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Wednesday, April 13, 2016

24, I'm Coming For You.

Today is the last day in my 23rd year, and I'm actually feeling a little emotional about it. Not because it's over, but because of just how full the year actually was.

Some years feel short, flying by and handing you a new age before you've even found anything you like about the old one. But not this one. This one was long and full, and when I think about how different life is and how much has happened in the last 365 days, I don't even know where to start.

There have been birthdays and holidays and failures and successes. There were applications and then interviews and then Match Day. There were trips to different states and movie nights at home. There were rough waters that I didn't see coming and there was so, so much love.

Sometimes life gives you what you didn't know you needed, and it is enriching and illuminating and fulfilling. Other times, life gives you something you didn't know you wanted, and it is exciting and enjoyable and fun. And sometimes, in moments that rarely come along, life throws you something that is both.

This year was my both. 

Because 23 was the year that gave me Jack. My sweet, sleepy, snuggly, smiley little guy who completely turned my life upside down in the best possible way.

When I think about my birthday last year and all the things I wanted to get out of my 23rd year, I'm in awe of how much better my life is today than I ever could have imagined. It amazes me that it's possible to feel such fierce love for someone who I didn't even know was going to exist a mere 365 days ago.

So cheers to the next 365 days. To moving to a new city, to chasing new dreams, to staying wild and free and in love, to raising up a little babe to be a wild and free dreamer. Cheers to soaking up every single bit of life the next 12 months have to offer.

Cheers to 24.
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  1. Happy, happy birthday!! Sounds like 23 is going to be hard to beat, but I bet 24 is going to be pretty awesome too :)

  2. Cheers to year #24! You have so many exciting things to look forward to! Happy early birthday :)

  3. Happy birthday to you! It really is amazing how certain years of our lives can pass by without much of a second thought, and others change everything. Hooray to 23 being so wonderful to you!

  4. I have a feeling 24 is going to be an amazing year!! happy birthday friend.

  5. Happy birthday!!!!!! And seriously, could you have had a better 23rd year? I don't think it's possible! :)

  6. Such a wonderful way to end out your 23rd year of life. Happy {early} birthday!

  7. Happy birthday! Cheers to another significant year :)

  8. Congrats on a great 23rd year, and here's hoping 24 is even better! :) Happy Birthday!

  9. This is insane. Not because you are turning 24...I was just thinking about what I was doing at 23 and it's just so. much. different. than what I have read with yours!! My (now) husband I had just finished our first year of dating and were still partying like crazy!! I got my first job post college and we had nothing. The last ten years have been so good to us....
    Cheers to 24, my dear!!

  10. Happy birthday in advance, Chelsea! Cheers to more adventures in life!

  11. Happy Birthday! 24 was one of my'll love it :)

  12. I was just thinking today how I can't believe I'm 25.. like.. when did THAT happen?! I'm happy to "know" people like you in blog world who are at the same stage in life as me, because in real life, all friends my age are doing totally different things!

  13. Happy 24th Birthday (a little in advance), I am so so happy for how much love and life this year has brought you! I thought 23 was a pretty phenomenal year too! Here's to a very wonderful 24th year!

  14. Each year gets a little better, so happy this one got a lot more exciting for you! Happiest birthday's to 24 sweet lady!

  15. You had such a full year! Cheers to 24! Happy birthday! :)

  16. Happy birthday! I hope 24 is just as exciting as 23 :)

  17. I can't imagine how this year could be more exciting than last, but cheers to making new memories :) Happy birthday!!!

  18. Happy birthday! I've had fun following you on your 23rd year and am looking forward to seeing what happens in the next.

  19. Happy birthday!! I wish nothing but the best for you and your little family :) 24 will be a great adventure and I can't wait to read all about it!

  20. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope you have the most amazing day today!!! xoxoxo

  21. awww happiest birthday lovely! hope this is the best year yet.

  22. I love your take on this past year!! :) Cheers to another new year of awesome:)

  23. Happy Birthday! Sounds like you have another exciting year ahead of you! And that photo is too precious!

  24. Happy birthday. That pic of you and your son is adorable. I hope you enjoy it all.

  25. Happy belated birthday, doll! 23 was good to you!!

  26. Happy belated birthday! Can't wait to see what fabulous things the next year brings you!

  27. Happy birthday! Oh, my goodness, where have my youth gone? Time seems to fly so fast.
    Enjoy every moment of it!

  28. Happy Birthday, friend!! This is going to be your most wild and free year yet. Cheers to celebrating life's twists and turns.

  29. Totally didn't realize I was older than you were, I turned 24 on the 2nd of this month. I can't wait to see what 24 has in store for both of us!


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