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Wednesday, March 16, 2016

8 Things Making Me Happy This Week.

1. Finding out Christopher matched! While we don't find out where he matched until Friday, an email went out on Monday at 11:00 letting everyone know if they matched to any position or not. We were at the pool when he opened his email, and I don't think I've ever cheered so loud on a Monday morning before.

2. This weather. Florida has decided it's summer. After a weirdly cold and rainy February, I am extremely happy about this.

3. The fact that Jack likes to be outside. I know I keep saying Jack is an easy baby, but seriously, the kid loves going places, and he loves hanging out by the pool. It's the best. I'm so thankful that we don't have to stay inside for him to be happy. Also very thankful for his pool outfit:

4. Hot tea. I've been on a hot tea kick (again) lately, and I forgot (again) how much I love it! And I really do feel so much healthier when I drink hot tea all day. Plus, you can pretty much find any flavor you can imagine in a tea.

5. Gatsby met a girl Shiba. We were walking around a lake and they spotted each other from pretty far away and were SO excited. It was adorable. Her owner was an old man who had never seen another Shiba in real life before and thought it was the best thing ever.

6. We find out where Chris matches in 48 hours. 

7. Post-match celebrations! We've got reservations at our favorite place in Orlando, and we are going to party. Because when you wait four years to land your dream job, it's worth celebrating.

8. Knowing that no matter what city is on the inside of that envelope on Friday, it will be the adventure of a lifetime. Plus, I get to take my two best friends with me, so I'll take it.

What's making you happy this week?


  1. We have selection days in the military where we find out where we are going next, and it sounds very similar! The feeling of excitement and anticipation is so overwhelming knowing you could go anywhere. So excited for you guys to know- and so awesome that you already know he was matched!!

  2. 48 hours, eeeeek! Prayers and love to you!

  3. Friday is SO close. :) Isn't it such a relief to know for sure he has a job now? (though the suspense of where is the worst!). Gatsby meeting a female Shiba is so cute! Jack's pool outfit is so adorable!

  4. That picture of the twinning pups is ADORABLE! And I'm so glad Chris was matched! I can't wait to here where you're headed!

  5. I love all of the happy in this post! Congratulations on matching - can't wait to see where y'all are going!

  6. Jack is so adorable! I can't wait to find out where you'll be heading off to!

  7. I think Jack's pool outfit may be the best thing I see all day! Love it!

  8. Ahhh, what an exciting week! Thinking about you guys! Also, the dog photo. TOO CUTE.


  9. GOOD LUCK!!!!! So excited for you!

  10. I love everything about this post. I am so glad to hear that your hubby matched somewhere! Also, Jack in his little swim outfit is adorable! I am glad he likes to be outside! The pic of your doggy with his new dog soulmate is awesome!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. So excited for you!!!! I'll be thinking of you on Friday.

  13. That picture of the pups is so cute! Eeeek soooo close to finding out!!!

  14. Eeeek! I can't wait to hear where you'll spend the next stage of your life!

  15. WOOOOOHOOO, I can't wait to hear where you're headed, AWESOME! Yay for Jack being so down to do whatever too...that's awesome!

  16. THE SHIBAS!!!!!!!

    Can't wait to hear Friday!

  17. Hooray for being matched! I can't wait to see where y'all are going!

  18. Jack is adorable - love his little swim outfit. I am so excited to hear where you guys have been matched!

  19. Yay for getting placed!! I know how hard waiting can be.

  20. I feel like we would totally get along! So excited for you guys to find out where your next adventure takes you :)

  21. SO much excitement, oh my gosh! Jack is so sweet in his pool outfit and I love your little cover up (kimono?). Yay for finding out your match city soon!

  22. Congratulations to Christopher! So excited for you all!

  23. So excited for you guys to FINALLY get to find out where you're headed! So glad you'll be celebrating no matter what :) Jack's pool outfit is TOO cute!

  24. I'm so happy for you!! Is it common for someone to not match?

  25. Congrats on matching! Can't wait to hear where your new journeys take you, and yayyy for Gatsby meeting a "girlfriend". Too cute <3
    Green Fashionista

  26. congrats on matching! I've only seen 2 other Shibas in real life. seriously each time i could have swore someone had a leash on a fox. haha :)

  27. Matching so sooooooon!!! So glad you've already got plans to PARTY hard because #necessary. Good luck!

  28. I love that you guys were at the pool on a Monday morning! haha congrats on matching! can't wait to hear where!

  29. Congrats on the matching <3333

    Edye //

  30. I'm sending you lots of good energy for this week!!! I'm sure you are going to be heading somewhere AMAZING. Plus, that little baby of yours will make any adventure just that much more awesome.

  31. How exciting!! Goodluck. Jack looks like a chill baby for sure!

  32. Your positivity is seriously SO encouraging to me!

  33. oh my!! congrats on the matching!! and okay whoa i obviously missed something in the last million months because you have a baby!!! he is soooooo perfect and handsome! congrats on everything, lady!!! and tell florida to stay summery because i'm headed there soon, thank goodness. ;) xo!

  34. So many good things this week. I can't wait to hear where he was matched too!

  35. All good things! And I adore your cover up in the first picture - where is it from?

  36. CONGRATULATIONS to Chris & your family! Pool Jack is the sweetest looking young man! I didn't know what kind of dog Gatsby was, so I looked it up online. Sounds like you have the perfect dog! Nana & Papaw will be with you in spirit on Match Day! We pray that you'll get a great place that you will learn to love & to raise Jack! We love & miss y'all so much!

  37. They're twins! SO adorable! Congrats on Chris's matching! I'm sure that's a huge weight off both of your shoulders, and I'm sure finding out exactly where you're going will be an even bigger one!

  38. Thinking of you today! Congrats on matching!

    Also, Jack is the cutest little pool babe I ever did see!


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