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Tuesday, June 9, 2015

8 Goals Everyone Should Have.

1. Complain less. Complaining usually doesn't help much, if at all. What it does do is bring you down, along with anyone who happens to be listening to you. Hanging out with people who complain all the time is exhausting. Also, being someone who complains all the time has to be exhausting. So do yourself and everyone around you a favor and start veering your comments to a more positive side.

2. Drink more water. What drinking more water does to your body is seriously magical. Your skin gets better, you have less headaches, you have more energy, you feel overall better...just by drinking water. There's no reason not to do this. Buy a cute tumbler and keep it filled all day!

3. Compliment others. Compliments are so easy. They are free, quick ways to make someone's day so much better. If you like the color of someone's shirt, say so. If someone went out of their way to help you, mention it. Throw compliments around freely.

4. Practice being thankful. Complaining makes your day worse. Want to know what makes it better? Being thankful. For big things, little things, in-between things.

5. Get rid of what you don't use. I tend to form sentimental bonds with everything that I own...until said things are taking over my apartment. Listen: Throw stuff away. If you don't use it anymore, toss it. If you don't wear it anymore, give it away. Life is about experiences, not things.

6. Learn how to survive without takeout. I could easily eat Chick-Fil-A for every single meal and be a very happy person. But do you know who's not happy with that arrangement? My wallet. Also, my waistline. Everyone should know how to cook a meal or two at home. It's cheaper, healthier, and you can do so in your pajamas. So, we're looking at a win/win/win here.

7. Enjoy reading. Not everyone loves reading fiction, or even books in general. I get it. I don't understand it, but hey. Just because you don't like reading books doesn't mean you should swear off reading. Reading is a great way to learn--both really cool things and also completely unnecessary, but fun, things. There's plenty you can read without ever cracking open a book--magazines, articles, newspapers. Fill your brain with some good words.

8. Think before you speak speak, write, text, post, tweet...etc. I have a favorite quote when it comes to speaking out on controversial matters:

Does this need to be said?
Does this need to be said by me? 
Does this need to be said by me right now?

If you actually think about those things before saying whatever you wanted to say, chances are you'd regret a lot less.

What goals do you think everyone should have?


  1. This is a GREAT post! I think most people really struggle with most of these things (myself included)!

  2. and this is awesome! so true. this was a great reminder for me today!

  3. So true! Following these goals will make people a lot happier!

  4. I'm so happy that complain less is your number one!

  5. I totally agree about complaining less. It's exhausting whether you're the complainer or the one listening to someone else complain. Such a downer and who has time for it!? I also agree about giving compliments. It's one of the easiest ways to make someone else's day and your day too. I always feel happiest when I'm doing nice things for others.

  6. Yes to all of these! I am always working on having more time to read (essential!), and the last one is key. Gossiping less is a good goal for me, and staying away from negative things.

  7. Oooh Chic Fil A every meal sounds delish... but not happening! I definitely try to drink more water, and am definitely working on the complaining thing. The more positive I am, the happier I am :)

  8. I love your list!!! This is great! Drink more water - YES!

  9. Definitely goals we all can improve on! I have been working on drinking more water recently and though I don't think I complain a lot I still want to complain less (:

  10. I really like #8. Good all around list though! thanks for sharing :)

  11. Amen to these! I really don't know why people don't drink more water. It's basically the only thing I drink all day long!

  12. Yes! I loved reading this. I need to remember these things every day.

  13. Gosh couldn't agree with you more! These leave room for a more peaceful life with less mental clutter!

  14. So true. You would think these would be obvious, but we all need reminders sometimes. Love this list.

  15. Compliments seriously make the world go round. So many great things can happen just by complimenting others and being a genuinely kind and thoughtful person. I love giving them and I love receiving them, because they can truly turn a bad day into a great one.

  16. Yes, compliments can seriously turn a day around. Also, the thing about speaking before you speak, text and tweet is HUGE. I have learned to think about my words before I post anything because one little word can make a difference in what you intend.

  17. I desperately need to work on #6 more! #5 is my favorite though, I love decluttering.

  18. I completely agree! Especially with the water + the reading. I can get lost for days in a good book...

  19. Perfect, lady. Complimenting people goes such a long way... It's so amazing how you can chance someone's day just by saying something nice! Everything else on this list is great, too!

  20. What a great round up! I love the idea that everyone should read more -- it always inspires me!

  21. I think if we all tried to do more of these things we'd all live a bit of a happier life.

  22. This is a great list, lady!

    #1 is so important!!!

  23. Absolutely love this list Chelsea!! Apparently I wasn't following you and this whole time I thought I had been. I am so sorry! Anyways, that is fixed. Would you like to swap buttons? I love seeing your comments on my blog and love visiting yours! I would love to share buttons with each other and it would make it even easier on my part to visit you! Let me know what you think girl :)

  24. Amen to this list Chelsea!! It's perfect - I was nodding along with every single one! I think compliments are such a little, easy thing but they make the biggest difference to someone's day! xxx Carly

  25. This is SO incredibly true.

    I definitely try to complain less (a never ending goal), drink more water, cook more often, etc. Love this.

  26. These are fantastic! You're right. Everyone should have these goals. The world would be a much better place.

  27. I love Chick-Fil-A a little too much too... might need to work on that one. But oh man, that spicy chicken sandwich....

  28. Yes, yes, yes to all of these. How do you manage to put such good thoughts into words?

  29. Im with you on enjoying reading. I definitely think everyone should strive to enjoy that!

  30. So many yesses to this - I especially need to do no.1 - to the point that I decided to make a complaint jar (in the idea of a swear jar!). No.3 is another definite, but it's hard to gracefully take a compliment and not bat it away by playing the compliment thing down... (this may just be a British thing!)

  31. I basically 100% love and agree with every single thing on this list! I've taken up reading again and am really enjoying it!

  32. Yes! These are all so true! I especially loved #5 and what you said at the end. I used to hold have emotional ties to things and now I'm trying to get over that. Sure, there are some things that still mean a lot, but I'm working on weeding most things out and it feels so good not to have all of these things that I don't use and don't have a place for cluttering up my home.

  33. I really need to work on #2. Some days drinking half my weight in ounces is such a breeze, and other days it's a chore. I do feel so much better when I do drink a lot though!

  34. SO love these goals, and I've never heard that quotation at the end... I love it and need to learn to live it!!!! I think I just need to read this post every morning, and I'd for sure be a happier, better person! :)

  35. I can not even express how difficult it is for me to drink water all the time! I struggle with that so much.

  36. This is so true! I love these tips and really think implementing these will lead to a happier life :) I've always struggled with drinking more water, but thankfully I've been thirstier since being pregnant, which helps me drink more!


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