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Friday, June 27, 2014

Happy to be Alive, Because: You're Mine For Life.

23 years ago today, my favorite human being was born.  Happy birthday to my babe!

1.  I have someone to take these types of pictures with:

And these types of pictures with: 

2.  I get to wake up and see my best friend every morning.  Cliche?  Duh.  Absolutely true?  You bet.  And he brings me coffee every morning.  Boom.

3.  No matter how many times I tried to imagine what this season of life would be like (a lot of times, by the way), I never thought it would look like being married to the hardest worker who is just as passionate about my dreams as his own, living 17 stories in the sky downtown, and spending nights adventuring and then coming home to a little fox.  It's nothing like I thought it would be, in all the best ways.

4.  I get to do life with someone who knows me, pushes me, makes me laugh, brings me flowers, knows just when to bring home pizza and wine, and walks my sissy dog.  That, my friends, makes a good life.

5.  I am about to have the best weekend ever celebrating the love of my life.

Cheers to 23, my love!  It's gonna be a good one.

What made you happy to be alive this week? 


  1. Yay for bdays! Love the wedding photo!

  2. wonderful post! ya'll are just too cute :) xo happy weekend!

  3. Love this!! That wedding photo is beautiful!! Have so much fun this weekend!!

  4. so sweet chelsea! you guys are so cute and i love that you have a little fox, because so do we :)
    hope you and your hubs have a wonderful weekend celebrating!

  5. Happy 23rd to your favorite person in the world!

  6. Well isn't this just adorable! Have a lovely weekend celebrating :)

  7. Yay! I hope you guys have a wonderful time celebrating your loves birthday.

    <3 Jackie

  8. Too sweet! Happy birthday to your love!

  9. Happy birthday to him! I think everyone's spouse should be their best friend (a lot of people like to say it, but don't treat their spouse with the same respect and consideration as they give their friends).

  10. this is the sweetest. :)
    happy birthday! YAY!

    love, taylor

  11. Happy Belated Birthday to him, and you guys are Adorbs!

  12. Beautiful couple! I can't believe he's only turning 23?! You guys must have gotten married REALLY young.....I LOVE it!

  13. Happy birthday to him! :) This is a great list of things to be happy for.

    This week I've been for happy for puppy cuddles and my new nephew, who was born last night.

  14. Happy Birthday to your hubs!!! Wow- he brings you coffee every morning?! (I get water brought to me each night before bed.. which is totally fine by me - still super sweet!) :)

  15. I love this post. So honest and sweet!

  16. Too cute! So swweeeet. I can't wait until I can have a husband to gush over like this! Happy birthday to him!

    This week, I'm happy about going to see my s/o! Can't wait! Butterflies! :)

  17. I am so glad I found your blog. It's beautiful and so are you and your hubby!! I hope y'all have the happiest marriage!

  18. This is the sweetest post! Happy belated birthday to your hubby!
    xo Kat


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