One week from today, Christopher will open a box that will determine where the next chapter of our lives will be taking place.
If you're wondering how I'm handling that stress and uncertainty and such a big change hovering, I'll just go ahead and tell you: NOT WELL.
Since we turned the list in, I've tried handling this a few different ways.
First: Pretend it's not happening. If I don't think about it, I won't stress about it. Wrong.
Next: Think about it too much. Question everything. Rethink the entire last year of my life. Not a good strategy.
Third: Back to ignoring it. Still not working.
Up next: Look at houses in every single town that's even a remote possibility on the list. Become instantly overwhelmed at all the options. Pass.
Fifth: Talk to Gatsby and Jack about this for entirely too long before realizing that neither one of them is ever going to talk back and I am, in fact, going crazy.
Back to ignoring it.
If you need me at any point over the next seven days, I'll be somewhere in between pretending I'm fine and carefree and stress eating my way through Orlando.
Happy Friday, everybody.