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Monday, May 23, 2016

Do I Look Any Different?

Do I look any different than I did last time we talked? 


I don't know when that's going to get old. It's been three days and it's not old yet, so just bear with me. 

Graduation has come and gone, and the love of my life has finally achieved his lifelong dream of becoming a doctor. A real, live, cut-people-open-and-sew-them-back-together doctor.

So, this is it. The end of a journey. The end of an era. The last post I will tag with medical school. Four years of hard work (that doesn't even do it justice) and here we are. 

I want to say that med school has been good to us, but I don't really think that's the case. Med school isn't really good to anyone. It's hard and it sucks and it's exhausting and isn't really good to any student, until you make it through it. 

But he made it through it, and I made it through the four years with him. 

So while I don't think med school was good to us, I think we were good to med school. We made the best of it. Christopher worked diligently and tirelessly at school and in the hospital and then would come home and force himself to stay awake long enough to hang out with me. We made the most of the rare days off, adventured when we could, spent money on fun stuff when we could, and ate ramen noodles when we had to. 

Chris zeroed in on his goals. He bought me a puppy and I learned to not be terrified of spending nights alone. We supported each other and pushed each other and loved each other through every good and bad day of the last four years.

Being married to a medical student is hard and exhausting and frustrating at times. But it has been an honor to stand with him over the last four years, and it is an honor to stand with him now, watching his greatest dream come true. 

One last thing: Life is weird and cool and strange and amazing. Four years ago, I never ever EVER would have imagined being a family of three at graduation. But sitting there, holding Jack while I was tearing up listening to the graduates read the hippocratic oath, I couldn't imagine it any other way. 
yeah, I'll just eat this real fast.

Goodbye, medical school. Thanks for all the lessons I'm not going to miss you. 

Onto the next four years! Team Jacobs forever. 
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  1. Congratulations!! There is NOTHING like being able to let go of the stress that comes along with school- so excited for yall!

  2. Bless you guys!!! Amazing, and congratulations!! Hope you three celebrate together for a long, long time! XO

  3. Congratulations! What an awesome accomplishment!

  4. Congratulations on being a doctor's wife! ;) Hope y'all were able to celebrate and soak it all in this weekend.

  5. How exciting! Congratulations to both of you! :)

  6. Congrats!!! Such an exciting time for you guys!!!

  7. Oh how wonderful!! Congrats to your family :)

  8. A big congratulations to your husband and to you! You guys did it!

  9. Oh man, you guys are the cutest! It has to be so crazy awesome to have such a smartypants husband and adorable baby! You've got it good, lady! (And you definitely worked for it!) I hope you're ALWAYS this pumped about being a doctor's wife!

  10. So exciting! Congrats to you guys, and I can't get over how adorable Baby Jack is in the graduation cap! Loving your dress at the ceremony too, so pretty <3
    Green Fashionista

  11. Congratulations to Chris, and to you! It seems like it was a long road but totally worth it! And you set up an amazing foundation for your marriage by getting through something tough like that.

  12. YAY!!! biggest of congrats to you and your adorable little family! you look so happy!

  13. Yay! Congrats to him and how exciting for your entire family! Love the last few photos, so precious!

  14. Congrats to the whole family! So so exciting!

  15. Yay! A big CONGRATS to you guys! So glad it's over with for you all!

    P.S. Jack looks so cute in the graduation cap! ;)

  16. Congrats to you and Christopher! Jack is so adorable with his bow tie! PS-It never gets old. :)

  17. Really exciting. Kudos on making it through together, Congratulations to the Doctor!

  18. Congrats to him and you! It was all worth it! xo

  19. Yay! So much for ya'll to celebrate this year. ;-)

  20. That's awesome. Congrats to him! And just think...years from now you'll look back at this time and wonder how you guys made it through...

  21. Awww congrats to the both of you! You both look so darling!

    xo Jen
    Skirt The Rules

  22. Congratulations to you both! I can't imagine the hard work and sacrifice you both put in. And, seriously, I cannot take Jack's smile. I want to kiss his sweet face!

  23. congratulations!!!! gosh that is so huge!!

  24. SO sweet! Congrats to you and your hubby! xoxo

  25. Congratulations! Aw, and your baby looks so cute. So happy for his dad.

  26. Congratulations! What an accomplishment!

  27. I LOVE the Team Jacobs forever, the cutest. Also, can Jack look cuter in that cap?! Congratulations to all of you!

  28. Congratulations to all of you!! Way to get through it! And Jack...agh, I just want to squeeze that cutie! xo

  29. nbd. doctors wife. i wouldn't tell people that ;)

  30. Wow, what an accomplishment (for both of you)! I can only imagine the relief you must feel since I felt supremely relieved when my husband graduated, and he had only finished up his Bachelor's, lol. Now you have a lot of celebrating ahead of you in this fun new phase of life!


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