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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Let's Have Coffee.

If we were having coffee, I'd tell you that house hunting is both exciting and terrifying. And that it moves quickly and slowly at the same time. The thought of committing to one house for such a long time is a little bit scary and a whole lot thrilling. I can't wait to make a house ours. I'm so excited to decorate it with bright colors and pictures and not worry about what I'm allowed to paint or hang on the wall. It's going to be so much fun.

I'd probably show you my planner and tell you that it's the best one I've ever used. It's completely customizable and is so much fun to use. It's called The Happy Planner, and it's very aptly named. I love waking up and drinking coffee and jotting things down in it. I'm a planner junkie, so trust me when I say: You need one. 

Also speaking of things you need, I got this Journaling Bible and it's gorgeous. You should be able to use creativity in all areas of your life, even when it comes to in reading the Bible.

I'd tell you that there are 23 days until Chris graduates and becomes an actual doctor. This fills me with more pride and excitement than I even know how to put into words. It's such a huge, massive accomplishment that's been so long in the making, it doesn't even feel real yet. I'm so excited for him and I'm so excited for us and I'm just so freaking excited. 

With new beginnings so close...a new house and a new city and a new phase of life...I feel so inspired. There's so much potential that comes with fresh starts. On that note, I'm learning that it's one hundred percent possible to be overwhelmed and inspired and exhausted and happy and stressed and content all at the same time. I think it's called being a mom. 

What's new with you?
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  1. Yea my emotions have definitely been on overdrive since becoming a mom! This really is all so exciting.. it always all seems to happen at once right?!

  2. I totally agree with everything you said about house hunting! Definitely on point there, as well as with the new house/new city/new phase of life being so inspiring. There's just something about all things new that make you want to get out & do something!

  3. So much excitement in your life right now but that last photo is everything! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  4. Oh man... house hunting can be SO fun and also SO tiring! We've been in our house for +2 years but every once in a while we'll go to a few Sunday open houses just to see what's out there :) It's fun because there's no pressure but the thought of actually moving makes my head spin! Haha! off to check out that planner & Bible!

  5. Such GOOD things in life right now for you!!! What a joyous season! XO

  6. So many things to be excited about right now! Yay for graduation being so close and for settling into a new house to make your own. Definitely a stressful process, but I'm sure you guys will pick the perfect house for your little family <3
    Green Fashionista

  7. Love this when Lauren at Eat, Drink, & Be Lauren did it as a lady date thing. I want to do one.

    I'd certainly talk planners with you over coffee!

  8. i need to look into getting a Happy Planner! :) sounds right up my alley!
    and yay for house hunting - good luck on your search! :)

  9. Oh my gosh I cannot wait to read more about your house hunting journey! So much happiness and excitement! Congratulations Chris on graduation...I can't believe it is so soon!

  10. when you said 23 days until Chris graduates, I first read it as 23 days till Christmas and I had a slight heart attack lol

  11. So many exciting things happening for you!! I see lots of fun celebrations in your future!

  12. WOW! Congrats to your husband and how exciting!

  13. I'm a planner junkie too and love seeing how other people use theirs/their favorite kind etc! So excited for all the awesomeness going on for you all right now :)

  14. I've seen those planners and thought they looked neat, glad to hear you like. I always like to try new ones each year :) So many awesomely exciting adventures in store for you, love it!

  15. You have so much good happening in your life right now! Truly celebrate it! What an adventure you are about to go on. I love how times like these always inspire us to be the best version of ourselves.

  16. Love our coffee dates! So much excitement and goodness going on :)

  17. We will be on the house hunting train later this year, except right now we have no clue where that will be, so I'm filled with nerves! Hooray for Chris -- that is an amazing accomplishment!

  18. So much excitement and an early congrats to Chris! :) I hope y'all find the perfect house! :)

  19. I'm excited for you friend! It is a to purchase a home but it is so wonderful!

  20. So many exciting things for you guys! Good luck with the house hunting! So fun!
    Evelina @ Fortunate House

  21. Such big, amazing changes coming your way! Happy for you guys! And I"m loving your new look around here... so pretty and bright!

  22. House hunting is so exciting, but also the worst. Like I felt more pressure and anxiety buying our house than getting married. It felt like a much bigger commitment, which is nuts!! There is also nothing like owning your own home - I'm so happy for you!!

  23. What an exciting new journey ahead - congrats to your man on his achievement!! Totally feel you on wanting to make a house yours, I'm still waiting for that to happen!!

  24. I absolutely love how you wrote this post! It sounds like you have so many exciting things on the horizon!

    xx, Caitlin

  25. So many exciting things coming your way! I'm excited to follow along!

  26. I think it's called life :) Definitely checking out that planner! My simplified planner is almost out, so it's time for a new one. I'm also going to look at the journaling bible! I've been needed to spend more time in the word.

  27. I love this! Your life is so exciting! That planner looks adorable! I've been dying for a decent planner these days.

  28. House hunting is definitely exciting but it does have a little scare factor to it. It's so much fun once you purchase it though to make it your own! I'm loving the new look of your blog! So pretty!

  29. House hunting is so fun and exciting!!!! It can be stressful sure, but I honestly feel like when you find the right just know. Sort of how like when you find your soul mate. Speaking of soul mates, congrats to Chris on being so close to being a doctor!!! Your planner is so pretty, I will have to check that out! I haven't found one I just love yet.

  30. I'm terrified of house hunting...not ready yet. Such exciting times on the horizon for you, so awesome! You can't be everything to everyone, but you're getting the job done...bravo!

  31. How exciting to be house hunting! I work in a real estate office and the people I work with are always pushing us to buy but we're not sure if we want to stay in California just yet. I am so eager to buy though, so I can't wait to see your progress! So many exciting changes for the both of you!

  32. I just love how optimistic this post is!! And that planner- so many happy thoughts in one little book!!
    Darling, Dearest

  33. So much excitement in your life! House hunting is so hard but so worth it! Wishing you the best! -xx Leah || Chasing Texas

  34. What an exciting time in your lives!! House hunting is indeed terrifying...we bought our first home just 18 months ago, after 13 years of renting...that is such an insane change. Having to figure out how to fix the little things yourself rather than calling the landlord to send over a handyman is new. But it feels good to fix the things yourself! And it is sooooo much fun to decorate :) Good luck with finding the right place for you!

  35. I love your new design!

    & I totally need to check out the Happy Planner. I've heard really good things about it!

  36. So exciting! I'm slowly starting to do the house hunt (aka browse Zillow all day long), but your move will be here before you know it! I hope you're able to find a place you love!


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