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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

We Bought a House!

I have the most exciting news (to me, anyway)...we bought a house!

I know I've alluded to it here and there, but I didn't want to talk about it until everything was for sure all set. With so many big life-events happening lately, I was kind of waiting for the other shoe to drop. With every form we filled out, I half-expected a phone call saying "Oh hello yes, it has come to our attention that you are not a real-life adult and you may not have this house." But somehow we actually are grownups, and we're set to close on Friday!

To say I'm excited about this is an incredibly large understatement. We took a packing break on Saturday to get some things from Target, where I picked out a rug and shower curtain for Jack, and later cried tears of actual joy over it. It may seem silly, but the thought of filling our own house with our own stuff...literally brings me to tears. 

I'm excited about everything, especially: 
  • Getting to hang up my clothes. We have the tiniest little closet right now, which means most of my clothes are in my dresser. I'm so excited to be able to hang my clothes where I can see them without having to unfold them! It's the little things. 
  • Having a separate laundry room. No more piling dirty clothes in front of the washer that happens to be at the foot of our bed!
  • Having a backyard! GUYS, I cannot wait to share pictures of the backyard. Serious perfection. Gatsby is not going to know what to do with himself. I cannot wait.
  • Jack having his own room. See also: Not having to avoid making noise while Jack naps.
  • Having somewhere to eat dinner that is not my lap. 
  • Having a desk again! Somewhere to write, and blog, and create. 
  • Paying a mortgage instead of rent. AKA, paying towards something each month for A WHOLE HOUSE instead of just giving the office downstairs most of my paycheck for a single room.
aaaand about a million other things. I can't wait to fill a house with things we love, to make a house into a home that reflects our life, and to cover it in bright colors and flowers and all things happy.

Life is good, you guys. It's pretty dang good.

Tell me something good that's going on in your life!
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  1. Isn't buying a home the most exciting thing ever?? Congrats on this latest adventure in adulting :)

  2. Yayyy congrats!!!! That is SO EXCITING!! We're hoping to finally "settle" down next spring...and all of those things you listed are what I look forward to someday too. A yard! Like I wouldn't even know what to do with myself haha. Seriously, congratulations! You guys deserve it!!

  3. congrats! and yes, there is nothing like having kids and buying a house to make you question your adulthood and who decided you were old enough for this stuff!

  4. Congratulations, SO very exciting. Couldn't be happier for you!

  5. such an adult thing to do! congrats!!

  6. Oh my gosh, that is beyond exciting! Congrats!!!! I can't wait to see pictures.

  7. Congratulations! Buying a house is such an exciting time! I cant wait to see pics of it!

  8. YAY, congrats beautiful friend!

  9. Congrats! There's nothing like walking into a space every day and knowing that it's yours!

  10. CONGRATULATIONS! Buying a house is soo exciting, you better plan on sharing photos! (:

  11. Congratulations!!! This has been the year of years for you!!!

  12. YAY!!! Obviously I can relate to this feeling since we're in the same boat over here. So so so exciting!!!

  13. Congrats!!! This is so exciting and you're going to love owning your own place.

  14. So exciting! CONGRATS!!! Can't wait to see pics as you guys get settled <3
    Green Fashionista

  15. Awesome! Congratulations! I can't wait to see photos.

  16. Congratulations that's so exciting!! I feel you on the closet situation UGH

  17. Congratulations, how exciting! You will love being a homeowner. Enjoy!

  18. I am so, SO happy for you! You will love having some more space;)

  19. Omg CONGRATS!!!!!!!!! That's awesome!! Having a yard is such a game-changer!

  20. Congrats! I can't wait to see pictures!

  21. Congrats!!! you guys have so much to celebrate!! I can't wait to see the backyard, I"m so happy for you all.

  22. Ahh congrats! We're looking to places now to potentially buy after we get hitched. I will be coming to you for tips ;)

  23. Congratulations!! This is amazing! I can only imagine how wonderful it will feel to have a whole house after renting a loft. It has been a big month for you guys!

  24. Woooohoooo so exciting!!!!!! Congrats :-)

  25. YAY for a backyard and so many other things! So excited for y'all!

  26. Hey, that's good news! I get excited when people do something big like buying a house. I'm still paying for mine but I hope I can pay full soon and start moving there too.

    Enjoy hanging your clothes! :)

  27. Congratulations! You will love it! Don't get me wrong, there will be headaches, but it will be so, so worth it!

    I didn't realize you worked outside the home? What do you do?

  28. I'm so excited for you! I think you will have a blast filling your new home with beautiful things and bright colors!

  29. YAY!!! Congratulations girl! SO exciting! I can't wait to hear all about your decorating! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  30. Congrats!! That's so so exciting! Having your own home is such an incredible feeling! I'm so excited for you guys and I can't wait to see photos and follow along as you decorate!

  31. AGHHHH!!!! I am so freaking excited for you I am having trouble formulating words. First of all, this is awesome! Second, I share your thoughts about the home buying process. It's like, when is someone going to realize that I'm just winging it here and they're going to give me a house?! I'm so proud of you two -- you deserve all of this happiness and more :)

  32. this is so awesome!! yay! congrats :) i have a tiny closet, i cannot wait to have a bigger one - one day! but i totally know what you mean about having a house to fill with stuff and a life. it's amazing. congrats again!

  33. Congratulations!!!!!! Let the adventures (all of them!) begin!

  34. Ah congrats! I can totally relate to all the things you're looking forward to. A laundry room and my baby having her own room again! Her naps have been all screwed up lately because I or someone in the hall at this hotel keep waking her up! So annoying.

    I hope the move in process goes well!

  35. Congrats! That is so exciting! I am so with you on paying a mortgage instead of rent. Like, I feel like we just throw our money away so I'm looking forward to actually investing in something!

  36. Ahh yay! Home ownership is so much fun! So excited for you!!

  37. Woo congrats, girl! That is so exciting. Paying mortgage vs. paying rent is the best feeling because at least it's going somewhere!

  38. Yay!!!! It's so nice to have a home that's your own. I'm happy for you.

  39. Congratulations! This is so exciting!


  40. So exciting!!! Congrats!!! A separate room for laundry is the best thing ever!!

  41. Congratulations!! The first house is sooooo exciting - and made me feel like I was finally legit adulting! :) After renting for a dozen years, finally being able to PAINT rooms the colors I wanted = the best!!

  42. Yay yay yay!! Welcome to the world of home owning!

  43. So exciting!! All of these reasons- I love them and felt them too last year! I'm excited to have a summer to make our home into what we want!:) Congratulations!

  44. YAYYYYY! So exciting. New house twins. :)

  45. Such an exciting time! I'm so happy for you guys and all the big things happening right now. Can't wait to hear more about this house!

  46. I'm so happy for you guys!! That must be so exciting!

  47. Hooray! I'm starting to get the itch to buy a home too.. maybe sometime next year! So awesome that you were able to find something so quickly!


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