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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Feelings Leading Up to Match Day.

We are eleven days out from Match Day.  E l e v e n .

Since we are super close (and also way too far away) to finding out, I don't know, EVERYTHING about the next few years of my life, I thought I'd clue you in to what's going on in my brain at the moment.

I am so calm. I am at peace. Whatever is supposed to happen is will happen. I've got this.

....I most certainly do not have this. 

What if we move somewhere that is basically a frozen tundra and it snows all the time? I will die. Florida has made me weak. 

That's silly. That won't happen. Calm down. Okay, better. I've got this. Maybe. 

Yep, definitely see a snowy death in my future. RIP me. 

Okay, this is out of control. Let's just stop thinking and go back to my tried and true method of dealing with stressful things: pretending they are not happening. 

Match? What Match? Oh, that silly thing. Funny you should mention it, I had forgotten all about it! 

The anxiety raging in my soul cannot be healthy. Maybe I need to do more yoga. 

Once again, I am back to being so calm and at peace with the universe and OH MY GOSH WHAT IF WE MOVE SOMEWHERE SNOWY. 

...and repeat approximately 27,000 more times in the next eleven days.


  1. Oh girl. I can't imagine. Just hold on, you're almost there. Life's a big adventure, right? Sending you all the vibes for a semi-chill 11 days and a new home city without too much snow.

  2. I am so excited and nervous and anxious to find out, too! I wonder where you'll end up.... I'll send some warm, positive, southern vibes your way! (Although I'm in Ohio and it's really not THAT bad, haha.)

  3. I can't imagine the uncertainty! At least it's almost here - I can't wait to see what's in store for you!

  4. I would be biting my nails, cleaning the house, and keeping busy so I wouldn't dwell on it as much! You got this! You can get through this!! =)

    Love the gifs you choose! I'm laughing in my cubicle b/c seriously these are the best! Love the Taylor Swift one and the MIB! =)

  5. Oh friend, praying for you!!!! I can only imagine the stress, but deep breath because everything will work out!

  6. I'm praying for you! I have no doubt that you and your husband will make where ever you go a great home for your little one. :)

  7. You got this! Everything will be okay :)

  8. Oh I can't imagine!!! Ok, I'm hoping for the PNW so we can be friends. :-) And it doesn't snow up here... maybe a day, then it's gone. so win-win!

  9. Oh my gosh! It is so soon! I cant wait to see what you guys get! Please post asap! I feel totally invested in this!

  10. 11 days! Y'all are so close to finding out! Hang in there :) Also, hoping for somewhere non-snowy for you!

  11. Hopefully there's a tiny bit of excitement mixed in with the anxiety? I mean at least in 11 days you WILL know right? You've got this, everything will work out!

  12. haha this was so funny! you are so so close!

  13. First of all I will say that I'm praying and thinking about y'all during these few days! Secondly...I have to say that these GIFs NAILED IT. You definitely won't get sent somewhere snowy since you probably won like 100 gold stars for this funny post ;)

  14. Oh you must be so nervous!!! But you're handling it like a champ! And btw, I'm still rooting that you get matched somewhere in Maryland ;)

  15. Eeeeek so exciting!! I'm still really hoping ya'll are moved to my neck of the woods :)

  16. I think you totally handle the winter we just had here. It's 65 degrees in early March. We really only had snow 3 times and one was the blizzard that was fun and beautiful - because everyone just stayed home :) I can't imagine how stressful this waiting is, but you'll get through it and end up somewhere awesome. I just feel it.

  17. Hopefully no matter where you get sent you can fall in love with it! Here's hoping you don't get sent somewhere too snowy!

  18. How exciting!! Husby was poached from his last job (almost 2 years ago) and we moved someplace I NEVER expected (Alabama!) but it's been such a fun adventure. Sending happy thoughts your way :)

  19. I can't imagine how stressful it is for you guys to not know what the future holds until match day. Just know that where ever you guys go next will be amazing because you'll be together and with little man. Sending prayers and *hugs* your way!
    Green Fashionista

  20. I can't wait to see where you are matched to, but I totally fear going to a snowy tundra. Sending hugs your way.

  21. OMG girl, I can't even put myself into those shoes. I need lots of time to come to terms with my moves, lol. I hope you don't get moved to a snowy tundra, BUT, in case it happens, just think of all the hot cocoa you will get to consume and the snowmen you'll get to make ;) lol! Thinking of you & sending lots of good vibes!

  22. I mean, as someone who lived in Houston and then went to Wyoming, even if you do end up somewhere snowy at least your get to take pretty pictures of the snowy trees, have an excuse to drink more hot chocolate, and see your son & dog play in the snow. And then you can make plans of the next warm place you want to live <3

  23. Ahhh I can just imagine all these feelings! The uncertainty would be so hard. Can't wait to hear where you guys are headed to!

  24. Just think about how much fun Jack will have if you move to a snowy place? haha. You got this! ;)

  25. Ekkk...cant wait to hear! Fingers crossed somewhere warm! :)

  26. I can't even imagine how nerve wracking it has to be! The silver lining in all of this is that y'all will be together and it's only for the short term!

  27. Oh girl I can imagine it's a stressful time. I have a feeling it will all work out. :)

  28. I can't imagine the roller coaster of emotions- so exhilarating scary and exciting all at the same time!

  29. Oh my goodness this must be so stressful.

  30. I can't even imagine the anxiety of not knowing! I hope it's a good one!
    Xo, Evelina @ Fortunate House

  31. Such huge news! Hoping it's somewhere nice and tropical, but I know you will make the best of any option!

  32. Thinking of you, lady! You've got this! You know, Texas is super warm. ;)

  33. Oh girlfriend...I can relate to this post so much. This is exactly where we were this time last year--so uncertain of everything! I did think about you last night on my drive home. I could really use a local writing friend who just gets of course I'm hoping you land in CLT :) Keeping you guys in my thoughts and prayers as you wait (patiently) ;)

  34. This post was too funny... I am so stressed for you!! I feel like this about halfway through the hockey season when pondering the year after - but I think there is so much more anxiety when you know exactly when you'll find out! It's so hard not to think about. I lived in Rochester NY which is the 2nd snowiest city in the US for 7 years and I promise it's not that bad! You will always be able to find something good wherever you go!

    Annessa /

  35. All those gifs and all your reactions are too funny! You got this girl.

  36. I can't imagine the anticipation you both must be feeling. I'll be hoping for a warm climate for you!

  37. I can't imagine what you are going through. I hate now knowing the future! I know it's not the same, but we are currently waiting Ryan's next placement, but at least we know what state it will be in :)

  38. I love this! Snow is definitely easy to deal with and sometimes you have winters that aren't even that snowy. There is zero snow on the ground right now in Minnesota. :)

    Well, there might be snow in some places, but not all over. :)

  39. Oh my gosh! I don't know how you are handling this at all. The anticipation for something this big might actually be life threatening to a Type A person like me. Can't wait to find out though!


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