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Friday, September 1, 2017

Spending Your September: A To-Do List for Adventuring Through the Month.

1. Soak up what's left of summer. Go to the pool, wear your cutoffs, summer so hard until it's gone. 

2. Buy allllll the fruit. While it's still so good and so cheap! 

3. Unsubscribe from emails. This weekend, you will get an email from EVERY list you're on. Don't just delete, unsubscribe.

4. Enjoy the long weekend! I hope you're off work!  

5. Make a library holds list. Guys. Do this. Log on to your library, place holds, and someone else walks around the library picking up the books for you. You just walk in, grab your books, and leave. 

6. Donate to hurricane relief. You will not miss $10. Eat a meal at home instead of eating out. 

7. Send a thank you card. To your best friend for being great, to your library for having free books, to your neighbor for bringing your trash can in all the time...the possibilities are endless.

8. Pick a mantra for the month. Something simple that you really want to believe. Say it every single day. Write it down. Make it your phone screen background.Repeat it over and over. Some suggestions: You are actually amazing. You can do hard things. You are talented and will succeed. You are going to be okay. 

9. Take a peek back at your 2017 goals. Honestly, my goals probably resemble a dumpster fire. But there are 4 more months in 2017, and that's plenty of time to accomplish one or two things the January version of you had their hopes set on.

10. Make a list of restaurants in your town you want to try. Next time you want to go somewhere, avoid the hour-long purgatory of "I don't know, where do you want to go?" 

11. Pick a night of the week that you're not going to do non-fun to-do's on, no matter what. Stick to this. 

12. Make a list of the things that are overwhelming you. If it's possible to remove any of them, do it. If not, look at what else you can remove to make more space for these things so they become a little less overwhelming.

13. Make a list of the things that make you happiest in life. And do them more. 

14. Binge-watch a show before it comes back on. Ahem, Riverdale. Also, This is Us. 

15. Go get a pumpkin spice latte. Be basic, it's fine. 

16. Go thrifting. 

17. Have a bonfire. The perfect way to say goodbye to summer and hello to fall.

18. Perfect a charcuterie spread at home. Every time I see one of these on a menu somewhere for like $25, I wonder if people know they can have these at home. Bonus, eating meats and cheeses and olives for dinner will make you feel suuuuper fancy. 

19. Start going for more walks. For fresh air, for exercise, for your pets...whatever the reason, it's good to get outside.

20. Watch the sunrise (or sunset) over the water somewhere, with pumpkin coffee in hand. 

21. Look up fall fairs and festivals happening near you over the next few months.

22. Donate any clothes you went the whole summer without wearing. 

23. Bake cookies. Make more than you need and drop some off at a friend's house.

24. If you live somewhere like Florida, plan a trip to go see the leaves changing. 

25. Start a book club. Even if it's just you and a friend reading the same book and discussing it.

26. DIY a pumpkin creamer. I took one for the team and tried a bunch of them. Here you go. 

27. Pay for someone's coffee in line behind you. 

28. Have a beer-tasting night. September means lots of fall-flavored beers are released. Buy a few 
of the most interesting ones and DIY your own flights. You might find a new favorite! 

29. Watch your favorite movie and eat popcorn for dinner. 

30. Print out some of your favorite pictures from the summer. 
How will you be spending your month?
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