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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

my wedding was pretty funny.

Our wedding was perfect.  It absolutely reflected everything I wanted our wedding to reflect, and I loved every single second of it.  It was the best night ever. 

That being said, there were some pretty hilarious moments at our wedding.  You're welcome in advance.

The missing tux. 

The downside of groomsmen getting dressed so soon before the ceremony?  Not enough time for them to realize they don't have the right tux!  One of Chris' groomsmen had been in a super hipster wedding recently and grabbed his skinny jean suit on accident.  He lived 2 1/2 hours from where our wedding was, so he had a friend break into his house and get the suit.  With them both going 100 and meeting in the middle, he managed to make it back just in time to walk down the aisle.  What's funny is how he isn't in any of the photos, and then just randomly appears during the ceremony, sweating profusely.

The wrong cake. 

Two weeks before my wedding, the cake lady calls and cancels on me.  First she tells me that I was a terrible client and she just couldn't handle it, and then she said, "you're being so nice, I'll just tell you the truth:  I really want to go on vacation for Christmas."

Yep.  I'll just let that sink in for a second.

Almost every bakery around was booked or closed for Christmas, but thankfully I found this saint of a woman who felt terrible for me when I cried on the phone and told me she would make my cake.  She was so incredibly sweet that I'm not even mad about getting the wrong cake.  But let me just show you.

That, ladies and gents, is my wedding cake.  The one that says true love and has a horseshoe on it and looks a little elvish.  The funniest part was walking past it for the first time with my mom--she saw it and immediately tensed up, and then turned around so slowly saying, "What a pretty cake!"  I guess checking to see if I was going to have a bridezilla meltdown.  I didn't, and it was delicious. 

The MIA Limo Driver. 

After the ceremony, everyone went to the the reception hall while we stayed behind to take pictures.  Long story short--our limo driver went straight to the reception hall without passing go or collecting two-hundred dollars.  Oh, and without picking us up.  So we were just hanging out at the church with no phones and our photographer who had a car so tiny we couldn't have fit in it if we tried.  Luckily, my dad had a bad feeling and turned around to come check on us.  We ended up driving Chris' brother-in-law's car to the reception.  Chris felt terrible, but I think it's a really fun memory.  Hey, remember that time the limo driver just decided to drive himself to our reception?  Yeah, me too. 

We got a lot of pictures like this while we were just hanging out in the parking lot waiting for someone to come get us.  Totally worth it. 

The Missing Cake Cutter. 
The person I had asked to cut my cake decided to leave the reception early.  I told my dad, and he turned to a family member and asked them to cut the cake.  They said, "No, we paid someone to cut the cake."  No, no we didn't.  So I turned to the first person I saw--the wife of one of Chris' groomsmen.  I barely knew her, but that didn't stop me.  

"Hey, can you go cut the cake?"
"Umm.  Like you want me to go cut you a slice?" 
"No, can you cut the cake for everyone?"
Horrified expression.  Sweet Nod.  Gulp. 
"Of course!" 

I will be thankful to her forever.  I sent my best friend over to help her and will always remember looking over at a completely butchered  slightly mashed up cake and my best friend laughing so hard she was crying, just saying, "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, this is ruined, I'm so sorry, I just ruined your wedding." 

It's moments like those that I will always cherish.  They will always make me smile when I think of our wedding day.  We always tend to recap the perfection of weddings, the details that lined up perfectly, the seamless way the day flowed.  But I think it's fun to remember the non-perfect.  The missing groomsmen and the wrong cake.  The fact that it rained.  The laughter we shared recapping these stories on our honeymoon.  Our wedding day was absolutely perfect, but these "imperfect" things are part of the reason it was so perfect to me. 

So what about you guys?  Any imperfect wedding stories?  Do tell.  


  1. OK, the best part has to be the cake. First, your other cake lady sounds cray cray. But the new cake does look kind of elfish, but so nice of her to do it!

  2. I think I laughed at least 10 times while reading this! You are such a good sport about it all! You're right, those imperfect moments are what make the wedding day REAL, funny, and oh so memorable. You were a beautiful bride!

    Two things that happened on my wedding day: 1. Someone forgot to put flowers in vases at the reception. I get there and walk by a table and think,"hmm...aren't those supposed to be filled?!" I just let it go.
    2. My feet were hurting so bad from my fancy, beautiful shoes that I took a tiny break and put on some flip flops for just a moment and that's when the DJ decided it was time to do the garter toss! So I have lots of photos in gross flip flips. Ugh!

    Other than that it went well! Oh, I almost forgot! My husbands uncle started dancing on a table and it nearly broke! I almost freaked out. Luckily, we only had to pay for one shoe stained table linen. Ha!

  3. Oh my gosh. This is really unbelievable. Still cannot believe what that baker said to you. AND cannot believe you got the wrong cake. Lol. Love that you had a sense of humor about it..I that point, what can you do but laugh? You do look beautiful though and glad you had a great day!

  4. I'm glad that you enjoyed your special day and that you have a sense of humor about it! I had a few hiccups on my wedding day too! I had an outdoor ceremony and there was a terrible thunderstorm! The cake was the wrong color and flavor but a family friend made it, so I let it go. My husband's family also invited people without telling me. I was looking around during my reception and saw so many unfamiliar faces and people asking for dances! But of course, it still was the best day of my life!

  5. I'm over here laughing out loud over the cake! I'm so glad you took it in ease. Also, the cake lady, what a mess! That's so so so rude. I hope you left her a bad review. Looks like it was a beautiful event! All those stories just make it all that more special :)

  6. The first cake lady was crazy, trying to blame it on you. Glad it all worked out though. I think those are the moments that stand out more than the perfect ones.

  7. Oh my goodness!! I hope that I can be as relaxed about the inevitable mishaps at my wedding later this year. I'm anxious by nature but I really WANT to be the type of bride who just rolls with things... we'll see how it actually goes!!

    Jamie @
    The Growing Up Diaries

  8. Oh these are the best stories & memories!!

  9. I'm still slightly stunned that your original cake maker backed out last minute! Wowza. We had an afternoon outdoor wedding planned, but it had been raining all morning. Our backup plan was not an ideal spot in an old gymnasium, but they had to set it up in there. Our wedding was scheduled for 1pm and at 12:55 the sun came out and people were rushing chairs down to our original location. We didn't get all of the chairs out so people had to stand, and none of the decorations made it out either, but it was still perfect :)

  10. There was a huge snow storm on our wedding ... so the outdoor ceremony got scratched! However, it made for good pictures. I also had a second wedding at the beach and a John Deere beach-mobile decided to drive right past the ceremony while we said our vows. Drive around? Nope! Drive right by with a loud engine =)

  11. These were so awesome to read! Being single I cannot relate in wedding disasters, but reading yours made me laugh!

  12. Bhahaha! Yes! Oh these stories sound so familiar. We got the wrong cake at our wedding too! And the the wrong song played for our exit music. I was on cloud 9 that day so I hardly noticed anything. ;) And I know what you mean about stuff like that making for great stories to look back on and laugh about now. :)

  13. Thank you for the several minutes of laughter you just provided David and I! I told David I feel famous to even be mentioned anonymously in your awesome blog. We are so glad we got to be a part of the funny, yet wonderful memories on your special day. :)

  14. I love these stories! These kinds of moments, I think, are the kinds of moments that make a wedding memorable.

    Then again, I'm not married, so maybe we should wait until I have stories like these to tell and see if I feel the same way. ;]

  15. I remember at my first wedding the DJ went to play our song for the first dance... and chose something completely random and not our song. So we kind of just jammed for a few seconds while he fixed it.

    Oh and we had our ceremony at my parents' house, outside. My dad used to sell real estate and at the time was dealing with these really annoying customers that used to call at all hours of the day. Well, no one remembered to shut off the house phone and supposedly it rang during the ceremony. I didn't hear it at all (I guess I was too busy getting hitched?) but my parents were MORTIFIED.

    Since I'm getting married again I'm interested to see what will happen this time around. It's going to be a really small, offbeat wedding so I'm trying to just go with the flow!

  16. oh my gosh - love that you can laugh about all of these things. so crazy about the tux and the cake ahhhh! but sounds like you have some memories you'll never forget :)
    -- jackie @ jade and oak

  17. Thanks for sharing!! There's always crazy mishaps but I totally agree with you on them being something to look back and laugh about! But seriously, how can a limo driver drive an empty limo to the reception?!! Our wedding went pretty smoothly (overall) but our biggest moment to look back and laugh about was actually our honeymoon. We had a hurricane on our first night, the beach was washed away, power and water was cut off and we spent the majority of the holiday holed up, befriending a group of strangers!! We had 3 trips planned - one a glass bottom boat trip (the boat sank), turtle watching (the turtles had escaped to deeper waters) and a trip to the capitol (the prime minister had died in office and his funeral was on that day so it was cancelled!)...although my husband did have the best steak of his life when they whipped out the bbq! To be honest it was hard to feel sorry for ourselves when the people around us had their livelihoods and homes affected whilst we were just visiting...but it gives us a good story when people ask us where we went!

  18. Oh my gosh, girl! Okay, these are hilarious. That cake is ridiculous! Haha. Sounds like you had such a great attitude! Those are the kinds of memories you'll love talking about for years and years. We actually had a cake cutter incident too. My mom had left it in the car, so we called everyone over to cut the cake, and then we stood around for five minutes while my brother raced out to the parking lot and dug through the bags of wedding stuff. But it wasn't anything like your stories. You totally win :)

  19. Beautiful bride! Love all the mishaps...they make for great memories :)

  20. SOOOOOOOO speechless on your cake lady. I hope you left a review to prevent this from happening to others. Horrible ethics! But things like this happened on our wedding day, and I look forward to having stories to tell :) You look stunning!!!

  21. You have such a good spirit! I was laughing through some of these blunders, and it's amazing how you just let it slide off your back. What an amazing attitude and it looks like that reflected in fun and happiness on your wedding day!

  22. Wow!!! You don't commit to something and then renege! Totally unprofessional! We had a tux snafu as well. THE GROOM forgot his tux!!! Oops. And then our cake was the wrong color. I found out when we made our grand entrance. Later on you can totally laugh about these things!

  23. You have such a good attitude about it all! Man, I'd be bad mouthing that first cake woman to EVERYBODY.

  24. way to stay positive! I couldn't help but laugh though! Too funny!! =) xoxo

  25. I loved all your stories and it's great that you can look back and laugh and have such great memories. That cake was too much! Congratulations :)


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