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Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Sometimes, You're Closer Than You Think.

Keep going. You're closer than you think.

A failure. That's what I felt like when it came to writing in 2015.

To be clear: I do not feel like I was a failure in 2015. I spent most of the year growing a tiny human who already means more than anything I have ever done or will ever do. But when it comes to writing, I felt like 2015 was a giant fail.

There were no late nights or early mornings spent hunched over a computer, excitedly typing like in years before. There was no marking off word count milestones on a color-coded list. There was no trip to Target to stock up on notebooks and binders and new pens for NaNoWriMo. There was no novel.

Now, to be fair, I spent most of 2015 very pregnant and very sick. But I still had high expectations for writing in 2015. I had dreams and goals that went unmet.

Or so I thought.

77,857. That's the number of words I actually wrote in 2015.

Yesterday, I added up the word count of blog posts and poems and ideas jotted down in 2015. And as the number kept getting bigger, I was shocked. That's a lot of words.

77,857 is not the word count of a failure. It is the word count of a writer. A writer who had a different kind of year than she was expecting, maybe, but a writer nonetheless.

Those 77,857 words may not have been written into a novel, but I wrote them. And that has to put me one or two steps closer to my dreams. In fact, I'd say it puts me 77,857 steps closer.

So this is just a reminder that sometimes, you're closer than you think. Even if the dream you have for your life seems incredibly far away. Even if it seems like you'll never even get the chance to try for it, since you're too busy doing things like making sure rent gets paid or taking care of your family or just surviving...chances are, if it's a dream in your heart, you're a step or two or seventy-seven thousand, eight hundred and fifty-seven closer than you think you are.

They just might be steps that look different than you thought they would, and that's okay.


  1. What a great idea to encourage yourself as a writer! I might have to do the same, the next time I'm feeling like a failure for having not worked on my novel in days (or weeks...). You go, girl! Thanks for sharing this. :)

  2. Way to go, Chelsea! This is so encouraging. Sometimes, at first, we think we've failed at something, but if you look at it a little differently your opinion may change. This is a really encouraging reminder!

  3. A great way of looking at things! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  4. I love visiting your blog because there is always some wonderful advice and so much positivity here! 77,000 words is awesome!!!

    Melanie | Blog: Toots + Dill

  5. love this and good for you for going over it and changing your perspective!

    Confessions of a Frumpy Mommy

  6. this is a great perspective, and a good exercise for a new mom...we have to do a lot of that in our new lives!

  7. I absolutely needed this! I think that I keep focusing on my bigger goals that I don't stop to appreciate the little strides I've been making. Without those little steps, how will we ever get to our big goals?!

  8. 77,000 words is definitely an accomplishment! Things are always better than they sometimes appear.

  9. You go girl! You're accomplishing much more than you imagine!

  10. Dang girl! Almost 78,000 words is awesome! Sometimes you just have to take it easy on yourself and realize that even if you' aren't hitting all the big goals you set for yourself, appreciate the every day things that are actually big accomplishments! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  11. Thank you for this post--I needed it! I really want to be a writer, but I can't focus on writing 24/7 because I am doing those other things I have to do as an adult--yet, I still feel like a huge failure.

  12. Yes, Chelsea! I love that you added it up so it is tangible.

  13. I love this post! I also felt like I was a writing failure in 2015 because I didn't meet the goals I had set for myself. When I began thinking about 2016, I decided that I would write what felt right when it felt like the right time. I agree that sometimes we are making progress when we don't even realize it so thanks for the reminder! I have to say that your blog has become one of my favorites to read - you often provide me inspiration when I might not even realize I need it (and that makes you a writing success regardless of goals or standards)!

  14. You wrote them, and people read them! Absolutely not a failure at all!

  15. I like this. Sometimes I think I make little headway in life with a lot of things, but I am working towards small goals each day and accomplishing more than I think. Plus, you grew a HUMAN! That is huge;)

  16. This is such a great way of looking at your goals. Sometimes I definitely get discouraged, but when I look at the big picture, it makes me feel better. 77,000 is a lot of words! :)

  17. I'm so encouraged by this, and I hope you are too! I can't imagine how many words I cranked out in 2015, but having revved up my blog life, I'm pretty sure it was a lot. I feel like a lot of the time when I'm discouraged or stressed, I have to take a step back and look at it from a bigger perspective, just like this. There's usually a lot more to it that I'm missing!

  18. This is a lovely inspirational post, I loved reading it :)
    Sometimes I feel like a failure too, but sometimes it's not clear to see what's been achieved!

    Neeny | Spoon Full Of Yum

  19. so much truth to this! glad you can tangibly count words too :) high fives!

  20. 77,857 IS a lot of words! You have a lot of be proud of. Plus the whole growing a tiny human thing.. :)

  21. Great outlook. Sometimes I feel down on myself for not starting my blog sooner, when I've been thinking about it forever, but then I look back and realize all the memories I have already jotted down & I'm happy with myself and what I've done. And growing a tiny human while writing that many words is kind of something to be really proud of :)

  22. Wow you rocked it gurlie, and I'm so glad that you see that. I'm so sorry you were so sick in your pregnancy, and am glad you are no holding that precious baby in your arms <3
    Green Fashionista

  23. What a great way to look at it! xo.

  24. Ohh, I love this reminder, and I needed it this week -- thank you!

  25. Yes, my goodness, yes. THANK YOU - I needed to read this today right in this moment. (( HUG ))

  26. Love this post -- it's SO true!! And yes, that's a ton of words!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  27. Love the message in this post. Definitely needed a reminder of that today. And wow, so many words. That is awesome!

  28. You're an awesome writer, Chelsea! You should be so proud :)

  29. This is so encouraging! I've always loved to write, it's so easy to feel like you aren't living up to expectations.


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