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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

How To: Convince Your Husband To Buy You a Puppy.

I was so excited when we got Gatsby in November, I never blogged about how we got Gatsby.  Since my husband was 100% team no-puppy-ever, I bring you..


Step One: Ask for a puppy every single day. 

I started asking for a puppy the day after we got back from our honeymoon, and I didn't stop.  I rationalized why we needed one.  I made pros and cons lists--the con was always "too much happiness" or something like that.  If it was a day that ended in Y, it was a day I was going to ask for a puppy.

shiba-inu puppy

Step Two: Start sending him pictures of really cute puppies. 

Did you know pinterest has an entire animal section?  Hello, tiny puppy in a boot.  Work your magic.

shiba-inu puppy

Step Three: Find yourself in a situation where there are a lot of puppies. 

We were driving home from church and passed a man holding a sign that said "Puppy Sale."  So naturally, I screamed excitedly until he turned the car around. Since I married the greatest guy ever, he eventually did turn the car around.  We walked into the pet store, and our conversation went something like this:

Chris: You do understand that we're not getting a puppy today, right?
Me: Mmhmm.
Chris: Seriously, don't get attached to anything.  We're not leaving here with a puppy.
Me: Okay, okay. Wait, is that a fox?

shiba-inu puppy

Step Four:  Fall in Love. 

I have always been dead set on wanting a lab.  I grew up with labs and I think they're just the sweetest puppies in the world.  But I walked over to look at this one puppy because I kind of thought that maybe he was a fox and not a puppy. I put my hand on the glass AND HE PUT HIS PAW UP AGAINST MY HAND LIKE WE WERE IN THE MOVIES.

Chris: He's cute.  Come on, let's go eat.
Me: Falling in love. 
Chris: Chels...
Me: He wants to come home with me.
Chris: No, he doesn't.  He likes it here. He told me.  Let's go.
Random pet store lady: Would you like a private cuddle room with this dog? 
Me: !!!!!!!
Chris: silently shooting expletives at this woman with his brain. 

shiba-inu puppy

Step Five: Get your husband to also fall in love. Also, get a private cuddle room, if at all possible. 

Me: He has to come home with us.
Chris: No, no he doesn't.  We're not getting a dog.
Hands dog over to chris, and whom he promptly snuggles up to.
Chris: Well, maybe we can get a dog next year.
Dog starts making whimpering noises.
Chris: Maybe if he's still here after Christmas, we can talk about it.
Me: Dies on the inside as I have to give the puppy, who I've already named Gatsby, back to the pet store lady.  Also shoots eye daggers at the people casually waiting by my private cuddle room, looking at my dog. 

Step Six: Turn into a crazy person. 

But really.  I had taken a picture of Gatsby snuggling with me, and I sent it to Chris about 170432 times a day.  Then I called the pet store to see if he was still there, and they told me that was going home to his new family once they came to pick him up.  Heartbroken, I rationalized that maybe his new family wouldn't like him and would return him, or maybe they'd forget to pick him up, so I obsessively called the pet store every hour and asked if he was there. Psycho.

Little did I know, Chris had called the pet store and told them that he was trying to surprise his wife, but his wife was a crazy person who was going to keep calling, so they should just tell me the puppy was gone.

Step Seven: Try not to die of happiness when your husband surprises you with a tiny little fox with a christmas bow on his head. 

And we all lived happily ever after.  Until Gatsby at my favorite shoes.  Now we just peacefully coexist. 


  1. This is the cutest story! :) In my case, it'd totally be my husband trying to convince me we need a puppy! We'll get one one day when we have our own yard! Gatsby is a very handsome boy!

  2. i want a fox puppy too. luckily the boyfriend thinks we need to get mia (my puppy a 'mate) - so this is easy. it's just finding a suitable breed. what kind of puppy is your puppy?

  3. bahahaha love this post! we are very similar & that is how i now have 2 dogs & a rabbit! lol

    but seriously.... that pup is adorable!!! a tiny little fox :)

  4. Oh my gosh what a cute story. Is Gatsby a Shiba Inu?

  5. How sweet! I love that Chris surprised you. And Gatsby is honestly the cutest puppy I've ever seen!

  6. Haha. I'm team Chris. I'm not much of a dog person, but good golly—Gatsby is ADORABLE :) And yay for sweet husbands and grand surprises :)


  7. I love this story so much! I really want a puppy! I'm going to need to try out your plan! Hehe!

  8. I love this story and I love Gatsby! Cutest little fox puppy in all the land!!

  9. This is a phenomenal story!! I'm not much of a dog person but I love how obsessed you were with getting Gatsby. AND how freaking sweet your husband is to surprise you!!!!!

  10. How sweet that your husband surprised you. When I found my dog at the shelter he did the exact same thing. I walked over and put my hand on the cage and he put his paw against my hand. I didn't even play with him or hold him and said "I'll take him!"

  11. Ahhhhhh puppy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a cutie!

  12. What a great story, it's actually opposite here. Tyson had to convince me it was time for a new puppy!

  13. "his wife was a crazy person who was going to keep calling" hahaha omg he knows you so well! I love it!!

  14. this totally made my day.

    I also shared it with a friend whose husband is also a stick in the mud about puppies so she can start trying to convince her husband to get her one.

    Gatsby is mighty cute is all of his foxiness!

  15. Best. Post. Ever!

    Pssst. Does this work with babies too? ;)

  16. in my case i took my now husband, boyfriend back then my coworkers whose dog just had 7 puppies and he said to my husband so what dog do you want?? yup that is how we got our first dog then our second dog was all my husband's fault for viewing dogs on craigslist

  17. Ok, I have tears in my eyes! Best. Post. Ever. I'm new here, so I've never seen your fox dog. Amazing, and so precious!! We have a dog but I would love a cat too, and an SUV. I'll be trying some of your tricks ;)

  18. you had me at private cuddle room! love your sweet fox :)

  19. I've wanted a dog for ages, but I've only recently started the daily requests. I think I'm winning him over! Your puppy is absolutely adorable.

  20. Yee!!! I love your little puppy love story. Also I saw a puppy just like yours on a hike I went on this weekend and people were all like "OMG WHAT IS THAT FOX DOG IT IS SO CUTE?!" and I was all cool like "My amazing author blogging friend who also makes hair accessories has a dog just like that, and also we're pen pals now". I think everyone was jealous.

  21. I laughed out loud at the bit where he told the pet store you were a crazy person! Gatsby is adorable. I'm impressed you won him over!

  22. Love love love love any kind of dog story, but this one is extra sweet! What a sweet husband you have and such a wonderful surprise!
    Oh, and Gatsby is just completely adorable!

  23. Aww your pup is just so darling! I want a puppy like yours, just too cute!

  24. Hahah I definitely did all this plus turn into a crazy person. My dog existed and had a name two years before we actual had him. I'd talk about him like he was real and now my husband is more obsessed with our real French Bulldog than I am.

  25. omggg this is the sweetest story ever. It is so adorable that he surprised you!

  26. I'm usually very partial to my puppy (he also looks sort of like a fox) but Gatsby may be the cutest dog I've seen. Also...way to go! How sweet of your husband to surprise you. I may have to try this technique with babies. Kidding Kidding. Sort of.

  27. Love this post. It made me laugh so much. I especially love the last step of turn into a crazy person. lol.

  28. This is the best post ever!!!! He is SO cute!!!!!! Also this is exactly what I would do to my husband!!!!

  29. This is hilarious and adorable and so sweet. I love how your husband knew to tell the store you'd be calling then surprised you with him. I'm currently trying to convince my husband to let me get hedgehog, and I think I need to step up my game, haha.

  30. This is hilarious!!! I love it! Thanks for all the tips, haha. Because, well, we've been married over 4 months now and it's time to get a puppy. :)

    Hannah Olson

  31. This is the cutest story ever! Sadly I was the one that needed convincing when we got out puppy - and now he is at it again wanting a second. But really, how can you resist that face?

  32. I love how you turned this into 6 steps!! I did EXACTLY the same thing, except we left with ours as soon as we saw him. haha

  33. OMFG. So cute so cute so cute!

    Try being ME! I have to convince the hubby of a 3rd dog lol.

  34. I have got to get this kind of sweet pup! He's a Shiba Inu, right?

  35. I love Gatsby! What breed? How big does this lil baby fox get?

  36. this is too funny! your pup is so cute! it's funny bc i can totally relate. i thought i didn't want a dog until after we have children, but one day i woke up and it was all i could think about. we're finally bringing our dog that we adopted home on saturday! plus, i was enjoying your blog, and then i realized you live in downtown orlando - me too! i'm over in thornton park. i'll keep an eye out for a fox on a leash!

  37. aaaaaand *scene*. I'm done for the day, this is all I ever needed in my life. !!!! This is the CUTEST story!!

  38. This is freaking hilarious! You are crazy. I love it.

  39. I love this story! And Gatsby is so cute :)
    ps. Does this also apply to babies? Because I just can't seem to convince him lol

  40. Awe, I love this;) My husband and I got a cat when we were first married and she is currently sitting on my lap as I the this. She's my fur baby!

  41. What a cute puppy! I used similar tricks to talk my husband into having our youngest lol!

  42. Sooo cute! Such a cool looking pup! Definitely need to get myself a Gatsby!

  43. Aw how sweet :) What kind of puppy is he? I seriously need to use your tactics to get one of my own!! haha

  44. Oh my goodness, this is the best! I've been trying for a year to convinve my husband. I am definitely going to use these strategies. Gatsby is adorable!!

  45. Aww, I love this! It's so sweet that your husband surprised you with the puppy.

  46. This is such a cute post & he is SO cute! I'm trying to convince my husband I need a fish-- might have to use your tips :)

  47. I will have to try this with my husband. I think your husband is nicer than mine, though.

  48. I plan on following these steps very, very soon.

  49. lol i would have named him the same thing! adorable!

  50. Oh my gosh, greatest story ever!!!!!! It didn't take too long to convince Joe to get a puppy. we'd been talking about it and really, he was the one who wanted it more. When we saw Howie's picture on FB and joked about it and then found out that it was a real possibility, we jumped at it and never looked back!! I'm so glad you were persistent ;) Puppies are the best!

  51. Oh my gosh this is the cutest thing ever!! I'm totally stealing this idea :)

  52. Hahahaha this post rocks. I've been trying to convince my husband and I just made him read this. He says I'm on step 3 hahahaa

  53. ahhh i love your dog! Gatsby is the cutest ever! i fell in love with a dog on an online listing a couple days ago, and i havent been able to stop thinking about her. i even wrote on my to do list today "stop thinking about daisy". so now every time i look at my to do list, i'm reminded of daisy. problem is though, daisy is 1.5 days driving away, which is an awful long drive to get a dog that might not get along with the dog we already have. so i should probably stop thinking about daisy.

    also, your husband gets ALL the brownie points for this. .

  54. This is the SWEETEST story! Oh my goodness. :)

  55. OMG, so jealous of your Shiba! My all time favorite breed. Currently working on this process with the boyfriend, but he's a hard sell...
    xo Chelsea

  56. PUPPY! PUPPY! PUPPY! PUPPY! I'm SO excited for you, obviously, as a dog fan, but yeah!!!!!! He is adorable, and yes he looks like a fox! The whole paw/hand thing definitely made me squee. It was destiny!

  57. This is awesome! I've been trying to convince my husband for awhile, but first we need to live in housing that allows for pets! Someday I tell myself ;-)

  58. Hi Chelsea,
    Came across your blog and had to give you a shout out, as I'm also a freelance writer and Shiba Inu mamma (we also got ours in November!). Gatsby is super cute and I think he and Miyagi would be fast friends.

  59. I saw this on your sidebar and had to click and this is by far the best blog post I've ever read. All for the puppies!!

  60. Haha I am dying laughing at the part where he snuck around with the pet store employee!! I'm glad it worked out for you. :) I can't wait until I live so,me where that allows pets!!


  62. now, i typically try not to comment on post after post in the same evening, on the same blog, obviously, but oh my gosh! i wasn't quite as persistent as you were in the asking for a puppy but after about 2 years of intermittent asking, my hubby finally said yes too! I adore that your guy took the extra time to surprise you with Gatsby! So sweet.

  63. Loved this! It's so cute and awesome that your husband put your happiness first. Good pick on that guy!


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