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Friday, January 31, 2014

Thankful Fridays: 2014 edition.

Thankful Fridays was one of my favorite parts about blogging last year.  I decided it was time to throw it back into the mix this year.  I highly recommend you join me, even if you don't blog about it.  Forcing yourself to find things you're thankful for or things that made you happy in your week, even if they're silly things, can really change your attitude.

1.  Pitch Perfect 2 is coming out.

If this is your first time hearing this, just go back to bed now.  Your day isn't going to get any better than this.

2.  Encouraging comments, emails & tweets.

Because having a ton of people who would be strangers to me if it were not for the internet telling me they're excited for me is such a weird, incredible gift.

3.  TFIOS trailer.

Be right back while I go cry for approximately 37 days while I remember how good this book was.  Also, that has over 6 MILLION views and only came out about two days ago.  Please, try to tell me that this generation doesn't like to read.

4.  Authors.

More specifically, authors who have the ability to string words together in a way that just makes you feel.  I'm looking at you, John Green.

5.  Gold paint pens.

Because yes.

P.S. Book update:  I'm halfway there!  I only need to sell 155 more things to meet my goal.  You guys are amazing. 

Check out this month's featured sponsor:


  1. I am so excited for Pitch Perfect 2!!!

  2. i'm thankful for pretty much everything on this list...and for you!
    happy weekend, love!

  3. Heck ya for Pitch Perfect 2!!! I really need to finally read TFIOS because the trailer is killing me and I want to see the movie.

  4. So.... confession: I've never actually seen Perfect Pitch 1.

  5. I still need to see the first Pitch Perfect- what is wrong with me?!

  6. Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my goodness! You're right - my day HAS been made! I'm SO excited that there's gonna be a Pitch Perfect 2!!! Hopefully it's not dumb like the majority of 2 movies...

  7. John Green is amazing. The Fault in our Stars? I cried.

    I cannot wait for Pitch Perfect 2!

  8. Yay for Pitch Perfect 2 and I'm with you on the gold paint pen...I have a major gold crush right now :)

  9. Pitch Perfect 2?! How did I not know about this? Thankful Fridays is a great idea. I did Thankful Thursdays for a long time last year and miss it as well. Enjoy your weekend friend!

  10. What are your favorite type/brand of gold paint pens? I've been loving gold lately!

    AJ | TheAJMinute

  11. YES. So loved TFIOS. Gah!

    Also--just saw your book update and clicked the link to the post--congrats girl!! That is SO exciting :) The first time I saw my book in print, held it in my hands, I cried tears of joy. Writing a book is such an accomplishment, and I can't wait to see what's in store for you!! You should be very proud.

  12. I'm also super excited for Pitch Perfect 2! Although I am also a bit scared that it won't approach the greatness of the first film! x

  13. oooh i hadn't heard that pitch perfect was getting a sequel - so fun!
    -- jackie @ jade and oak

  14. So excited about Pitch Perfect 2! And I haven't told you yet, so congrats on the new endeavors in publishing...that is so, so exciting! :)

  15. ahh i seriously cannot wait for pitch perfect 2!

    xo brie

  16. I am SO excited about Pitch Perfect 2!! That is going to be excellent!

  17. Thanks for posting the trailer for The Fault in our Stars! I'm a reader and this is on my list!

    Shenine @


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