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Friday, June 24, 2016

Books I Read in June & Whether or Not You Should Read Them.

June has been a super busy month, so I've only managed to read two books so far. However, they were both can't-get-enough-of books. 

The Girl You Lost by Kathryn Croft

Plot: "Eighteen years ago your baby daughter was snatched. Today, she came back. 

A sinister and darkly compelling psychological thriller from the No. 1 bestselling author of The Girl With No Past. Eighteen years ago, Simone Porter's six-month-old daughter, Helena, was abducted. Simone and her husband, Matt, have slowly rebuilt their shattered lives, but the pain of losing their child has never left them. Then a young woman, Grace, appears out of the blue and tells Simone she has information about her stolen baby. But just who is Grace - and can Simone trust her? 

When Grace herself disappears, Simone becomes embroiled in a desperate search for her baby and the woman who has vital clues about her whereabouts. Simone is inching closer to the truth but it'll take her into dangerous and disturbing territory. Simone lost her baby. Will she lose her life trying to find her?" -via Goodreads

My Thoughts: I have very similar taste in books that my friend Olya has, so when she recommended this book, I knew I wanted to read it. 

Like she said, it's one of those where you can't say too much about it without spoiling it, but I can tell you that this was one of the best mysteries I've ever read. It truly shocked me. I know that's a sucky review, but I don't want to ruin it. It was an incredible story. 

It also deals with some very disturbing things. I finished it in one day, and when I was done, I laid in bed just thinking about it for an hour before swearing off of all mysteries forever because I just can't handle it. And then I got a good night's sleep and woke up and ordered her next book. 

Should You Read It: Yes, but not if you're easily disturbed. I think it'd be smart to look up the subjects it deals with before deciding. 
Me Before You by Jojo Moyes

Plot: "Lou Clark knows lots of things. She knows how many footsteps there are between the bus stop and home. She knows she likes working in The Buttered Bun tea shop and she knows she might not love her boyfriend Patrick.

What Lou doesn't know is she's about to lose her job or that knowing what's coming is what keeps her sane.

Will Traynor knows his motorcycle accident took away his desire to live. He knows everything feels very small and rather joyless now and he knows exactly how he's going to put a stop to that.

What Will doesn't know is that Lou is about to burst into his world in a riot of colour. And neither of them knows they're going to change the other for all time." -via Goodreads

Favorite Quote: "You only get one life. It's actually your duty to live it as fully as possible." 

My Thoughts: Oh. My. Goodness. I'll start by saying that even though this book was incredibly popular, I actually managed to not spoil it for myself-I didn't even know the subject matter. Which made it all the more enjoyable and all the more HEARTBREAKING. 

It's hard to talk about this one without spoiling things, but I'll say it's a story that will stick with me for a very long time. The writing was wonderful, the characters were amazing, and I couldn't read this story fast enough. But I also have never cried so hard while reading a book. Crying isn't even the right word-I have never wept so hard while reading a book. 

Should You Read It? Yes-but prepare your poor little heart to be shattered in the best way possible. 

What have you been reading this month?
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  1. I'm so torn about whether or not to read Me Before You--It's on my to-read list, but I know it's just going to leave me in BUCKETS of tears!

  2. I so wish I could read Me Before You for the first time again- so good! I've been in a huge reading rut and feel like everything I've read has been so iffy/ I just can't get into it.

  3. I actually have no idea what Me Before You is about even with the movie out or coming out but I think I need to read it pretty soon

  4. Loved Me Before You - now I need to see the movie! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  5. I am literally the only person I know who hated Me Before You, hahahah. BUT that other book sounds super interesting! I'm excited to pick it up!

    1. Read my comment below Britt. I hated the ending so much that I just can't recommend this book to others! Haha.

  6. I need to make time for reading again!! Especially books like these that sound SO GOOD!!

  7. Still wanting to read Me Before You!

  8. I saw the movie, Me Before You and now I want to read the book. It was so heartbreaking and I loved the characters. I can't wait to read it... thanks for suggesting it! I'll also look into The Girl You Lost.

  9. Loved Me Before You, not sure if I would like the other one.

  10. I just finished Me Before You a few days ago. I boycotted it because I am like that. If something is super popular it turns me off, lol! I needed a new audio book though and it was sitting there staring at me so I figured what the hell. I am really glad I did though and I am now finishing up After You which is also good.

  11. I'm so glad that you loved Me Before You - definitely one of my favorite books that I've read this year and probably ever. The story has still stuck with me months later.

  12. Your description of emotions while reading/after reading Me Before You is completely accurate. I finished it on a plane while the sun setting out my window and I just set there and tried to silently cry---ha!

  13. I absolutely adored Me Before You and I even enjoyed After You. I will have to try the other book you read, I do like a good mystery from time to time!

  14. We do have a very similar taste in books. :) The Girl You Lost is so crazy and disturbing but such a good read! I haven't read Me Before You because someone accidentally spoiled it for me, so I'm not sure if I'll feel those same emotions everyone else did now that I know the ending. :(

  15. Neither of these sound like my cup of tea, but they both sound really good! I'm glad you enjoyed them!

  16. Am I the only person on the planet who will not recommend Me Before You to others? I enjoyed the book, but hated the ending. Hated it. The hashtag for the movie is #liveboldly and I don't think that ending aligns. Ugh. I did love the characters though. But I love you and always enjoy your recommendations! I'm reading The Love Song of Queenie Hennessey (A follow up book to the Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry, which is a great one if you haven't read that! ). I am loving it so far.

  17. I really want to read Me Before You!! Right now I'm reading "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" which I've heard a lot of good things about.

  18. I love how two books a month is slow for you...haha. I'm the slowest reader! I've heard so many great things about Me Before You and am waiting for it to become available at my library.

  19. I cried my eyes out reading Me Before You. I can't bring myself to see the movie after knowing how it ends. I just finished 'What She Knew' and that is a great mystery, but an emotional roller coaster as well.

  20. Me Before You is on my to read list and I have managed to avoid any spoilers too! I need to get on it soon though!

  21. I've heard great things about Me before you! I haven't been reading at all the last few months likeI thought I would be during summer time. Boo!

  22. I have Me Before You on my list to read sometime soon, and I'll definitely make sure to have a box of tissues ready for crying!

  23. I just finished Me Before You and I cried too. I predicted the end, but it was such a great book. I can't wait to read the sequel. Now I want to read the Girl You Lost. You have me intrigued.

  24. Yay I love a good review :) Thanks for not spoiling Me Before You. I also know nothing about it other than that it's sad. I want to read it too!

    I just finished Three Wishes by Liane Moriarty and it was SO GOOD (as are all her books).

  25. I read Me Before You right before the movie came out and was lucky enough not to have it spoiled or even know what the plot was about. It's a really interesting book. I wondered if places like the place Will goes to in Switzerland or the place they went to vacation to actually exist. Lou was such a great character.

  26. Me Before You is one of my all time favorites!

  27. Are you going to see the movie Me Before You? I'm waiting it to come to DVD so I can cry loudly on my own couch when I watch it :)

  28. i loved me before you :) i picked it up before it got too huge and i didn't really know the subject matter until about halfway through and then i remembered reading the synopsis months ago. so good. i have the other one on my list!

  29. I actually had a lot of issues with Me Before You, but I really want to see the movie. I'm wondering if I'll have less issues with the movie and be able to enjoy the story more. I love the other books by Jojo Moyes that I read, though, including the sequel to this one. :)

    That thriller sounds amazing. I am putting it at the top of my TBR.


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