitter nail polish. Enough said.

What's your favorite cocktail to get when you go out? Learn how to make it at home. 

Watch the first movie that pops up on your Netflix recommendations.

Sometimes, just make the decision that you're going to have a fun night. Even if you have to wake up early the next day, or even if you have ten dollars to last you the week. Just make yourself have fun, no matter what that looks like to you. 

When you're having a bad day, pour yourself a glass of champagne and turn on your favorite song and dance around the kitchen to the whole thing. Just try to still have a bad day after that. 

Decide that today is going to be a good day. Decide to be happy today.

What makes you happy? 


  1. LOVE THIS!!!! borrowing!!! have a wonderful weekend.

  2. What a cute post! I needed this after feeling discouraged. My company is laying off my entire department so it's been a rough time. Walking the dog with my hubby usually does the trick- something about getting the fresh air (especially in fall) makes it so relaxing!

  3. Love this and definitely needed this and your lemonade post this week! Looking forw and to some Netflix watching anf some socializing this weekend! Lots of fun!! Happy Friday!!

  4. Love your list! Purging and coffee please me. I'm trying to get up 15 min earlier three days a week but thus far, no luck.

    Have a great weekend!

  5. What a happy list! Thank you for sharing! Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. I'm in major "throw away EVERYTHING" mode. Totally agree!

  7. This is awesome!!! OK, what makes me happy today is a napping baby! FINALLY! He has been off since leading up to the move and until now. He is just mirroring our craziness and upside down schedule. Now he's starting to get back into pattern. PHEW!!!!!!!! I love the "wake up a bit early for coffee." I sometimes force myself out of bed before the baby wakes up just to have a few minutes to breathe and meditate.

  8. I love the Hobby Lobby one! I want to buy a bunch of mini pumpkins and put them on my mantel!

  9. Your list makes me so happy. There are some pretty awesome recommendations on Netflix, I've found so many I wouldn't have without it.

  10. These are great! I'm going to buy myself something frivolous this weekend, just because I can.

  11. So true that sometimes you just have to decide you're going to have fun!

  12. Glitter nail polish is always a pick-me-up. How can you be sad with sparkle on your nails?!

  13. Glitter nail polish is always a pick-me-up. How can you be sad with sparkle on your nails?!

  14. I love these--especially the last one!

  15. The best thing that makes me happy right now is to put away the grading, ignore the house work, and just watch my baby boy

  16. I've been getting much better about getting rid of stuff I don't like or will never use... so hard though - I always go back to "just in case...!" hahaha

  17. Love this post! So many fun things on your list. I couldn't agree more with giltter nail polish. It's like sunshine on your nails :)


  18. Yes to sunrise/sunset watching!

  19. Love this! Amen to the dance around in the kitchen. At first you feel silly, then you feel stupid, then you feel happy, followed me pure joy! Cheapest therapy :) thanks for always bringing the sunshine.

  20. Love these! Thanks for all the great advice!

  21. yesyesyesyes! sunsets are totally mandatory for me! and glitter nail polish, is it eleven a question?! and LOVE the premiere party!! amen and amen!

  22. Simple things that make people superbly happy. Wonderful list! :)

    Mine's here:

  23. I love this! It's amazing how doing even one simple thing can instantly change your attitude or mood towards the day!

  24. Tomorrow morning I am now getting up 10/15 minutes earlier for that cup of coffee. Have a great week!

  25. Aw love these! The early morning coffee makes me smile :)


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