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Tuesday, June 2, 2015

just write: so much more to show you.

so much more to show you poem

sunrises and sunsets,
raindrops cooling down your skin.
the world is full of little magic
if you just stop to take it in.
the stars poke holes in the darkness
just to say hello to you,
but you only see them through a screen,
making sure everyone else will see them, too.
the world fights for your attention
as you just fight for more:
more followers, likes, and comments,
when there's magic at your door.
sometimes, just for you
the world shares a little secret.
but when you try so quick to capture it,
then you completely miss it.
and when picking up your phone
is the first thing that you do,
you can sometimes hear the sky's sad whisper,
"but I had so much more to show you." 


  1. Yes! This is great. and something a lot of us should think more about;)

  2. Those last two lines are so powerful girl!!!! Love this!

  3. This is so lovely and so meaningful in a society where we are so quick to try and document and share everything. I remind myself to enjoy the moment not just sharing the moment fairly often. I'm not perfect and this poem is a great reminder!

  4. I love this! Your poems always make me think.

  5. wow. so beautifully written & powerful. but also so much truth!


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