If we were having coffee, I'd tell you that house hunting is both exciting and terrifying. And that it moves quickly and slowly at the same time. The thought of committing to one house for such a long time is a little bit scary and a whole lot thrilling. I can't wait to make a house ours. I'm so excited to decorate it with bright colors and pictures and not worry about what I'm allowed to paint or hang on the wall. It's going to be so much fun.
I'd probably show you my planner and tell you that it's the best one I've ever used. It's completely customizable and is so much fun to use. It's called The Happy Planner, and it's very aptly named. I love waking up and drinking coffee and jotting things down in it. I'm a planner junkie, so trust me when I say: You need one.
I'd tell you that there are 23 days until Chris graduates and becomes an actual doctor. This fills me with more pride and excitement than I even know how to put into words. It's such a huge, massive accomplishment that's been so long in the making, it doesn't even feel real yet. I'm so excited for him and I'm so excited for us and I'm just so freaking excited.
With new beginnings so close...a new house and a new city and a new phase of life...I feel so inspired. There's so much potential that comes with fresh starts. On that note, I'm learning that it's one hundred percent possible to be overwhelmed and inspired and exhausted and happy and stressed and content all at the same time. I think it's called being a mom.
What's new with you?