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Monday, July 21, 2014

Writer's Block & Growing Wings.

Real talk:  I have had the worst writer's block of my life since April.  I think it started with turning my final manuscript in.  I spent years bouncing this story around in my head, trying to think of new ideas.  I would hear a song on the radio and my first thought would be that a certain character would love that song.  I would wake up in the middle of the night and ask myself what their favorite fruit was, what they were afraid of, what they wanted out of life.

And then I sent in the final manuscript, and all of that was over.

Except, it wasn't.

I still assign songs I hear to these characters.  I still dream in book scenes.  The only difference is, that story is over.  It's been started and finished and printed.  And while that is wonderful, it's made it extremely difficult to do any sort of new writing.

And then this week, the lovely ladies at Litfuse tweeted this image:

And just like that, I want to write all the words, ever, all the time.

Because those are my words.  Those words are in my book.  And seeing them typed out so beautifully like that?  It makes me want to write more.

So here's to new writing adventures.  Cheers to new stories, new blog posts, new ideas and words that dance in your head until you absolutely must get them down on paper.

"Sometimes you just have to jump out the window and grow wings on the way down."-Ray Bradbury

How do you deal with Writer's Block? 


  1. Can't wait to see what's in store for your lovely blog!! I live reading stories :)

    Have a wonderful week Chelsea!

  2. Ever thought of writing a sequel. ;-)

  3. I love love love that quote because that is exactly how I feel about writing, it is exactly that feeling that motivates me to write. I want to capture what it feels like when my heart is breaking, and then the liberating feeling of being okay again. I want to capture the happiness I feel when I wake up to puppy kisses and the disappointment when a boy doesn't call when I like him. Thanks for the extra bit of motivation today!

  4. Ahhh, writer's block. My go-to practice is changing my state. Dancing, hopping into handstands, yoga, meditation... completely taking my mind off of the task at hand and just being present. It changes my energy, which shifts how I approach.. well, LIFE. Haha! ;)

  5. I love Ray Bradbury quotes and his philosophy of writing!

  6. I usually try to read a lot when I have writer's block and hope I find myself inspired.

    Just remember you are amazing and full of great characters, ideas and stories in the future :).

  7. AH! I'm going to check out your book right after this! When I have writer's block, I normally disconnect from technology. No TV, Netflix, phone, or ipad, just relax and read a book or go for a long walk in nature. Normally, when I have time alone with my thoughts, inspiration strikes.

    1. That is so true!!!!! Why is it so hard to disconnect sometimes??

  8. That's how I was when I was editing my novel. I was constantly changing things around, I got ideas all the time and it was driving me cray!! So I printed it out for my mom to read and took a step back. I haven't even begun to think of a new story just yet. I guess I want to figure out what will happen with the old one first.

  9. I absolutely LOVED your last book! Don't worry :) You have a great voice!

  10. Ahhhh, Im strugling with writers block too! I really want to read your book! I can imagine its a lot like moving on from any relationship; your never really over it until you fall in love with someone else... its time to fall in love with a new character?? :)

  11. Oh, man, writer's block stinks! I like to ride it out and write when I get inspired, but having a blog has taught me to write a little bit every day, and that helps!

  12. How ironic that your own words cured your writer's block! A little encouragement goes a long way, that I know first hand. I am so happy for you ! I am so glad you are out of your funk, and are feeling inspired. Also, I love that you love Flannery's Mystery and Manners, too! So far, it's the best writing book I have read. Do you have other favorite books on writing?

  13. That is so beautiful! You really inspire me to want to finish those two books I've written half-way and not finished.

  14. Can't wait to read my book... and start my own. #whoopsdidijustadmitthat

  15. ahh that's so cool to see your own words quoted that way!

  16. aww love that quote! i love that your own quote inspired you to write again.

  17. That's a great quote! And it's so cool how you found it, especially since it was something that you needed to see. :) Whenever I'm having trouble writing I give myself a break. It's usually because I need time to relax and to take my mind off of "work" for awhile.

    Happy writing!

  18. :) You are still walking this road! You are *right* where you're supposed to be. I'm sending you LOTS of love and cheering you on from Chicago! (You inspire ME!) XO!

  19. inspiring! I love that someone could uplift you by your own words! How amazing!

  20. Congrats on your book Chelsea! That is awesome, and something I would love to do some day. What's your best advice for all of us aspiring writers out there?


  21. usually with blogging writers block i take a step back, and during the break i will make a list of things i want to write about and then when i feel the desire to start writing again i pull out that list of all the things and start writing again :-)

  22. I love this so much ! Your blog is so inspirational and makes me feel good, I love it <3


  23. What a lovely post. Thank you. I know the pains of writer's block! I love your blog it is so beautiful!!

  24. My dream is to someday write a book. A huge congratulations to you. Those moments where we stop to really take it how wonderful life is, I think those moments will always give us something to write about. Your quote was sooo beautiful! When I have writer's block, I revisit old journals, and photos. I people watch at a new location. I allow myself to be ridiculously curious. But my favorite thing is just sitting down and free writing. Sometimes I'll have to write out, "I have nothing to say, I have nothing to say..." over and over again but usually some new idea comes to mind. Great post, Chelsea!

  25. i do not know how you do it!! writing is such a difficult process for me.. i have it as a goal to write a book someday, but it's a daunting task. i guess i am the same way with photos though.. I want to always be capturing photos in every moment. :)


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