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Monday, June 22, 2015

Life Doesn’t Have to be Extravagant to be an Adventure.

Today is a good, good day. 

As I type this, Chris is taking his last ever med school test. 

No. More. Studying. 

I am so excited about this that I don’t even really know how to put it into words, so I’ll just say this: If you need me tonight, I’ll just be dancing of uncontrollable happiness somewhere.

Anyway, it’s made me think. When you’re younger and summers mean breaks from school, summer is all about adventure. And that never really goes away, except now you have to work and take care of things and most likely don’t have a responsibility-free summer. 

So the adventure is planned. It's sorted into vacations that we count down to, or road trips that we use our vacation days for. Summer still makes us excited, it still makes us want adventure, but that adventure doesn’t permeate each day, because we have things to do. We don’t have time for life to be extravagant, because we’re busy. Adventure has to wait until vacation. 

But I’m learning daily…life does not have to be extravagant to be an adventure.

Today is a good day, but it’s not extravagant. 

I’m going to work. Chris is taking a test, for goodness sake. I’ll have tons left on my to-do list by the time work is over. I’ll come home to a house that needs to be cleaned and laundry that needs to be done. 

But tonight will see celebratory chick-fil-a…giant cups of sweet tea cheering to the end of studying. Going swimming under the stars. Watching a movie just because. 

None of that is extravagant. I will still wake up tomorrow and come to work. My house will still need to be cleaned. My to-do list will still be overflowing. 

But it is an adventure. And a beautiful one at that. 

How do you make everyday life adventurous? 


  1. I absolutely love this post. It is so true. You cant wait until vacation to appreciate life. You need to find the beauty in every day because LIFE is every day. Real life - cleaning and errand-running and working and parenting and doing chores. That is reality but it doesn't mean that any of those things cant be a fun adventure also. It's all about perspective.

  2. Congratulations to your husband! That is a huge accomplishment. Your celebration night sounds absolutely perfect.

  3. Congrats to him!! No more tests is such a good feeling!

  4. yay! congrats to him! and whole heartedly agree with this sentiment.

  5. I absolutely love this! It's definitely been an adjustment this summer having to work and be responsible but you are so right!

  6. Congrats to Chris! I am so excited for y'all! Does that mean the MS3 is officially over for him? :) That is one of the best feelings ever!

  7. Yay for your husband! That's such great news!

  8. Congratulations to Chris! And to Chelsea - because now he can spend more time with her. Your celebratory night sounds awesome! My husband & I will be celebrating our Wedding Anniversary tonight. Which I ordered a "special request" from your website for you to do something really special for me to give to him as a gift. She did a FANTASTIC job! She did an album & it is filled with page after page depicting our lives! Girls & Gals out there - you probably know this already - Chelsea is a very smart & creative young lady! Thank you Chelsea! (I also love your blog!)

  9. That's awesome! Kudos to him.

    I agree with this. Small pleasures feel huge.

  10. So happy for Chris! I am finishing up my first year of grad school and still have another year of tests...I could not imagine 3 years more! Everyday, whether it is good or bad, I try to make the best out of it, even if it is as simple as finishing a homework assignment or just going on a run!

  11. I love this! There is so much to celebrate in life and I think we get so caught up in looking ahead to whatever's next that we sometimes forget to celebrate the smaller (and not so small!) things.

  12. I look for the good everyday. I am a firm believer in adventures and they have nothing to do with extravagance :)

  13. Congratulations to Chris! That is so awesome. We celebrate the little things in little ways- sometimes that means a special cocktail just because we made it to Friday. ;)

  14. Love this perspective. One of my "extravagances" is just cooking a homemade breakfast in the morning. And adventure can just be a walk around the block on a beautiful day--free and lovely.

  15. That is a very good perspective. I feel like we all look forward to the weekend/summer/holidays and forget to cherish and enjoy each day. Even appreciating the little things can make a day great. YAY for last med school test ever - that is DEFINITELY something worth celebrating!

  16. My husband is finishing up his requirements to go to Optometry school. It's been quite an adventure trying to adjust our work schedules and spend some time together. Congrats on your husband for finishing it up! :)

  17. As you know from my blog title haha, I really strive to make every day life an adventure. The little adventures add up t the big ones. It's so easy to get caught up in the countdowns to the big vacations, the big moves, and the big "new" things. But however cheesy it sounds, everyday is a new day, a new chance. Live it up! Enjoy your extra time together lovies.

  18. I always feel the simplest things make me happy. Watching the kids run through the sprinklers, reading a book in a sun filled room, sticking my feet in the sand at the beach…it doesn't take much to make me content;) Your celebration sounds like perfection..congrats to your husband (and you!) on all the hard work and dedication!

  19. I love this! I love your reminders that every day can be special. It's easy to forget that sometimes. :)

  20. Yee!!! Congratulations Chris (and you too of course)! I think most of the moments in life that are special aren't extravagant. I do love bits of extravagance here and there but those aren't generally what mean the most-like you said it is the little ordinary things that mean so much!

  21. Oh man, I needed this today. Thanks lady!

    Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird

  22. I love this! As a wife to a husband who just finished school a couple weeks ago (and will probably start PA school in the next year), I think I did the same happy dance you did. congratulations to your husband! And thanks for reminding me that simple life is the best life and doesn't always have to look IG worthy. Our non-extravagant excitement has been going to the waterpark, enjoying breakfast together, and eating dinner at Panda Express :)


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