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Saturday, February 21, 2015

Your New Favorite Blog: Bourbon, Lipstick, and Stilettos.

Hello! My name is Lindsay and I blog at Bourbon, Lipstick, and Stilettos

I started blogging because I'm a writer in real life; I write technical documents by day, and wanted a creative and fun space I could call my own! 

Jane Eyre. 
#LoveYourSelfie: Embracing Your "Imperfections": one of my first posts, but I truly think it's the heart of what I do. 
Everything! I try to find humor in in every day life; I like to earn those laugh lines. ;)

I'm so glad that Lindsay chose the word authentic, because that's truly what I think of when I read her blog--she's just so real! If by some chance you've never read her blog, please do yourself a favor and start reading! 

Comments have been turned off so you can go say hi to Lindsay. You can find her on twitter, pinterest, instagram, Facebook, and Bloglovin!