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Friday, February 12, 2016

I'm Feeling Rich.

photo via Megan Elizabeth Photography
I'm feeling pretty rich lately. Not the money kind of rich (although, wouldn't that be nice?) but the true kind of rich. The kind that has nothing to do with your bank account and everything to do with your life. The kind that doesn't go away when you spend it. For me, it's a bunch of little things, and some big things, too.

It's finding brand new pens in nice colors that also write great (easier said than done!).

It's creating yesterday's post and feeling my heart just swell with joy while I look at picture after picture of Jack and realizing that this is real life. It's realizing just how happy I am about that.

It's feeling good enough to make a to-do list and know that at least some of it will actually get done.

It's going to the mall and walking in stores you've never even really noticed before and looking at tiny little clothes and laughing over just how small a seersucker suit can be.

It's second cups of coffee because Publix has started carrying my favorite creamer again.

It's sunny and 75 after a week of weather that made it feel like the North Pole had relocated to the sunshine state.

It's a Friday night with no plans.

It's the little things (and the not-so-little things) that just make days good. The things that make you happy. The things that you can't manufacture, and the things you can buy for just a few dollars. It's waking up and knowing that life is just good. It's knowing that no matter what your bank account may say, you're truly, truly rich in life.

What's making you feel rich lately? 


  1. The little things always make me feel so much more rich than amount of money ever would. Hearing my son's giggle over the silliest things makes me feel on top of the world :)

  2. All those pictures yesterday of Jack are just too cute! He's adorable! You definitely have all the reasons in the world to feel rich!

    Sorry for yelling.

  4. while a lottery win would be nice, I agree, sometimes we're truly so much richer than our bank accounts indicate.
    Also, that baby is so so so adorable. Seriously.

    Confessions of a Frumpy Mommy

  5. You are so rich!! Look at your little family and your little life---it's full of BIG love!

  6. My baby love makes me feel richer and happier than anything in the whole world ever could :) its the best kind of lottery to win.

  7. Rich is a great feeling. IT makes me happy to read how happy you are and that life is going great. Reading through this reminded me to take a step back and appreciated the things in my life of where I am at.

  8. Finding new pens is always the best! Which ones are you using?

  9. I am so happy your life is so happy right now! Baby clothes are so little and perfect, I would not be able to keep myself from buying all the cute mini things!

  10. So so so glad the warmer weather has moved back in to the sunshine state, and yay for 2nd cups of coffee! I love how full your heart is and all the adorable baby snuggle pics <3

    Green Fashionista

  11. You are so blessed sweet friend! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  12. I am so jealous of your 75 degree weather!! You are very blessed and I am so very happy for you and your family. Jack is darling. Have a good weekend!

  13. i try to remind myself of this a lot. like every day. some days I'm better than others.

  14. I agree-it's the little things in life that make you feel rich! :) Can't get over the Jack cuteness! :)

  15. It's the little things isn't it?! Baby Jack is SOOO precious! You guys make the cutest family! :)

  16. He is seriously the cutest baby ever. I hope you frame that picture! Also, I'm so glad you can get your favorite creamer again. That is a game changer!

  17. The nights where all 3 of us are home and relaxing makes me REALLY happy because life is so crazy lately. The moments together make me so happy!

  18. Wow your son is beautiful!

    I'm sure having a child changes everything. Not only does it give you a whole new perspective of life but I'm sure it gives you a fulfillment you've never had before. It's these little things that give life meaning!

    xo, N


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