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Monday, February 9, 2015

10 (More) Lies Every Girl Tells Herself.

See part one here.

1. "Taking an hour out of my day to make a perfectly colorful, numbered to-do list will mean I will get all of these things done." 

2. "I am going to throw these shoes away when I get home. This pain is so terrible, I will remember it and never ever wear them again." 

3. "I need sleep, so I'll be much happier if I snooze my alarm and skip the shower.  I'll be so well rested, it won't even bother me that my hair resembles something from a horror movie."

4. "I'm not gaining weight..I've just been drinking a lot of water. It's water weight." 

5. "I'm so confident, I'm going to go out with no makeup. It won't bother me that you can tell everyone else spent hours getting ready and I'm in yoga, I know look naturally amazing." 

6. "I will totally not regret getting scammed into buying every product the lady at Sephora used on my face. In fact, it's not a scam. I will use every single one of these every single day and it will be worth every single cent."

7. "If I pay all this money for this gym membership, I will have to use it."

8. "If I buy the obscenely priced meal replacement shakes, they'll actually work as meal replacements and I won't have to keep buying shakes and second lunch." 

9. "The right time to have this giant, potentially relationship-changing conversation is the second it pops into my head. No matter that we haven't eaten all day and are running late--the sooner we talk the better."

And, my most recent favorite...

10. "I can definitely pull off this crop top."


  1. So funny and I could relate to many of them! My version of number is four is 'muscle is heavier than fat, so I'm technically not putting on weight since I started exercising once every ... once in a while'.

  2. So easy to relate! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Ha, avoiding number nine has been the secret to my happy marriage!

  4. Hahahahaha dying laughing at these. I say all these to myself all the time. Accept the shower thing - I always have to shower.

  5. Hahaha love these! I'm so guilty of number one. I have lots of beautiful to-do lists and nothing else to show for it!

  6. Oh man. These are all so true!!! And I did that shoe one just last week. Again. I should know better by now!!!

  7. You know me, girl! HA! $$$ at Sephora this weekend in particular. "I'm a new mom and I need like 10,000 new things b/c it's been a jillion years since I've spent money on my looks." $60 for a tablespoon of eye cream. HA!

  8. Haha. Yeah, these are far too true!!!

  9. Oh boy 7 - that is me right now! One of these days I'll listen.

  10. These are absolutely fantastic, thanks for sharing! #1 is definitely my weak point :)
    ~ Samantha

  11. These are so accurate it's scary! :) I LOL'd to several of them and have def found myself in many of these situations. Great, fun read! :)

  12. These are so true! I'm guilty of all of those. Minus the crop top, I don't play that game.

  13. HA! I will throw the shoes out though and have many times.

  14. I am guilty of every single one of these....especially the Sephora and the Snooze button!!! Hilarious.

  15. Girl, check this out. I threw away a ton of shoes today!

  16. Heh. "I'll fit into those jeans again one day."

  17. #8 YES! I love smoothies but you have to eat something else with them!

  18. I totally hit snooze every morning and skip washing my hair!

  19. Love this! I am sooooo guilty of #7.

  20. hahaha!!! LOVE!! #9 is my favorite haha ;) Something I need to remember myself!

  21. Yes! Haha! I tell myself I'll throw out shoes every day. Never happens! I almost tried on a crop top over the weekend. #no

  22. Hahaha, this list is the best! So true. #1 is me, for sure. Love my colored pens and little cute lists... with not a damn thing crossed off, hahaha.

  23. ha so true. i'm so guilty of hitting snooze and the looking like crap. oops!

  24. OMG the meal replacement and the gym membership is too funny! So true!

  25. I've fallen into the 1st lie plenty of times.

  26. Gym membership one is so true. We just bought a $70 membership at Genesis and the only reason I make myself go is so that money does not go to waste lol. And If my to-do list actually got accomplished and finished in the one day it's supposed to, I feel like I'd be stress free!

  27. I couldn't stop laughing while I was reading this at work today.

  28. I love these -- all of them are so true!

  29. HAHA these are all so funny, and SO true! LOL

  30. #9 is pretty much the story of my life!

  31. bahahahahhahah seriously though when did crop tops come back???

  32. On point! We are so bad aren't we!? Definitely guilty of the gym membership lie!

  33. haha this is awesome. I am SO guilty of the to do lists. Color coded sometimes, but usually just on a pretty post it. :)

  34. haha this is awesome. I am SO guilty of the to do lists. Color coded sometimes, but usually just on a pretty post it. :)

  35. Ah ... so true! Thanks for the much needed laugh!

  36. I actually never wear makeup.... BUT. I do talk myself into wearing yoga pants or sweats and then regret that!

  37. Hahahahahahahaha. And I love your gif pairings. ;)

  38. ha! i love all of these. i'm the worst offender when it comes to throwing out shoes

  39. These were too good! I'm a big planner and I'd never get anything done if I didn't write things out (and make it pretty of course!). But truly, I end up ignoring it midweek :\ Also, the one about having a relationship-changing convo at the wrong time? Eeep! I feel like I should be embarrassed that I relate to it so much!


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