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Friday, October 25, 2013

Thankful Fridays.

The last Thankful Friday of October!  Crazy!

I am usually so sad to see October come to an end, but this one has really been a doozy.  We've had SO much sickness and a fair share of bad news.  The good far outweighs the bad and we have made tons of amazing memories this October, but I'm looking forward to the fresh start of November.

Also, let me tell you this:  constantly recounting all I have to be grateful for has helped counteract anything negative by far.  I highly recommend it.

This week, I'm thankful for:

1.  Our candy party last night.  SO much fun!

That's Goose.  He's doing his best Miley Cyrus impression. 

2.  It was 56 degrees when I woke up today.  56 degrees in sunny Florida does not happen, people!  It was perfect, even if it was 75 two hours later.

3.  Family.

4.  That the Cardinals are going to win the World Series.  Obviously.

5.  Creative writers on TV shows.  I love when I find a series that can draw me in as much as a book can.  Does anyone else watch The Mentalist?  I'm dying.

What are you thankful for this week?  Happy weekending!


  1. This is beautiful! I love being reminded about what there is to be thankful about in life!

  2. Yay for the Cardinals! Although, they have GOT to pick it up and win tonight!


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