Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Make Your Life Your Happy Place.
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
What June Taught Me.
Monday, June 27, 2016
Happy Birthday, My Love
t w e n t y - f i v e
- had a baby.
- gone through match day.
- gone through the house hunting and house buying process.
- made it to med-school graduation.
- moved our tiny little family to a new city and started a new life here.
- started your residency.
When I look at that list, it looks like something that should make me want to run and hide because of how overwhelming it is. But it doesn't feel like that. It's been a lot, to be sure, but it's been a lot of adventure, a lot of learning, a lot of new beginnings, and a lot of days I wouldn't trade for anything in the world.
All that to say, there isn't an adventure in the world I wouldn't go on with you. Sometimes I still can't believe this is our life.
Thanks for choosing to celebrate life with me. I love you beyond anything I could ever find the words to write. Let's make twenty-five a good one.
Friday, June 24, 2016
Books I Read in June & Whether or Not You Should Read Them.
What Lou doesn't know is she's about to lose her job or that knowing what's coming is what keeps her sane.
Will Traynor knows his motorcycle accident took away his desire to live. He knows everything feels very small and rather joyless now and he knows exactly how he's going to put a stop to that.
What Will doesn't know is that Lou is about to burst into his world in a riot of colour. And neither of them knows they're going to change the other for all time." -via Goodreads
Thursday, June 23, 2016
From The Cutting Room Floor: June.
When I first started reading blogs, I saw all sorts of posts like this where people put the pictures that didn't quite make the blog posts that month. Now that I have approximately 1 billion photos on my iPhone, it seems like a good time to give it a go myself.
So, here are bits and pieces of life in June, courtesy of my phone.
Nothing thrilled me more than to find the fox hat he wore home from the hospital in a size that fits him now.
Having a backyard after living in an apartment for four years is MAGIC.
So far, Gainesville sunsets have been gorgeous.
My guys. See also: Jack can't hang.
We live walking distance from our neighborhood pool. It's so nice!
Also, the first time we ever went to the pool, we walk in the gate and I think Chris immediately falls into the water. Except he didn't fall into the pool, he jumped in because there was a toddler girl drowning in the pool while her mom was talking. He jumped in and got her and the mom just yanked her away from Chris without saying thank you and went right back to her conversation. Neighborhood pool: 1. Chris' iPhone: 0. Pool Mom: RUDE.
This letter board is my new favorite thing.
We let Jack lick a lemon and I will never ever stop laughing at this.
Gatsby has claimed this as his spot in the new house. Unfortunately it is also Chris' desk, but alas, he will just have to learn how to live without a desk, because this belongs to Gatsby now.
Celebrating SEVEN years of dating each other!
Chris walked into the room with this laundry basket.
Chris: "What's in here?"
Me: "Clean clothes."
Chris: "Are you sure you washed them? They're really stinky."
Me: "No they're not. They're clean."
Chris: "No, this basket is super stinky. You should check on it."
And he set it down beside me and it took me a full minute to actually look in the basket, where Jack was just hanging out like it was totally normal to be left in a laundry basket.
Our new mall has family changing stations! Chris did not understand my excitement, but HELLO NOT HAVING TO CHANGE DIAPERS ALONE.
The Old Navy men's section is KILLING it.
Being back in Gainesville means being reunited with my favorite little hippie pizza place in the world.
What happens when you try to get a handprint for the baby book.
His pajamas say "I'll eat you up!" From Where The Wild Things Are. Cue all my emotions.
Jack decided he can balance himself sitting up now. Cool.
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
When Life is Hard.

Why did a 25 year old mother of 5 have to lose the love of her life so soon? What possible good can ever come of that? and How can we call a world where 50 people are slaughtered in the name of what someone believes in good? and Can life really be beautiful when it's filled to the brim with tragedies, like that sweet little babe being killed by an alligator right in front of his parents?
I wrestle with these questions. I wrestle with wondering how the world I fall in love with on a daily basis-the one that offers sunshine and pool days, the one with the sweetest friendships and family, the one with pumpkin spice lattes and giant dreams-can be the same world that offers up such terror. I wrestle with wondering how God could let these awful things happen.
I wrestle with trying to understand how tonight, I'll get to eat dinner with my best friend and my littlest love. I'll fall asleep in a house, so thankful for how full my life is. All the while knowing that my sweet little babe will grow up in a world that seems to have more than its fair share of ugly.
I know there's a time for mourning. We honor those who have been ravaged by tragedy-by cancer and terror and just sheer chance-with a time of sadness. But sometimes life feels so hard and so heavy that it seems that no period of mourning can ever be long enough to do it justice. And when you only get one life-one short, terrible, beautiful life-how do you make sense of that?
The answer to all of my questions is both incredible simple and incredibly frustrating: I just don't know. And perhaps even more frustrating and final-I will never, ever know.
I know that sometimes life is hard. And sometimes life is beautiful. And we have to grab a hold of the beautiful moments.

We live in a world where we get both summertime and heartbreak, campfires and terror, sunflowers and gut-wrenching sorrow. It is beautiful. It is terrible.
I'm thankful for the beautiful moments and perplexed by the terrible ones, and while it leaves me in confusion, it also leaves me knowing what I want to fight for.
It leaves me knowing that I have to fight hard for thankfulness. That I have to fight hard for love.
Life can be awful, the past few weeks have shown us that. The world can be ugly. So I want to fight for the beautiful moments.
For the ones filled with laughter. The ones where you go to sleep that night completely exhausted from a day just so full of life. The days spent in the sunshine, the nights spent by a fire, the mundane things like a trip to the grocery, made special because of who you're with.
I want to fight for the magical moments, the ones you couldn't possibly make yourself, but are made by spending time with the people you love the most.
Because in the end, all we really have is each other and our memories, you know?
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Residency: It Has Begun.

Monday, June 20, 2016
20 Weeks With Jack: All of The Pictures.
you love just hanging out in your carseat at dinner with us // you can't hold your own bottle yet, but you put it in your feet all the time // still so in love with all your facial expressions // chubby chubby cheeks // happy to have help walking around // such a little florida baby at the pool // life jacket shopping was slightly less than successful // my first mother's day, I woke up to flowers, wine, chocolate, and a picture of you! // all snuggly on vacation
I can't look at this picture without laughing // the coolest // your first trip to bass pro // you look like a little bandit in these bibs
suspicious face // just chillin' // happiest. baby. ever. // chubby little snuggle bear // the sweetest sleeper // you are very unsure about carrots
showing off at dad's graduation party // we took you on more trips to home depot than I can count when we were getting ready for the move // you looked the cutest in that graduation cap // a picture with your doctor dad! // the sweetest snuggles
Week twenty:
Seriously just the happiest baby // you were a champ during all the packing and loading! // your new little sleep suit cracks me up // so happy on moving day! // our first family picture in front of our new house! // coffee with you on our new porch the first morning in our new home
copycat // we're getting better with the rice cereal // snuggles on our new hammock // getting used to your high-chair // you're teething and it's the saddest thing ever // the sweetest sleeper
Friday, June 17, 2016
The Sweetest Sleep With Tuft & Needle.
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Let's Drink Too Much Coffee & Talk About Life.
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