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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Let's Just Be Happy Today.

We all have good day and bad days. To pretend that life is only good, that it is only light and easy and stunning and happy, well, that's just stupid. Because it's not. It's hard sometimes. We all have days that feel never-ending and days that feel more like a vacation. Life is a mixture of ups and downs. 

I think there's a chance in every day to be happy. Sometimes that comes easily, and sometimes we have to go hunting for it. But it's there, always. So today, I think you should be happy. 

Grab a large sweet tea from Chick-Fil-A and stroll the aisle of Target and be happy. 

Read a book outside in the sunshine and be happy. 

Call up an old friend and meet for lunch and be happy. 

Curl up with a cup of coffee and your favorite blanket and be happy. 

Watch a movie and have popcorn and wine for dinner and be happy. 

Because, after all, if you live in a world were there is sweet tea and Target and books and sunshine and old friends and coffee and blankets movies and popcorn and could you not be happy? 

Wishing you a day full of happiness, wherever you may find it.
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  1. Amen! It's hard to turn around a bad day, but the little things are the ones to be thankful for!

  2. This is such a great list of how to be happy! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. Who wouldn't be happy with Chik fil a?!

  4. There definitely is a chance to be happy every single day, even when it doesn't seem like it. I love focusing on little bits of happiness no matter how small =)

  5. Such a great message - there definitely is a piece of happiness in every single day.

  6. One of my favorite things to do is go to my patio and listen to audiobooks while rocking in my patio chair. It's definitely something that makes me happy.

  7. I think you just wrote about all the things that make me happy, too!

  8. Read Chelsea's blog and be happy. :)

  9. Yes! to everything on this list :) Sometimes the smallest things bring the most happiness.

  10. This came right when I needed it! I'm in the middle of being overwhelmed with this week. But tonight, I think I'll make mac & cheese and be happy. And let's not kid ourselves here, I'll be drinking wine too.
    Em,My Favorite Day

  11. Yes! Your blog is always a happy space for me. I love it!

  12. This post makes me want to do alllll of these things right now!! Such good ways to be happy:)
    Darling, Dearest

  13. I love this! Have you tried the frosted coffee from chic-fil-a?! It is so amazing and makes me so happy!! PS I sent you an email about a possible collab! (It'll be from Krista :)

  14. I love this post!! I'm a pretty positive person and so I love taking little pleasures in everyday things, such as buying flowers for my apartment!

  15. This post totally brighten up my day! Thanks for making me feel happy :)

    Edye | Http://

  16. This post makes me want to do all those things like right now! Haha! This is such a great reminder to find the happy in every moment, good or bad! -xx Leah || Chasing Texas

  17. Reading this put a smile on my face. As they say, "there are so many beautiful reasons to be happy." Thanks for sharing a few great ones!

  18. Yes, yes, YES!!! Happiness can often just be a choice...let's choose it more often!

  19. I think I need to try that coffee and a good book option right now! :)

  20. Couldn't agree more! There are days that things don't go our way, but we can still create our own happiness. Life is how we make it. Balance is important too.

  21. That's one of the reasons why I love keeping a gratitude journal. You start to notice all of the simple, yet wonderful things in your life that really do make you happy! I think I might read a book in the sun today with a Chick-fil-a Lemonade!


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