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Thursday, April 21, 2016

Things I Believe in This Week.

Making a second pot of coffee. Some days it's a second cup, and some days it's a second pot. Gotta do what you gotta do.

Pairing busywork with an audiobook. You may not be able to read while you get work done, but you can listen to someone else read to you while you work. 

Shopping in the men's section for t-shirts. Take Forever 21 and their graphic tees for example. I can buy one from the men's section for $12. Or I can go over to the women's section and buy half of the same shirt (literally, cut off before your belly button, half) for twice the money, because it was made for girls. No thank you! Bonus: The guys t-shirts are often pretty hilarious.

Sometimes you it's worth it to give up sleep to get stuff on your to-do list done. And sometimes it's worth giving up getting stuff done to get some sleep. Give and take, people, give and take.

There's not always going to be a clear right decision and a clear wrong decision. When this happens, you just have to trust your gut, even if it's terrifying to do so.

Being happy is worth it. It's worth the hard work it may take to get there, and it's worth the things you may have to kick out of your life to make it happen. Life is short; be happy.

What do you believe in this week?
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