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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Things I believe in this week.

I believe in a second cup of coffee. and sometimes a third.

I believe in having a marriage that is an epic adventure of two best friends, even if sometimes the only adventure is sitting next to each other getting work done.

I believe in making crafts and being girly.

I believe in standing up for the things you believe in, no matter how unpopular or controversial they may be, because those are the things that make you who you are.

I believe in dreaming out loud to your very best friends.

I believe in writing and writing and writing some more.

I believe in chasing after your dreams.  Every single one of them, no matter how big or small they may be.

Today, I believe. 
What about you?


  1. Loved this post! I believe in multiple cups of coffee as well :)

  2. I always get really excited when I see a new post from you! They are always uplifting and full of thought and care. Thanks so much!! And I am all for a second cup of coffee too!

  3. This was so nice! I really liked the "dreaming out loud to your best friends" line. Very pretty. :)

  4. Your blog is inspiring, girl. It is quickly becoming one of my favorites.

  5. This is very inspiring. I love what you said about marriage :) thank you for sharing!

  6. I believe there is always something to be thankful for!

  7. One thing for sure is that I believe in you! :) And I totally agree on all of the above.

  8. I believe that you get your heart broken a million times... but once. Something my dad told me once and I also believe that my dad is always right.
    Thanks for the latest post. You are amazing!

    Sue // Chevron & Lace

  9. found you thru marked by grace. and cant wait to get to know you and your blog better.

  10. Love this post and love your blog :) Found you through Marked By Grace's shoutout :)


  11. Such a sweet post. I love multiple cups of coffee.

  12. i love this post :)!
    -Deana, from Birds&Oxfords

  13. I especially like what you wrote about marriage. People make marriage seem so dark and scary and complicated when it really doesn't have to be.


say whatcha need to say.