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Friday, August 22, 2014

Happy to be Alive, Because: FRIDAY.

I know that Fridays are meant for being happy and thankful, but this week is most definitely a contender for the worst week ever I've had in a while.

A car wreck (that I cannot wait to write about), a ticket (my first ever), a stolen credit card (Target, I love you, but you're killing me here), a 4:00 wake up call every. single. morning. (which I realize is normal for some people, but yo..I'm tired), and what I feel like are a thousand other things that have gone wrong since last Friday.

But weeks like this one are the exact reason I list out five reasons I'm happy to be alive every week.  So let's do this.

1. Friday is here. And I've never been so happy to see it. 

2. My family came to visit!

3. The pumpkin spice latte comes back into our lives on MONDAY. I know a lot of you are griping about this because you just can't be bothered to have pumpkin interrupt your summer.  To you I say:

4. On that note, I played this on repeat approximately seventeen thousand times yesterday to combat the horrible day I was having. #adultlife

5. New headbands are here! And they are super colorful.

On that note, I'm off to drown my sorrows in buckets of sunshine. It's just so much harder to have a bad day when you're tan, yes?

Linking up with karliamy to celebrate how we're all just really happy to see Friday.

Why are you happy to be alive this week?


  1. Oh man.. I can't wait for the fall. It is so damn hot here in Florida!!!

  2. We are on the same page with the T Swift song!!
    Looks like you had a good time with the fam :) Have a great weekend!

  3. I am loving the T Swift song - its a great tune!
    Hope you have a lovely weekend!

  4. I need to get some of the new headbands, they are enduring I've ever wanted ha, also I had never heard that song until this morning, I love it! How can you not!? I hope your weekend is better than your week!

  5. That song has hit blog rage today! I love it. I'm sorry your week has been rather hmm sucky! I really hope the weekend is refreshing and fun and makes you smile!

  6. Omg! I lovvvvvvve that Taylor Swift song! My daughter and I have been rocking out to it all week!

  7. I am obsessed with your headbands! Such cute items! Sorry you had a bad week... Hoping you have a fabulous weekend to make up for it!

  8. Oh my gosh, it sounds like your week was CRAZY! Sounds like you need a rocking weekend to make up for it…and Pumpkin Spice on Monday!

  9. girl - three and four - we're so on the same page. TGIF! xo

  10. I'm sorry you had a bad week. My SIL's CC information was also stolen from Target a few months ago. Crazy. I'm pretty excited for the PSL to make it's come back. It's been long enough in my opinion. :)

  11. so sorry you had a bad week, friend. but i love that you still take time to find the good in life!

    and t-swift's new song is SO. DANG. GOOD.

  12. thaaaat's a terrible week, oh my goodness!!!!! that is the worst! girlfriend, get your vitamin D on because that helps everything! and yes yes yessss shake it off :)

  13. I'm so sorry your week has been awful. But YEAH FRIDAY!!!!!!! And I'm pretty pumped for the Pumpkin Spice Latte. Can it be fall FOR REAL? Cause I had a nice mild summer ALL SUMMER and now it's like hot and sticky and gross and I'm all "UGH I WANT FALL NOW."

  14. I'm one of the PSL haters. I had to wear a jacket this morning to work. It's August! Where is summer?

  15. YES, bring on PSL & bring on Fall!!! :)

  16. Oh no girl, so sorry to hear you had such a crappy week! I hope it turns around ASAP! That "Haters gon hate" pic is adorable!

  17. Girl, you need a weekend. Hope it's a good one!

  18. You poor thing! It sounds like you had a terrible week. I hope that your weekend goes much better!

  19. I feel you on being tired, I didn't have to wake up as early for you but waking up to go teach school everyday has been rough. I saw that the 25th the pumpkin spice latte was coming back and couldn't be more excited. YIPEE!!!

  20. hahaha that haters picture. the best. soooo excited for PSL season

  21. After that week you've had, good thing it's Friday! Glad you're ok from the wreck!

  22. Bring on Pumpkin! Bring on Fall!!!!

  23. I need fall time so bad right now, it's so humid here in Wisconsin, I literally am melting.

  24. That does sound like a rough week! I hope this weekend brings you some relief from all of those things! I kind of wish I liked PSL just so I could be excited about them :) I am definitely going to check out the new headbands!

  25. oh my gosh- what is going on with everyone?! Seriously- I'm reading post after post this week about weeks from you know where- for EVERYONE! I sure hope it gets better for you and quickly!!! XO

  26. Phew, hope your weekend sounds better than that first sentence! And Yay for Pumpkin EVERYTHING, I don't care if it is 99 degrees here today, I'll just take that iced please!

  27. I am glad you're okay.

    you deserve a relaxing and amazing weekend!

    and I want one of the headbands! I'm just not cool!

  28. I hope you have had a relaxing weekend! Glad you're okay! Those headbands are adorable! And...I love pumpkin spice! Haters can just not order it!! Lots of love <3

  29. I hope the weekend went better than the week! That's such a cute headband at the end!

  30. 1) those headbands are the cutest and 2) i am so excited for the PSL! Love this list!

  31. That picture of the baby in the puffer coat is just sheer perfection to go with that perfect song for a week like yours! So glad you're okay after your wreck!!

  32. Good for you for finding the good through the bad weeks. I hope this week gets better for you and I'm about to go check out your headbands right now! They are my new 'go to' items =)


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