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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Deep Breath.

I love to-do lists. If they're made with pretty paper and pens, they very well may be my love language. Life is just easier when you have an itemized list written in colorful ink.

But there are times when the to-do list just seems out of control. When an already full page bleeds onto another, then another, and you realize there's a zero percent chance that everything you've told yourself you must get done today is going to get done.

These are the days where a vacation would be nice--Hawaii or a cruise or a tropical island somewhere  with a piƱa colada and no phone, no email, no planner or to-do list that is threatening to eat your time.

Unfortunately, this is reality. And here in reality, Tuesdays usually mean you have to go to work and do the things on your to-do list instead of lounging on a beach sipping on a fruity drink. So what are you supposed to do when everything is overwhelming and you have to be productive except there's no possible way you'll finish anything, ever?

Take a deep breath.

Sure, you may not be able to jet off to the beach, but you can take a break. Close your planner. Turn your phone on silent for five minutes. Open a window or go outside and take a walk. Productivity and the hustle and the to-do list are great, and they're important. But so are moments of quiet and stillness.

So take a deep breath.

And then dive right back in.

Cheers to a Tuesday full of productivity, hustle, and deep breaths.


  1. So true friend, taking a deep breath and a little break helps me for sure!

  2. I'm deep breathing my way right into vacation. Only seven more work days!

  3. Thanks for the reminder! This is such a helpful post. Happy Tuesday!

  4. Such a good reminder. I can't get in the productive mood today. Maybe I just need a deep breath.

  5. Needed this nice reminder today. Ah. Happy Tuesday, friend!

  6. Lovely post - when to do lists seemed to much to bear I'd usually go on a lunch time walk at work sans phone. It's so nice having a clear mind when you return.

  7. I love to do lists too (there is something so satisfying about finishing a task and crossing it off the list), but sometimes it's just not possible to get everything done :)

    Emmett - Hippie Lace

  8. Great reminder today! As much as I also love to-do lists on pretty paper (the best part is the feeling of accomplishment when crossing items off!) it can definitely get overwhelming. A pina colada on a pretty beach sounds really good right now :)

  9. Oh man I need to take a deep breath. I feel super overwhelmed with all the packing and moving!

  10. needed this today more than I can even explain!

  11. There are so many times I need to just step away and's the only thing that saves me from a full blown panic attack.

  12. My to-do list feels like that right now! Walks help!

  13. Now that school is out and my kids are home all day I am taking more time to do just that. I am blogging less, doing less, and taking more time to just BE with them. I love it;)

  14. Walking away and taking that breat is SO helpful!

  15. a sweet simple reminder to take a step back and focus on what's important is so needed! beautifully written.

  16. So true! I definitely need to take deep breaths often. :)

  17. Very true! To do lists can only do so much! Sometimes you need to take a step back and breathe! :)

  18. I need to remember to do this more often!

  19. I think I need this, not that I'm overly busy or anything. Sometimes you just can't get a break, no matter how much time you have to waste. Jetting off to a beach sounds superbly ideal, but I guess I could settle for a deep breath.

    The Life of Little Me

  20. Right now I feel like I'm drowning. A deep breath would be great right now.

    Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird

  21. I'm with you on the to-do lists... there's nothing more satisfying than crossing things off the list! But sometimes a deep breath is better than it all... thanks for the reminder!

  22. Great reminder... I would say lists are my "love language" too. :)

  23. yes i have to remember this! i feel like my to do list is always a mile long!

  24. i really like the quote.. in between to-do lists.. there is a thing called life that must be lived. i might be butchering it. sometimes i overdo my bucket lists / monthly / daily.. whatever lists too. :)


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