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Monday, December 11, 2017

Here's Your Reminder to Stop and Savor.

Hi, you. 

You, thriving in the holiday hustle and bustle. Or you, overwhelmed by the chaos. You, so excited that Christmas is in two weeks. You, feeling behind and like you haven't even started the season yet. 
Wherever you are, here's your reminder to slow down, stop, and savor. 

Whether this season is everything you hoped it would be or looks nothing like you wanted it to, it's still your holiday season. And it's worth savoring, even just for a minute. 

While you're buying gifts (cheerfully, or frantically), savor the fact that you have relationships in your life that are Christmas present-worthy. When you're driving home from a night full of errands (always chaotic this time of year), savor the coziness of pulling into your neighborhood to see houses lit up with lights. 

Savor the feeling of plugging in the Christmas tree before you turn any other lights on. Savor how your favorite Christmas song makes you feel. Savor the feeling of laughing at Elf, or Home Alone, or The Grinch. Curl up with a blanket and some hot chocolate and take a second to just be happy that it's Christmas. 

Every moment won't be perfect. You'll still have moments of being tired, or overwhelmed, or disappointed, or fill-in-the-blank. But this season, this cozy, beautiful, bright, wonderful season, will be over before you know it. So before that happens, take a second to slow down. Look around and savor it while it's still here. 

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