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Friday, July 18, 2014

Happy to be Alive, Because: Friday & Gatsby.

1. Friday is here, people!  I've said it before and I'll keep saying it: Friday just sounds so much sweeter on some weeks rather than others.

2. Chris. I've had a crazy, crazy week. One of those where you try to figure out everything in your entire life and then question everything you figure out at least twice. To have those weeks while living with someone you love that actually cares about your life? Incredible. 

3. As of this week, my book has been out for 3 months! That means I should be getting the first report soon. I can't wait to see how things are going and to try to decide next steps for that. 

4. I haven't had creamer since July 8th. This is huge, because I am a coffee freak connoisseur. But I was absentmindedly reading the back of a bottle and realized just how much sugar I was drinking (guzzling) first thing in the morning. I mean, as soon as pumpkin spice creamer hits the stores this will all go out the window. But it's nice to know I can actually do it. 

5. Gatsby cries every morning until I open the blinds. Then he sits and just watches out the window. It's the cutest thing ever.  

What made you happy to be alive this week?


  1. You pup is so cute!! How did you cut the creamer? I use Hazelnut and I use a ton. Even worse I use the sugar free stuff which has to be loaded with tons of artificial sweetner which I'm really trying to avoid! Happy Friday!

  2. Darn it, I need to switch my creamer, too. I use almond milk in my ice coffee, but first thing I like my (organic, all natural) creamer in my hot coffee. I. Can't. Quit. It.

  3. aww your pup is so cute, my cats do that as well :) i dont drink creamer (or coffee, actually) but oh that is scary about all the sugar! go you :)

  4. Precious Gatsby! Happy Friday, lady!

  5. Happy Friday! Congrats on your book! It's been my life long dream to sit down a write a book since I was a little girl. I will face that dream some day!

    I'd love to invite you to my TGIF Blog & Instagram hop!

    Three Sisters and Us

  6. Beautiful girl!!! I hope your weekend is better than your week. Cheers to Friday!

  7. I love that your baby just wants to look out the window, soo adorable!

  8. pumpkin spice creamer...oh yum!

  9. I have a creamer that is only 35 calories for a tbsp and that's just enough for me so it works but I've seen people dump like 4 or 5 in their coffee and I'm always thinking-do they know how much cals and sugar that is??? 3 months. Woot!! Hope it's doing well. I printed out my manuscript (gosh, it feels so fancy to say that) and sent my mom home with it. I'm freaking out because she'll be the first person to read it.

  10. ugh, I am a creamer freak too. The only way I can drink coffee!! I use the sugar free ones though (or maybe they're just low sugar, from International delight). They make me feel slightly less unhealthy!

    Happy Friday xoxo

  11. This is a super cute list :) and I know exactly what kind of week you're talking about! Visiting from the link-up :) xoxo

  12. Love this, such a cute idea for a post! Hope you have a lovely weekend...and so glad I stumbled upon your lovely blog! :)

  13. I am so sorry you've had such an exhausting week - I hope you start feeling peace about everything soon :) I drank my coffee black for almost 15 years and only recently started putting cream in it (why, I have no idea) - I am HOOKED now and it's just not good. There is SO much sugar!!!

  14. Pumpkin creamer is my weakness. There needs to be some sort of rehab I can go to.

  15. Wow, no creamer?? That's impressive. No pumpkin spice creamer?? Impossible. :)

  16. Is Gatsby a Corgi? We have two corgis that we just adore!

  17. Girl... I HAVE to have 2 scoops of creamer in my coffee. HAVE TO! Lol!

    And I love your dogs name!

  18. I can not believe you gave up creamer, that would be rough for me. I did make a switch to Soy Vanilla creamer though and don't mind it! And yes Fridays are amazing all the time but some weeks they seem so much better!

  19. You have a book out? I'd love to check it out, what's the title? Congrats on that!
    Gatsby is such a cute name :D

  20. Isn't black coffee so much better though? It taste like... coffee!

  21. I've gotten addicted to creamer lately, I wonder if I can kick the habit!? Your blog is beautiful by the way! :] xo

  22. No creamer? A life I can't imagine. Have you subbed for it or are you drinking it black?

  23. black coffee is heaven once you get used to it!

  24. 1. your animal is named gatsby and i heart you a little bit more. and #4 - that is me entirely. i've gotten used to the black coffee sitch (or some coconut sugar added helps make it a little sweeter without spiking the blood sugar). but that pumpkin spice? gimme. hope you had a good weekend! xo

  25. Go you on the book AND nixing creamer! I'm not a big coffee drinker, but when I drink it, I have to have some creamer to sweeten things up, so kudos to you!!!

  26. I'm excited for pumpkin spice creamer already!

  27. I am so pumped I stumbled across your adorable blog!!! I love it! I will def add it to my favs!

  28. oh gatsby dogs do the funniest things! and what no creamer since july 8 i dont know how you do it, i don't know if i could drink coffee black i might not drink coffee at all :-)

  29. Korea weaned me from creamer because it's nonexistent there! I was fighting the whole way....but now I don't like it. :) Still working on the milk and sugar..

  30. I stopped using creamer too. Like you said, the sugar is so bad I just couldn't do it anymore! I do put milk or coconut cream in my coffee, though. I need something in there. :) Congrats on three months as a published author! That's awesome! And Gatsby sounds adorable.

  31. how did you give up your creamer?! tips, please!!


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