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Thursday, May 7, 2015

At One Point, Your Favorite Book Did Not Exist.

Having dreams is hard work. Really, no matter what stage you're at. Whether you're failing or succeeding or chasing them, dreams and goals and hopes are hard work. And when they make things difficult, it can be easy to look around at others who seem to be successful and just decide you're not cut out for this.

But here's the thing.

At one point, things that you use now on a daily basis--iPhones and instagram and those sorts of things--were nothing more than ideas, if that.

There was a time when that life-changing idea that helped so many people across the world only existed in one person's mind.

At one point, your favorite book did not exist. There were no ideas, chapters, publishing contracts. It simply did not exist.

One thing that everyone who has ever succeeded has in common is that at one point, they had not succeeded yet. And then, they did. 

An idea and hard work and perseverance and a connection or two and some time and a little bit of magic later, their dream was a reality.

So maybe right now, your book doesn't exist yet. Your great idea still only lives in your head. Your big dream is too unrealistic, too expensive, too foolish.

If that's the case, you're on the right track. And you're in good company.

You don't know when it's going to be your turn. 

You never know when things are going to turn around.

Don't quit before you get there.

If there's a beautiful story living inside your head, what a shame it would be to quit before the world got a chance to read it.

What a pity it would be to give up before your big ideas have a chance to change the world.

So yes, dreams are hard, no matter how you look at it. And when they get to be too hard--when you're too tired or too broke or too overwhelmed or feel too small, you have to remember this.

These are words I grew up hearing my dad say over and over, words that reverberate in my brain when I'm tired and want to stop waking up early to write. Words that shoot (sometimes painfully) through my heart when I want to stop blogging and stop writing and find something else I like almost as much and just settle with being almost as happy.

If you don't quit, you can't lose. 

If you keep going, eventually you're going to make it. A week from now or twenty years from now or next month...if you keep going, you will win this.


  1. I hope you never stop writing or blogging. It seems you were meant to be a writer and it'd be a waste to not share that gift with the world! Can't wait to see what the future holds for you.

  2. Chelsea! Your posts always leave me wanting to leave a novel-long comment, but then I find that I don't have the words to express how much you make me think deep things! Ha! :) Love this post!

  3. So true! You posts provide such great inspiration!

  4. oh oh oh! i love this so so much. thank you for this.

  5. Yes yes yes! Sometimes I'm so afraid that I'll never sit myself down and start writing my book, but it really is up to me to stay determined and make it happen. I think the fear of failing is a big scary monster staring me down. I love this.

  6. I always love how inspirational your posts are. So much amazingness here today :-D

  7. I love this so much. For the title alone, as a writer...So true and so motivational...

  8. I love this so post so much. I really needed to this message right now. Thank you for being my inspiration for the day.

  9. Chelsea, your writing is so beautiful. Even the title spoke to me. I think it's something everyone needs to hear. :)

  10. I love this! I'm adding the title of this post to my list of inspirational quotes from friends.

  11. This was so encouraging to me today! Thanks for this.

  12. This is amazing. YES to all of it!

  13. Love this!!!! So true. Keep on dreaming no matter what because that's where it starts.

  14. This reminds me of the quote "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step". Just because something isn't happening now, does not always mean that it never will.

  15. this is so amazing and just what i needed to read today! your dad is a wise man and our dreams our totally worth it. thank you for writing this and keep on living your dream!

  16. I swear you should be a motivational speaker! You are so positively peppy and wonderful.

  17. thanks for the reminder! :) I'm usually not a quitter when it comes to other things.. but lately, I've been wanting to work on my writing.. and I just am having a hard time starting bc I keep telling myself I'm just no good at it. :P i need to start somewhere for sure.

  18. This is so true and so inspirational! Thank you for it!! :)

  19. Absolutely wonderful advice. I really needed to hear this right now. It's hard to not want to throw in the towel sometimes!! Thanks for sharing!

  20. This is totally the read I needed today! Thanks for such encouraging words!

  21. This is a wonderful way to look at things and a thought not many people point out :)

  22. I love this post. It's such a great philosophy to keep and remember.

  23. Keep dreaming...dream big! All the hard work is worth it, if it wasn't one would do it. XO!

  24. So true, and definitely something I need to remind myself of more often when I'm lacking some inspiration/motivation!


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