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Thursday, February 5, 2015

Staying in: 8 Ways to Celebrate Valentine's Day at Home.

1. Go half & half on the night. One of you plans dinner, one of you plans dessert and entertainment. That way you can still kind of treat each other, but you get to hang out all night, too.

2. Have an 80's love movie marathon. Is there anything that will make you believe in cheesy, cliche love like 80's movies? No, no there's not. Which makes them the perfect choice for the cheesiest holiday. Bonus: Most of the good ones are on Netflix.

3. Cook dinner together. Sure, this is maybe the most cliche at-home date night, but for good reason! Pick out a recipe, shop for ingredients together, and then cook together. It's so much fun, and it's a great chance to try out fancier recipes or ones that call for more expensive ingredients. Chances are, you'll still spend less than you would on dinner and drinks out.

4. Have a Valentine's brunch. Valentine's Day is on a Saturday this year, which means you can get started celebrating that morning! Heart shaped pancakes and pink mimosas? Yes, please. Anytime. But especially on Valentine's Day. Get some inspiration here.

5. Game night. I never really thought of this as a super fun date night, but one night me and Christopher ended up at a Wal-Mart buying all of our favorite card games and board games. We stayed up way too late playing them, and it became one of my favorite nights together. Sometimes you just need to have fun with your significant other. So swing by the store, buy a board game, order takeout, and make some cocktails. Best. Night. Ever.

6. Have an indoor picnic. Look up tapas recipes and have a candlelit picnic indoors!

7. Have an "I've been dying to see this" movie marathon. Another bonus about V-day being on a weekend--way more time for your date than if it had to start post-work. Swing by Redbox and rent all the movies you've been wanting to see, and all the movies he's been wanting to see. Then get your favorite movie snacks and take turns picking which movie to watch next.

8. Can't decide between cocktails or dessert? Make both! Just type in champagne cupcakes to pinterest and prepare yourself. If there was ever a time to make champagne cupcakes, Valentine's Day is it.

How will you be spending Valentine's Day this year?


  1. Great tips! I love the brunch and board game ideas! The hubs and I were thinking of doing something at home on Valentine's Day itself and then going to dinner the next weekend. Otherwise it's all overpriced pre-fix menus and rushing us out.

  2. Let's see...I'll start the day working, then go buy myself some shoes, then spend the night eating chocolate and drinking wine haha. Nothing wrong with a Valentine's Day flying solo :)
    ~ Samantha

  3. I love the game night tip - I don't have many games, so I'd love to go and buy a bunch with my man just to have. I'll be spending my Valentine's Day driving my "I don't know if he's my boyfriend yet" to the airport since he's going to Mexico for the week. :) We'll probably do something the Friday before, though.

  4. I love game nights so that's something I always include when I'm dating someone to change things up a bit. I love all of these ideas!!

  5. i love game nights! we bought a few board games at Walmart over the holidays when they were on sale & have loved playing these blast from the past games from our childhood! :)

  6. i totally love a cozy valentine's night in!!

  7. I love these ideas!!! We are big movie fans in our house so we might have to take some of these ideas and really do them this year :) I might actually try to get my fiance to go for the game night too! Sounds like fun!!!

  8. These are such great ideas :) Especially game night. I'm kinda of obsessed with game nights... even with just two people.

  9. I love these ideas! I want to have a brunch so badly, but my husband works on Saturdays :( I love the first idea though!

  10. I love these ideas!!! We are big movie fans in our house so we might have to take some of these ideas and really do them this year :) I might actually try to get my fiance to go for the game night too! Sounds like fun!!!

  11. Awesome tips! My husband works Valentine's Day this year and doesn't come home until around 9:30pm. I'll have to keep these in mind! :)

  12. I'm all about staying in on Valentine's Day! My husband and I did that last year, and cooked a fancy meal together and just enjoyed good conversation (and wine!) and we had such a great night. So good, in fact, that we're doing the same exact thing this year! Great ideas here - I love the game night idea!

  13. Awesome tips!! Thank you for sharing :) I think I am going to spend it at the office lol My new husband is a workaholic!

  14. I'm all about the Valentine's day brunch!!!

  15. These are some great ideas, Chelsea! I especially like the brunch idea and I think I will use that :)

  16. We will probably be home and do something fun with the kids, then snuggle up on the couch and watch a movie together after the kids are in bed…my fave kind of night;)

  17. I love having game nights!! It's something that we've always done. Once we pull out the board games and cards, I don't want to stop. Although I'm not the best at losing, so that might end up being not so romantic for us haha We're actually going to be travelling on Valentine's Day, so we'll have to see if we can track down a mimosa at the airport :-)

  18. Great ideas! I don't think we have any big plans for Valentine's Day but I've been thinking about making a nicer-than-usual meal together :)

  19. I love the idea of just being together and doing something at home for Valentine's Day. Everywhere you go out it's so packed and busy that it takes some of the fun away.

  20. I've been meaning to get us a really good 2 person board game to plat together. All the ones we have are 4 person or more! What are you favorites?

  21. OMG I love brunch!! We are not big celebrants of Valentine's Day; our holiday tends to be of the generic dinner-and-a-movie type. :)

  22. We usually do an indoor picnic and love movie marathon. When I say marathon I really mean two...his pick andmy pick. It's so much better than fighting the crazy crowds!

  23. I love the idea of an indoor picnic!

  24. I am all about #2 and #6! And well all of them. I like how it all involves staying at home. I can't handle super crowded restaurants!

  25. These are fun tips! I'm not really into Valentine's Day, and neither is my Chris, but it feels weird to just ignore it completely, you know?

  26. These are great ideas for people on a low budget (aka me) and that still want to celebrate the day!


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