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Friday, June 1, 2018

Spending June: A To-Do List For Adventuring Through Your Month.

1. Stock up on sunscreen!

2. Get rid of the bathing suits you no longer wear. 

3. Set aside an afternoon (ugh, entire day, if your laundry room looks like mine) and get completely caught up on laundry. Fun? No. Worth it? Yes. 

4. Get some sidewalk chalk. If you have kids in your life, color with them! If you don't, chalk yourself up an instagram pic. 

5. Make a list of your favorite foods you order out. Set a goal to learn how to copycat them at home this summer! 

6. Do the same with your favorite drinks!

7. Make a list of the responsible (aka, not the most fun) things you have to do this summer.  That way you won't lay awake at night wondering what you're forgetting to do. 

8. Set reminders in your phone to encourage your friends. So simple, so meaningful.

9. Next time you're in the drive-thru getting coffee, pay for the order behind you. 

10. Make dinner only using things you bought at a Farmer's Market.

11. For a week, write down every single time you truly feel happy. Read it at the end of the week and look for ways to cultivate that happiness. 

12. Invite someone to go get ice cream. 

13. Buy a cute pitcher to make drinking enough water easier.

14. Get ahead. Whatever stresses you out the most, set aside a few hours and just work on it.

15. Buy yourself some fancy coffee. 

16. Do a social media cleanse. Aka, unfollow anyone that makes you feel bad about yourself. 

17. Read a thriller. I recommend The Wife Between Us!

18. Make whatever your favorite summer treat was when you were a kid. 

19. Track down a drive-in movie theatre in your state. Road trip!

20. Forgive somebody. You don't have to tell them. You don't have to think whatever they did was okay. But let it go, you'll feel so much lighter. 

21. Chase down the ice cream truck. 

22. Make lemonade. Does it get any more summer than that?

23. Go to an outdoor concert. 

24. Ignore your to-do list and spend a day by the pool. 

25. Go to TJ Maxx or Ross and stock up on beach towels. See also: Throw out all your ratty ones!

26. Make BLT's for dinner. These will always make me feel like it's summer! 

27. Have a vacation day. Even if you can't take a vacation this summer, take a vacation day (on a weekend, or a day you already have off, if you need to!) and do vacationy things! 

28. Print out your pictures. Pay homage to the days of getting your summer cameras developed.

29. Try out some new salads. Hot weather and salads just go together. 

30. Make a smoothie. Get your fruits and veggies in while tricking yourself into thinking you're enjoying some sort of summer cocktail 

How will you be spending your June?
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