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Friday, February 19, 2016

Four More Weeks.

Four weeks. That's how long lies between us and finding out what the rest of our life looks like.

That sounds a bit dramatic, and really, it is. There will be a ceremony and someone will hand Chris a box, and inside of that box will be an envelope with one of 18 cities listed inside of it-the city where we will be relocating and starting the next big part of our life. Chris will stand in a circle with all 100+ of the other med-school students in his class, and with everyone's family and friends looking on, they will all open their boxes at the exact same time.

So yeah, a little bit dramatic.

Match Day. Everything has been leading up to this. Chris' undergrad, applying to and choosing where to go for med-school, away rotations, long shifts at the hospital, applying and traveling and interviewing for residency spots...the last 7+ years have all come down to this. A moment that I will share with approximately 400 other people as I find out what that little box has to say about our future.

A big part of me is excited-a new city, a new house, new adventures. I'm so proud of Chris, who has worked SO hard to get here. I'm so excited for him to get to start his journey has a doctor. For him to truly get to begin his career. I'm excited to see what life will look like in our new place.

A smaller (but perhaps louder) part of me is absolutely terrified. Knowing that I could end up in a town a few hours away or a town across the whole country and not having any indication which one it's going to be doesn't do much to relax me, you know?

Until we find out, I'm taking comfort in the fact that the things about me that I love are moveable. I'm a wife and a blogger and a mom and a writer, and I can be those things from anywhere. There isn't a corner of the whole world I could move to that my parents wouldn't come visit, because I'll have their grandchild with me. I'm trying to have tender roots (a concept I learned from my friend Yelle) that can be picked up and planted anywhere. I'm trying to remember all that stuff I said last year about learning to love the unknown.

The bottom line is this: I'm excited and I'm terrified and I'm proud and I'm sad, and in four weeks, none of that will matter, because the piece of paper on the inside of that envelope on the inside of that box is going to say what it's going to say. To me, that is equal parts freeing and maddening.

Four weeks. Twenty-eight days. Until then, I'll be haphazardly balancing somewhere between relaxing and enjoying the moment and wildly panicking about the upcoming news.

Stay tuned.


  1. What a wonderful way to look at such a dramatic change!!! I wish your husband all the best!! =)

  2. Eeeek it's so exciting! I'm secretly hoping it's someone in Maryland so that I can meet you!

  3. can't wait to hear where you guys end up! as a military family, i know all of these emotions really well. :)

  4. That is SO exciting! I can't wait to see where you guys end up!!

  5. So exciting and so stressful! I can't imagine if that was the way teaching was. But I would be excited at the prospect of moving to a new city! I've been in Houston for almost two years now and every once in while I get the hankering to just pick and move. But then I change my mind! lol Good Luck!

  6. ahh the waiting game can be brutal. My fiancé is a professional baseball player working his way through the minor leagues, so we never know what team and location he's going to be at until right before it happens. I know exactly how you're feeling.

  7. how exciting and scary!!! I hope you get a FANTASTIC city and I know, regardless of where you go, I'll be hear excited to read about your new adventures!
    Simply Shaunacey

  8. What an exciting time! I can't wait to see where you end up :)

  9. My husband is in the military and even though we just got to our new city, we are already anticipating orders to go somewhere new. In a few weeks, we should know. It's both terrifying and exciting. I love it all. I hope you love wherever you go and that you enjoy this special time!

  10. Wow that ceremony sounds so intense and exciting at the same time! More big life adventures ahead for you :)

  11. That is crazy! I have goosebumps for you right now after hearing about the ceremony! I hope he gets his (and your) first choice of location and I cant wait to hear where you guys go! So exciting!

  12. I can only imagine the anxiety and excitement that comes with such a moment. I love the idea of having tender roots and it's a wonderful reminder that the things that really matter can be moved anywhere.

    Molly {Dreams in HD}

  13. That is crazy that's how it works! I really hope for your sake it's somewhere you'd enjoy being; even if it is across the country.

  14. Wow! So exciting & terrifying at the same time! I hope you all get assigned a wonderful location where you will feel settled & find lots of great people :)

  15. Oh wow match day is so close! Sending lots of *hugs* and prayers to you guys as you lead up to the big day. Just know that where ever you guys are placed, you'll still have each other and little man and it'll be God's plan for you guys for the near future. Can't wait to hear where this journey takes you guys <3
    Green Fashionista

  16. That's so exciting and nerve-wrecking all at the same time! I can't wait to see where God sends ya'll :)

  17. Wow! How exciting! I can't wait to hear. You'll do great wherever you end up. xo

  18. I can't wait to hear where they chose for him. Such a cool day. And maybe the place they chose will be the best place ever to live. You have me all excited now. Have a good weekend!

  19. Really exciting and all that but definitely really terrifying too. I think I'd actually be the most terrified over the next month...I don't deal well with the unknown.

  20. This whole scenario is SO storybook like in a the way someone in a utopian novel would find out who they are marrying or what their career will be. It's a cool ceremony idea but oh my gosh SO dramatic! No matter what you are going to have an exciting new adventure, I can't wait to read all about it!

  21. Oh lady this is so exciting. When K got his acceptance letters to medical and PA school I felt sort of the same way. He was left to make a decision that involved the rest of our lives. Be a doctor or a physicians assistant. When he made the decision it changed our path in life. We are now moving to a different state and I am so excited but scared. I wish you the best of luck and will be praying for a peaceful heart. This is so exciting.

  22. Chelsea, you are so brave! You are also so grown up to look at how your new life will be, wherever it will be. Nana & Papaw are praying for you & your family! We love & miss y'all so much! Absolutely, the Grandparents will come to visit, wherever it is!

  23. Wishing you guys the best! Can't wait to see where you all will be going!

  24. It will be over before you know it! (though I still get sick to my stomach thinking about all those weeks leading up to Match Day). I can't wait to see where y'all end up! :)

  25. That's simultaneously exciting and scary so you have to focus on one - I suggest going for excitement. It'll be an adventure. I can't wait to hear where you're heading. Maybe it'll be New York :-)

  26. That sounds crazy to not really have a giant say in it, but to just open a box and it tells you where to go! My husband is looking for grad schools right now, and I'm so happy that we are making this decision together. But even though we discuss it together, it really matters where he gets accepted and how he meshes with the researchers at each school. How do you stay so patient through all of this? :) I'm just terrified, and excited, and wishing I knew more!

  27. I love your outlook on this. You're right, totally scary but totally exciting. I can't wait to hear how everything turns out! xo

  28. Can't wait to hear!!! Hope it's close to my city ;) and prayers for peace until then

  29. What an exciting, anxiety ridden time! We have moved 4 times since college, so I completely understand. In fact, I don't even know where I'll be living in the next year or two since we tend to move frequently with my husbands job. I'm hopeful our next move will be our forever move! I hope you guys get your first choice!!!

  30. My brother's wife is a doctor and I remember the anxiousness of Match Day for them last year! She ended up getting a hospital in New Jersey, which is an hour away from us but right near her parents, so it worked out! And then she had a baby in August so we makes lots of visits! I hope you guys get your first choice!! And try to relax until then!

  31. What an exciting time! I will be thinking about you!

  32. SO SO exciting! What a fun idea!

  33. that is very exciting yet terrifying. I am a true believer in the cliché "everything happens for a reason" and whatever is in that little box is meant for you + your family. You are lucky to have supportive family and friends.. can't wait to hear about your new adventures!

  34. Oh my gosh, that is exciting... but I'd be freaking out too! I'm such a planner (and a worrier ;)) that I always like to know my next move so I can't imagine waiting to find out! But it'll be great no matter what and life always works out like it's supposed to!! xo

  35. Ahh!! Thinking of you guys! Such a crazy, but exciting time!!

  36. I can't imagine how exciting and scary it must be all at once! I hope that y'all get to move to a really fun city though!

  37. WOW, that is a big but exciting change! I think it's kind of awesome to have things in life happen to me that I don't necessarily plan for - I take it as God's will at work in my life and like somehow the pressure is off me to make an actual decision! I just know you're going to end up in the perfect place for you and your family. <3

  38. Whoa! That's crazy exciting! What an adventure :)

  39. That is so exciting and scary at the same time! The not-knowing would drive me crazy too but in the end it will be a great adventure with your little family!

  40. This sounds so exciting but also stressful! Our life is similar - we have no idea where we'll be next year for the hockey season. Wishing you the best of luck on your next adventure!


  41. Definitely sounds scary! Come to Boston!! :)

  42. I'm so excited and nervous for you! I can only imagine how scary and momentous it must feel not knowing where you're going to be moving...and soon. Fingers crossed that you guys get your top choice and end up somewhere you absolutely love.


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