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Friday, March 7, 2014

Thankful Fridays: An Amazing Website and a Cute Little Fox.

Sometimes on Fridays, I can't wait to write about what I'm thankful for. 

And then there's this week. 

I'm having a bad week and to think of five things I'm thankful for seems so tiring.  Isn't that stupid?  But that's exactly why I have Thankful Fridays.

1.  The Hunt. 

 This is one of those websites that I'm insanely confused about how I had no idea it existed until this week.  You know how you will find the perfect thing on pinterest that you must have immediately, and then you click on the link only to find it goes nowhere?

Apparently there's an entire website dedicated to tracking down those things.  People post pictures of what they want to find and other people comment if they know where to get that exact thing or something similar.  Look at mankind, helping each other out. 

2.  No matter how rough my day is, this guy is always waiting to take me on a walk. 

3.  Your comments on Tuesday's post.  I got a lot of advice on how to deal with the stress of unexpected news, most of which included wine, pizza, and praying.  Obviously I have smart blog friends.  

4.  I get to spend today making orders for you guys.  I'm making things (which I love) to pay for my book (which I love) and it's a very fulfilling process.  

5.  Things with my book are on track!  I got an email from the publisher yesterday saying we are officially at the halfway point for everything that has to be done.  What?!  So exciting!

What are you thankful for this week? 

Check out this month's featured sponsor:


  1. that site is AMAZING. That happened to me too many times to count during wedding planning. have a great weekend.

  2. The Hunt sounds smart!!! Very cool! Is that a Sheba Enu???? I lived in Japan and saw those a lot! So excited for your publisher news! I'm thankful for remembering how to care for myself first instead of last all the time! :)

  3. So excited about your book and it must feel so wonderful to see all of your hard work and dedication paying off!

  4. I think I've visited the Hunt once before and it's definitely useful. I hate when I click on a product link and it doesn't take me to the page. I need to know!

    And, like you, my dogs are always in a good mood so that definitely keeps me thankful. Happy to hear that your book is on track!

  5. The Hunt sounds delightful and that picture you used to highlight it is definitely enticing me to make it one of my bookmarks lol. I'm glad your dog can cheer you up on rough days, that's why I want one again, they are the best at doing that. And congrats on everything with your book going as planned, that's an amazing accomplishment!

  6. Yay for things progressing with your book! That's so exciting! And The Hunt is amazing! :-)

  7. The Hunt is the best thing I've ever heard of! How did I not know this existed! THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING.

  8. The Hunt sounds awesome, the random links to nowhere happens so often! Congrats on being at the halfway point for your book to be published!

  9. I have a feeling The Hunt would end up being a total time suck for me... love those kinds of sites!

  10. What an awesome site!! Whaaat?! It's always especially good to try and take a step back and find things to be thankful for when things are going rough. Super exciting about the book!

  11. Came across your lovely blog ! I also grabbed a button !
    stop by
    Simply Sutter

  12. Ooooh! I'm going to have to check that website out! There's an amazing bathing suit I freaking love and it goes nowhere! Totally visiting this! I love your thankful list :)

  13. That dress is super cute, I will check out The Hunt. Glad you are just rolling with life and not stressing too much.

    Allie of ALLIE NYC

  14. Congrats on getting closer with the book! That's awesome that there is a site that finds all of the dead ends on Pinterest.. It is always such a let down finding something you absolutely love and it leads nowhere!

  15. Wow I had no idea about that site...but it makes sense that something like that is needed! Kudos to whoever started that one! Your dress is lovely by the way! Excited for you about your book! Congrats!
    dija at

  16. Why isn't this website a more known thing?! I've spent sooo many hours frustrated trying to track things down from Tumblr and Pinterest, ha!

  17. You should totally make this in to a link-up ... because I would LOVE to post about five things I'm thankful for each week! :)

  18. the hunt sounds awesome - i need to use that for the awesome things i can never find on pinterest. and my dogs always make me feel better at the end of a tough day too.

  19. Whoa, wait, did I miss this whole book thing? Tell me!

  20. That site is amazing! I have used it before and it is so completely awesome.

  21. I understand completely. Sometimes it's hard to hang in there but no matter what it doesn't last.

  22. Ooh, how exciting on the book! And dogs are the best, aren't they?! It's like they can sense when you have a rough day and just shower you with love!

  23. I LOVE that you are writing a book! And I LOVE the items in your shop. How lovely! Oh and I had no clue about this website that tracks those Pinterest mysteries down. How awesome!

  24. Uh WOAH. The Hunt looks awesome. I am getting all over this now.

  25. Wow, that website sounds super cool! I didn't know you had a shop, either! Awesome!

  26. ADORABLE Shiba!! I love their look, I recently acquired a foxy-looking baby last year (Alaskan Klee Kai) and love him to death, definitely brightens up every day! And yes, isn't The Hunt amazing?? Have a great week!

  27. Oh my gosh, the hunt is a complete game changer!! Thanks SO much!!! Love that you are staying thankful and your attitude of gratitude :) xoxo

  28. That dress is gorgeous! And The Hunt sounds like such a helpful website!


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