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Friday, January 17, 2014

The Scariest Post I've Ever Written.

This is one of those things you just have to dive right into, so here it goes.

I wrote a book.

I’ve wanted to write those four words on this blog for a long time, but I’ve been too afraid.  Afraid of failure.  Afraid to answer questions like, “Why isn’t your book published?”  Afraid that it would get published and no one would ever buy it.  Afraid that people would buy it, but they would hate it.

I decided I wasn’t going to be afraid anymore in 2014.  I decided I was going to be brave.

So, you guys.  I wrote a book.  A novel.  66,405 words of my own.

I wrote a book, and my book is going to be published.

Really, truly published.  Published, as in you can buy it on Amazon, or Barnes and Noble, or Books-a-Million.  Published, as in you can download it to read on your Kindle.  Published, as in those 66,405 words will be printed on paper and bound into a book that you can hold in your hand.  Published.

I’m choosing to publish through a newer, smaller indie company.  It’s a risk.  But I decided I wanted take risks this year.

So I’m doing it.

Part of the risk is that there are some costs involved.  I promise I will never, ever use my blog to ask for money for anything because I think that’s dumb and also a little shallow.  I am, however, setting a goal.

If I sell 310 things from my shop, that will cover the costs.  So, if you’re in the market for some new accessories or need a gift for someone, it would be awesome if you would think about simultaneously helping me achieve my goal.  You’ll get a pretty cool headband and I’ll get one step closer.  It’s a win-win.

Also, if you have a blog that you would be willing to let me share this on, that would be incredible.  Whether you could share this post, just tweet the link to my shop, or anything of the sort, I would be forever thankful to you and would be happy to return the favor in any way I could.  When it comes to chasing dreams, we’re all in this together, right?

Thank you, thank you, thank you for reading my words.  I cannot wait to see what this journey holds, and I am so incredibly excited to be able to share it with all of you.

And now I'm going to stop staring at the screen and just push the publish button, because sometimes you just have to jump.      


  1. I wrote a comment but I think it got deleted.

    I just wanted to say a big CONGRATULATIONS!!!! What a huge milestone for you Chelsea! Not many people get to say something like that. I can't even wait to see what it's about!

  2. This is so incredibly exciting!! Congrats! I can't wait to see where this journey takes you :)

  3. EEEEE!!! I'm so so SO excited for you! Like jumping up and down excited for you. This is a long time goal of mine as well and I am NO where CLOSE because it is SO SO hard. I'd be happy to put your shop button up on my site, email me the button and I'll get it on up there for you with a shout out. xoxo

  4. YES!!!! i am SO happy for you! i cannot wait to get my hands on a copy!
    i linked this post to my blog that way i can spread the word and help a sistah out!


  5. That's SO EXCITING!!! Congratulations girl!!

  6. This is amazing and so exciting! I would love to help promote your book and Etsy shop. I'll be contacting you soon! Congrats!

  7. So awesome! Congrats! I'm thinking of self-publishing because it's cheaper for my book- although I haven't written it yet. You rock!

  8. I'm proud of you :) I put a few links on my recent post so people can help!

  9. Congrats!! That is a huge accomplishment. I don't think I could string together 66,405 if my life depended on it! :)

  10. How exciting! Congrats to you on take this huge leap! Best of luck!!

  11. This is on so many bloggers' lists, what an incredible accomplishment! For editing, you may consider a site like ELance or oDesk. You can define the terms of your project, the rates, etc. What company are you publishing through?This is so exciting, congrats on your work, and good luck on funding! :)

  12. So awesome!!! I'm glad you came out of the novelist closet! It's definitely something to be proud of no matter what happens to the darn thing after you write it. That's what I am telling myself because I am writing a book and I don't know what the heck I'll do with it once it's done. This post gives me one idea!! Best of luck with it. I hope to follow in your footsteps.

  13. I would totally love to have you on my blog, because that would be the bomb. Also, I will be checking out your shop! Also also, I give you mad props, that is one of my dreams in life is to write a book!

  14. Congratulations! That is so awesome.

  15. Woohoo!!!!! Nice job!

    Let me know if you need a review :)

  16. Congratulations that's so exciting!! You should do a post on the whole process, I would love to hear more about how you chose the publisher and exactly how talking to them and the whole process of getting published worked!

  17. So exciting! Good luck with everything!

  18. Congrats! Congrats! Congrats! Way to be brave, and I'm so happy to hear about your success as an author :) As a blog that covers the thrill of book reading and as someone who personally wants to break into the book industry herself, you are more than welcome to share something on my page that would help you out. Email me, and let me know what you are looking for!

  19. Wow!! Congrats, that's freaking amazing!

  20. congratulations! that's an awesome thing to do! :)

  21. Wow! How exciting, Chelsea!!! I'd love to hear more about what your book is about!!! :-)

  22. Woah!!! Congratulations!! That is amazing and so exciting!

  23. What an amazing accomplishment!! You must be so excited!! Congrats!!!

  24. Proud of you for being brave! And it's only January!

  25. That is wonderful! I self-published a book and it was pretty scary but I've had so much support. Congrats to you!

  26. CONGRATULATIONS! Those were four awesome words to read. I'm so excited for you, and I can't wait to read it! Good luck with covering costs. I know it will work out for you!

  27. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I've been wanting to publish a book since I was in the third grade, but it's been far too long and I'm slacking on my dreams. But you're out there doing it! That's so amazing! Good luck with all the costs. I'm so excited to look through all your products and see what will be good for me. Being brave is the best goal to make. You're an inspiration for me and I cannot wait to read your book. :)

  28. Wow, congratulations! That is crazy cool. I cannot wait to read you book someday, and be like, I heard about it before it came out : ) I'd love to have you write something for my blog, if you'd like!

  29. Wow, this is so exciting! What's your novel about? I'll check out your shop and I'm looking forward to reading more.

  30. Congrats!! This is so exciting!!! Writing a novel is on my bucket list but it's so amazing that you've already accomplished this. :) I'll definitely be checking out your shop!

  31. congratulations! i bought something from your shop! and i posted the link on my fb. Cant wait to buy your book!

  32. Good luck! You've got to take a risk every so often!

  33. That is so so so so so exciting! I am so happy for you, and I cannot wait to read it!

    Keep being Brave girl:)

  34. How exciting!! Well done for being so brave, I know it's not easy to put yourself out there!

    Rachel [at] AMomentInTime.


  35. Oh my goodness lady I am too excited for you! If I need anything I am definitely going to send some business your way and I can't wait to read th book!

  36. I'm excited to see what this book is about. You have a really cute blog. Thanks for the comment you left on my blog, it helped me find you and yours! I will be visiting your ETSY shop now! Email me also if you would like to ever work together because I am highly interested :)

  37. Wow, what an amazing accomplishment! Congratulations!

  38. CONGRATS!!! And wishing you the best of luck!! xoxoxo

  39. Ummm this is amazing!!! congrats!! this is huge!!

  40. Holy cow that's amazing! And I have to say I'm a little jealous. I've been participating in NaNoWriMo since 2008 and every year I say it's going to be the year I do something with my words. And then I chicken out.

    I need to follow your lead and BE BRAVE.

    Maybe I'll review your book on my blog one day ;)

  41. Wow, congrats! That is amazing that you wrote a book. That must have been so much work. And you shouldn't be afraid of what other people think because how many of them wrote a book? Way to go!

  42. Oh O am so happy for you! That's one of mine wishes, to write a book, it must feel amazing!

  43. Wow, congratulations on being published!! Also visited your site--tons of cute things :) I really enjoy your blog so far and would love to follow each other--please join my GFC and I'll follow you right back!


    xo Jess

  44. Congratulations on your book!!!! I will definitely send you some twitter love to help out! Way to take risks and put yourself out there.

  45. Yay!!! That's so awesome and I know it'll be great.

  46. Amazing! Congratulations! That is seriously such a big accomplishment and you should be so proud!

  47. 1000000000x yes!!!! So proud and happy for you!! Would love to help promote you any way I can. Love you!

  48. I have wanted to write too. I am thrilled that you took the 'plunge'. Good luck!

  49. Congratulations! Being brave is all about what 2014 is about. I for one can't wait to see your published book in full form. Kudos for chasing your dream!

  50. Congrats to you, Chelsea. That is very brave, indeed. Kudos to you for writing 66,405 words and then publishing them! I will definitely share this post on my Twitter now to help you get those sales to get closer to this goal! (@Ohtobeamuse)

    Please vote for me in this WWDMagic contest--you can vote today even if you already voted before!

  51. Wow!! How exciting--and very, very brave! Good for you--I know that is a long and difficult endeavor, but one that you will always be proud that you accomplished!

  52. That is phenomenal Chelsea, congratulations my love!

    xx Kelly
    Sparkles and Shoes

  53. SO INCREDIBLE!!! congratulations, Chelsea. this is an amazing accomplishment. so proud!

  54. Congratulations!! Cheers for you, a brave heart!

  55. Congrats, I'd be happy to share this for you! : )

  56. Well I was away when all this happened so I just had to go back and fill myself in. You are AMAZING! You go girl. See this is exactly what I mean by my envy post today. Way to rock it out. I wish you so much luck in all of this :)

  57. you go, girl! i am so excited for you and cannot wait to read it. :)

  58. Oh my gosh, this is HUGE Chelsea! Good luck with everything and keep us posted on when it'll be available!!


  59. Congratulations, girl! This is awesome! Good for you for chasing your dreams! :)

  60. What amazing news this is! Congratulations! I'm your newest follower, by the way. I'm super excited for your book. I'm a book-reader, so I'll be sure to purchase your book when it comes out! What a blessing :)

  61. CONGRATULATIONS! You are an inspiration. There is nothing so gratifying in this world than following your dreams, and watching yourself succeed. Cannot wait to read it!

  62. This must feel so surreal! Congrats girl, super excited for you!!!

  63. I'll be sharing on my blog this week! Congratulations!

  64. That is so awesome!!! If you email me the html to your shop button I'd be happy to post it on my blog sidebar!

  65. Wow! Congrats, congrats, congrats! I know hard it is to put yourself out there! It is such a big step! I will definitely share a link to your shop! And I can't wait to read your book once it's published! So exciting!

  66. Wow! This is so exciting! Congratulations and best of luck to you!

  67. That's awesome! Deep down that's my dream-to be a writer of words, to publish books. Ever since I was a little girl, so I get this excitement and how this must feel! Congrats to you!

  68. CONGRATULATIONS!!! what an amazing feeling that must be! I can't wait to hear updates, and read all about your successes!

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. So exciting!!! In the words of Mrs. Roosevelt "Do one thing that scares you everyday". :)

  71. Wow, that's huge! Congratulations on your bravery and risk-taking, that must be exhilarating (as much as it is terrifying, haha). I'm excited to hear more about your novel! :)

  72. CONGRAAAATS! That is so awesome!! I would love to read your book:)

  73. This is incredible. I am so excited and hope I can help!

  74. I know I am a tad belated, but this is SO awesome! May have to put that bad boy on my Kindle for my long flights this weekend :)


say whatcha need to say.