I can do hard things. See also: Jack is teething. I realize that this sounds silly-people do hard things every day, and I'm comparing a baby growing teeth, as all humans do, to hard things. You can laugh, it's cool. But teething Jack is a fussy, clingy, sleepy-but-won't-sleep baby. It's so sad, and I wish that I could just tell him that it's going to be okay and he's going to love having teeth, but since his english isn't that good yet, I have to settle for holding him 80% of the day.
And I love snuggling him all day! But trying to do that, along with other things like, you know, working...well, it's hard. But I'm doing it, and nothing in my life has fallen apart just yet, and I'm actually pretty proud of that. And it's totally okay if you're laughing at me.
I can't do everything. Why is this even on here? Why have I not learned this yet? I think this might be one of those things that everyone is constantly learning, forever. You can do hard things, but you can't do everything. So pick the most important stuff and do that, because everything else can wait.
I'm ready to be settled. I think I fight the idea of this, because there's something romantic about the idea of being adventurous and always going somewhere new. I still want those things; I want to travel and be spontaneous and raise Jack to be a wild and free little adventurer, I just want to have a long-term home base while doing all those things.
Having somewhere of our own, somewhere no one can raise the rent and make us have to decide if it's worth it to stay another year, somewhere with a yard and a swing set and string lights, somewhere we can paint and hang pictures and just settle into to...now that is what sounds romantic to me.
True, deep happiness doesn't go away because of circumstances. I am so happy. Unapologetically happy. The kind of happy that circumstances can't touch. Teething baby? Tired, but still happy. Someone bought our dream home just hours before we were putting an offer in? Bummed, but still happy. Really, life is way too short to let little things get in the way of your happiness.
What has this month taught you?