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Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Eight Weeks With Jack: Weeks 7 & 8.

Week Seven:
We took you to the hated the sand. And the water. And pretty much the beach in general. 
You're the cutest sleeping baby. So peaceful.
You're smiles are more and more frequent, and I just can't get enough of them.
You continue to be the silliest little dude. It's so much fun. 
I was finally able to track down a little bathing suit small enough to fit you!
You noticed your mobile for the first time, and watched it spin for at least 30 minutes, content as could be!

Week Eight:
You love to be outside. We started taking you either to the pool or on a walk almost every day, because you love it!
You love anywhere we take you. To the park, to the lake, to the food truck just want to hang out!
You're getting bigger, but you're still the sleepiest, snuggliest little babe. 
You become more and more aware every day. You just want to be a part of whatever is going on!
And, of course, you're still the silliest. 

Love you always, my little man. Thanks for the best 8 weeks ever. 


  1. He is so incredibly adorable! He's SO ready to be a Gainesville baby!

  2. He is so cuddly!! So darn cute! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. He is absolutely adorable and keeps getting more and more cute! Enjoy all the snuggles :)

  4. My god, what an adorable guy!

  5. the picture with his hand on his chin. that's all.

  6. baby pictures are just my favorite! And you're little guy is just the sweetest! I love these posts! :)

  7. These pictures are so adorable! He has the cutest little facial expressions. Love it!

  8. He is SUCH a doll!! He better learn to love the beach very soon ;) I've never seen someone use the boppy in the crib like that- does he sleep that way? (New almost-first-time-mom question, lol!)

  9. He has the cutest facial expressions! Love the photo of Jack & Gatsby!

  10. What a sweetie. Love these updates!

  11. Aw, this is such a cute recap! He's too cute! xo

  12. He is so perfect! I love that you take him everywhere! What an adventurer!

  13. Oh my goodness he's adorable. I never thought I would miss having a newborn, BUT. At the moment I almost do.

  14. He has so many fun faces! I love that little swimsuit, too. So tiny!

  15. Oh my gosh, his little face and cute lips! He is adorable (but you already know that;)

  16. I can't get over the cuteness that is that fox outfit! Love that he enjoys going to the lake, the pool, and the food trucks. Yum!
    Green Fashionista

  17. What a cutie! His personality is starting to show :)

  18. That baby bathing die for :)

  19. what a cutie!! i love all of his expressions.


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