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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

What February Taught Me.

February is a short month, but the last 23 days have felt pretty long to me. Probably because of how much change was squeezed into those 23 days. February has been a month full of new normals, adjusting, changes, and lots of learning.

So far, February has taught me...

That getting out of the house (often) is absolutely essential when you have a newborn. Cabin fever is real. Let's just avoid it.

That sunshine has magical powers, and a day spent in it can fix just about anything. 

That if you're feeling down, a fresh haircut can turn that around. 

That making time to have fun is extremely important. Things like taking vitamins and exercising are important for your health, but spending a night getting dressed up and laughing and taking blurry pictures with your people also does wonders.

That being a mom isn't always going to look like what I assumed it would. I don't think I'm ever going to fit any type of cookie-cutter "mom" description, even the ones I had in my own mind. So far, that's been a good thing. I'm learning it's way more important to figure out what works for you and just wing it when needed than it is to try to force yourself to fit into a certain mold.

That you NEED to laugh every single day. 

What have you learned this month?