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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Pros + Cons: Living in a Studio Apartment.

At the end of May, we moved into a downtown studio apartment.  I absolutely adore it.  It's my favorite place I've ever lived and it makes every day feel significantly more cool.  If you're thinking of moving into a studio, my vote is yes, yes, and yes again.  However, as with anything there are good things and not so good things about living in a studio.

Pro:  There's way less to clean.  Less space, less cleaning.  More happiness.

Con:  If one thing is messy, your whole house is messy.  In a house with rooms, you can just shut the door on a mess.  In a studio, if you leave your laundry out on the bed...well, you look like a slob.

Pro:  You'll get out of the house more.  I adore my studio, but it's just one big room.  Getting out of the house is a must.

Con:  If you live with another person and are both home at the same time, you are  a l w a y s  in the same room.  I realize that a better wife may have put this under the pros list, but no.

Pro:  You'll accumulate way less junk.  We moved into a studio at the end of May, and I am still throwing away stuff from our old apartment that we thought we needed.  Here's the thing:  If there's space, you'll fill it.  If there's not, well, you won't.

Con:  Unless you've lived in a studio before, you'll most likely have to get rid of at least half of your stuff.  This ended up being a pro for me--I had entirely too much crap--but it can be overwhelming at first.

Pro:  Way less steps to the coffee maker in the morning.  Bonus points if you set your coffee for the night before, because it's really great to wake up to your entire apartment smelling like coffee.

Con:  It's a little difficult to have pets.  I have a really small dog, so it's the perfect amount of space for him.  If he was any bigger, though, I'd feel really guilty about the lack of space for him to run around in.

Pro:  Utilities are way cheaper.  There are less lights, less electric, and way less space to heat and cool.  So that sad, giant bill you get every month will shrink quite a bit.  Rent is also usually much cheaper.

Con (or maybe a pro):  Studio apartments usually don't attract families.  The cheaper rent and often really great amenities (I have a rooftop pool, hello) tends to appeal to people in their twenties.  When a bunch of younger people live in the same place, there are lots of parties and lots of music and lots of visitors.  On the weekends, I love this and think we live in the most magical place in all the land.  On the days when I've got to wake up for work, not so much.

What do you think?  Would you ever live in a studio?


  1. :) Hi Chels! I lived in a studio apartment for a little over a year in Washington DC and was nodding my head to everything that you said above! Totally agree with all of your pros and cons! :) I loved it for the year but also admit that I loved moving into a bigger apartment and house outside of the city later on. BUT the views of the city and the experience was something that I will never forget (or regret!)! I am with you in recommending anyone to do- or at least try it for a while! You won't regret it! :)
    :) Rebecca

  2. I nearly lived in a studio but at the last minute a friend asked me to move in with her. It ended up being a TERRIBLE situation. I really wish I had gone with the studio, there's something a little romantic about it. Is that weird?

  3. I would most definitely live in a studio!! I wish my town had them. But then again, studio apartments don't work if you have kids... know what I mean!!

  4. I totally agree with all of this! We don't live in a studio but we live in a shoebox sized house and the less to clean thing is very nice :)

  5. awesome post! I think I could live in a studio! :)

    xx from germany
    Farina :-)

  6. I don't think I could live in a studio since I have two dogs. But I live in a one bedroom apartment now and it's the perfect size! Plus I'm a block from the beach which is THE best. :)

    The Tiny Heart

  7. pretty accurate recap! my boyfriend and i are looking to move soon and considered this. way less steps to coffee is ALWAYS a pro.

  8. Congrats on the new place and great location! I see the appeal of studios but could never share such a small space with another person.

  9. I've never lived in a studio apartment, but I always think they have the coolest details. I imagine a lot of studio apartments with industrial chic details.

  10. I've never lived in a studio apartment, but I wanted to in college. Kevin and I live in a one bedroom apartment that is small, but we do have doors to the bedroom that shut off (so if we do have a pile of laundry (which we pretty much always do) we can just hide it in there). I agree about the dog situation. I sometimes feel bad that our dogs don't have a huge living room or yard to run around in, but our plan is to move to a house within a year.

    I'm happy our apartment is more family oriented than college oriented. I love having a quiet place to sleep! But, then on the weekends it does get super quiet. No one is ever even at the pools! And if we have a small party at our apartment, I feel bad for being loud because no one is ever loud there. I don't want to be that annoying neighbor... but I'm pretty sure I'm already at that point because our dogs can be a handful.

  11. This will be my third year living in a studio...just moved into my second one. You definitely summed it up. Although I will definitely depends on the quality of the studio.

  12. "Con: If you live with another person and are both home at the same time, you are a l w a y s in the same room. I realize that a better wife may have put this under the pros list, but no."

    Hahaha! I would be the same way! I need my space!

  13. Great pst, there are definitely pros and cons to living in a studio apartment :) I love your blog and I have followed you with Bloglovin, if you ever get a chance to check out my blog I would be delighted, thanks!

    Camille xo.

  14. I did for five years!! Only about 6 months of it with two and that was HARD!!! For the most part it was cool because it was my first place on my own but I think eventually the lack of space kind of wears on you. I would not intentionally do it again but I do think fondly of my studio time.

  15. I think I could live in a studio by myself, but with even a spouse, I would go insane. I need my alone time!

  16. Ahh, I love your posts! As someone who lives in a studio apartment I thought this was great!

  17. I always wanted to live in a studio apartment, i love the idea of everything being out in the open. I dont think I could do it with another person, I need my space even if its for a second or two!

  18. I was looking at studio apartments for a long time. I never ended up moving but I think I would love to live in one.

  19. I don't think I could ever do a studio apartment. Maybe before marriage and kids but not now. How flu for you thought! They are so retro and cool! Hope you are having a great day, my friend!

  20. I've always wondered about living in a studio, thank you for sharing!

  21. Loved reading this. I'm a city girl, and I'd definitely love it. I laughed at loud at you saying if you were a better wife that'd be on the pro list haha. I get ya- Love my hubby dearly, but a little seperate tv/relaxation time is always a good thing too ;)

  22. When I lived in Atlanta, I managed apartment communities and at my last property I was at, we had the cutest studio apartments with awesome hardwood floors and high ceilings. I wanted to make it work. but my bed would not fit in the area I wanted it to and there weren't enough kitchen cabinets. I just love the look of studios though!!!

  23. Amazing post! I just moved into a tiny studio and all of these points are so true! My kitchen is basically a closet that opens and closes (with no counters) and sometimes I just feel so silly, like I'm living in the tiniest place ever. But it's charming and living downtown is so convenient right now. :)

  24. Such a great list! I'll take these into consideration when planning my move!

  25. :) The studio apartment in the city that I lived in right before I met Christian was, to date, my most favorite place I've ever lived. There was something really magical about that place, and being in the energy of the city. With a hubby and a dog and cat now though... oh man. I just think we'd all kill each other in a studio, ha!

  26. I lived in a downtown studio with my boyfriend (well now ex boyfriend)and my dog. At the time I really loved living there but I eventually needed a bit more space, we just accumulated too much...mainly clothes for me! I would live in a studio again (alone) but think I need a seperate bedroom (and more closet space) if I do the whole cohabitation thing again (plus I need a little separation space sometimes).

  27. Way less steps to the coffee machine, I love that. haha. And I agree, less to clean is always a plus.

  28. I think it would be fun to live in a studio apartment for a while - but I couldn't do it long term. I'm too much of a hoarder! Maybe it would help me break my bad habit though:)

  29. I always vote to be closer to the coffee. And to have less to clean. But I do have to say I like to move all my junk into the bedroom and pretend our whole apartment is clean.

  30. I love your pro con list! Tyler and I have thought about getting a studio, but we got a wicked steal on our two bedroom apartment, but it's totally still an option if we need to. :)

  31. I have always wants to live in a studio apartment! The place I live in now is practically like living in the same room!

  32. I know what you mean about always being in the same room. I think towards the beginning of our relationship my husband and I could have lived in a studio. Now, not so much :)

  33. So cool that you posted this today! I just posted about how I want to live in a really small space. Loved your insight!

  34. Although I would love the less expensive utilities and less to clean, we would never survive in a studio. Our two dogs would love their minds!


  35. I totally don't mind living in a smaller space.. but you're right.. when one area is messy, it's messy everywhere! and no.. i don't think that makes you not as good of a wife.. we all need our own space sometimes!

  36. Yes to all of these! I loved living in a condo for many of those reasons, especially cheaper rent and having to simplify/get rid of junk!

  37. I LOVED my studio apartment. It was the perfect amount of space for me and I never felt like it was lonely or anything. I actually miss it and I think if my husband and I didn't have a daughter we would live in a studio!

  38. I would really love to live in studio for a while, it must be exciting to have just one room to live in. However, the prices of studios in the Czech Republic are ridiculously high, compared to a normal 2-rooms flat.

  39. I would live in one by myself, but I fear my husband and I would learn to HATE each other if we tried;) Is that bad?!

  40. I love this! I've always wanted a studio apartment somewhere downtown near everything (I secretly wish I were a hipster). ALWAYS being in the same room with my husband would be hard, I need ME time!

  41. I think I could live in a studio as long as it still had an oven. Lots of flats in London that are studios don't have full ovens :(

  42. I don't think I could do it being in the same room as the other person all the time, but you're right, it's way cheaper and less to clean!

  43. I love this! I always wanted to live in a little downtown studio! I think they have so much character and you can do so much with the space! You need to share pics, I bet it is so cute!

  44. I've always loved the look of studio apartments. I've never lived in one though and probably never well. I don't think it would fit my family of five well.

    A rooftop pool...uh, I'm jealous!

  45. I give you the upmost respect but I just don't think I could downsize to a studio. We've mostly lived in one bedroom apartments but we need to be able to close doors...especially since my husband works from home! I do think it's important to reevaluate our belongings on the regular.

  46. Oh my gosh, YES. Waking up to the smell of coffee IN YOUR ROOM?! Oh dear, I can't handle it. I've never considered living in a studio before - I love this list!!

  47. i live in a studio apartment too. i love cleaning it up (so quick to do), but yes it has it's downside. but i enjoy the space by myself, so i guess i can live with the cons. :)

  48. I never thought I could like in a studio apartment, but after reading this list I am for it. Cheaper, less to clean and getting out to explore...perfect!

  49. Hahaha yes to being closer to coffee in the morning and yes to not having room for families! I lived in a Studio and loved that I had to purge!


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